Chris Messina

Integram v2 - Integrate Telegram into your workflow. Now open source.

Top Hunter

Integram is a set of rich integrations for Telegram

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Roman Khafizianov
Hey Product Hunters! After the initial release Integram sent more than 1.5mln messages in your work chats. And the world never be the same because bots almost rule it 🤖 With all your feedback in the mind and the great Telegram Bot API in my hands, I tried to bring services integrations in chats to a new level. Also I think that such project will succeeded only with your collaboration. So I open all sources of Integram. 🌟And vote for your favourite services that not yet implemented in Integram –
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
The best way to add Slack-like integrations to Telegram is now at v2.0 — and has been open sourced! Curious what @durov thinks of this...
Austin Sandmeyer
DJ Little
So cool! Would love to connect this to project management and other types of WordPress plugins
Roman Khafizianov
@imdrewlittle you can use the basic Webhook bot to integrate almost anything. Just open and get the instruction –
Rotem Yakir
As a devout user of Telegram and Trello, this is a must have!
Roman Khafizianov
@rotemthegolfer glad to hear that! What other services you use at work?
Roman Khafizianov
@rotemthegolfer Bitbucket is also working good but I still waiting Atlsassian team to complete their APIv2 with issue/commit commenting
Dima Pursanov

In cons I've said that better webhook integration would be good, but Im not completely honest here: project is opensourced, so nothing stops me to implement my favorite service integrations! Just had no time for now (excuse as always!). Otherwise its great to notify team on every commit to special projects and have commit history inside of Telegram (with its good implementation of quick search its sooo helpfull to find something very quickly!). Thanks to the team for very high quality product.


WebHooks and BitBucket integration


Better webhook implementation would be good

Alexey Fisun
What apps do you have for now? Is this only for PM/Meetings?
Roman Khafizianov
@alexey_fisun for now primarily for developers (Gitlab, Bitbucket, Trello), marketing, designers & PMs... (Trello). Please vote for other services that you use at work 👍
Bogdan Naumatullov (Kramatorsk)

Не работает бот GitHubBot /connect произвёл, авторизовался через ссылку. При /newintegration пишет "Please use /connect to link your GitHub account first." хотя я уже ж произвёл connect





Bogdan Naumatullov (Kramatorsk)
Не работает бот GitHubBot /connect произвёл, авторизовался через ссылку. При /newintegration пишет "Please use /connect to link your GitHub account first." хотя я уже ж произвёл connect
Free Ads Groups
Awesome.. 💚 I just wishing someday I can see every new stuff posted at my Pinterest board will show instantly at my Telegram Group. 🤗