Gone are the days where you spend weeks creating and optimizing copy, searching images, and designing conversion funnels.
Quickly build a unique, high quality quiz to promote your business, grow your community, and generate qualified leads.
I was skeptical about how well quizzes would work for my business, but with just 5 quizzes using Interact, I've 5'xed my email list over the last 9 months. I've been so impressed with this product, and to now see them making it even easier with AI is something I'm really excited to jump in to.
It's so cool to see the new AI quiz builder! I've been a longtime user of Interact quizzes in my health business and highly recommend it! I've found it useful for client education as well as lead generation.
Quizzes and forms are much needed for every business. But I'm wondering if we need to do it so fast. We like to evaluate our Personas by thinking about them for weeks...
@alvarovillalb_ give it a try and compare results! The work youve done with persona targeting in your content is enhanced by our dataset of millions of quiz takers over the past 10 years.
Interact AI is truly such a GAME-CHANGER when it comes to quiz lead generation. Interact makes the process super simple and within a matter of minutes I can have a quiz built for me that can generate not only new leads but additional revenue in my business. I was truly mind-blown by how fast, intuitive, and innovative Interact AI is and how much their quiz-builder radically impacted my business! I'd highly recommend this tool for any business!