Matt Hodges

The Business Messenger by Intercom - More than just chat. Intercom's new app platform.

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Meet the all-new Intercom Messenger – the only Business Messenger built for more than just chat. Accelerate growth across the customer lifecycle with a new customizable home screen, a growing library of Messenger apps, and a truly extensible platform.

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Matt Hodges
Top Product
G’day hunters–me again, with what’s perhaps Intercom’s biggest release ever. No joke. Today we launched the all-new Intercom Messenger. And it’s incredible. We’ve reimagined what a Business Messenger should be, going beyond just chat and opening up a platform that helps businesses accelerate growth across the entire customer lifecycle – acquisition, engagement, and support. Here’s what’s new: 1. Customizable home screen: Like the perfect front desk for your website or app - create tailored experiences for leads and customers when they open the Messenger. 2. Messenger apps: Complete actions in the Messenger seamlessly with a growing library of apps for Stripe, Statuspage, Shopify, Google Meet, Aircall, Product Hunt and more. 3. Extensible platform: Create your own Messenger apps to suit your unique workflows – and enable entirely new ones. Plus, there are new customization options, sounds and more. Best of all, the new Messenger and new apps are 100% free to use with existing Intercom subscriptions. Head over to our website to learn more - - or watch our live event - - hosted by our VP of Product Paul Adams, today at 9:30 am PT. We’d love to know what you think!
Ben King
@mattnhodges Hi Matt, love the new messenger! Just wondering, when you say they're free to use "with existing Intercom subscriptions", does that mean new customers will have to pay more?
Matt Hodges
Top Product
@benkingntu thanks Ben! Good question. There are no changes to pricing, for new or existing customers, with this release.
Imrat Jn
@mattnhodges amazing update to a great product. I use intercom more then email, WhatsApp & messenger. Now was hoping for some PH special jump the queue link here but looks like I just have to wait until its rolled out?
Matt Hodges
Top Product
@imrat 🙏🏻 I’ll see what I can do
Oscar Bunting
@mattnhodges This looks awesome! Is there a certain order that the update is rolled out in, or is it just random? Can’t wait to try it out! 👍
Ryan Hoover
This is a brilliant move. Intercom's hit the level of scale where they can support an app ecosystem and if done right, we'll see a ton of makers and companies build apps for their Messenger. We're happy to be a launch partner (thanks to @imkmf's work). The first app allows you to display your PH product post inside Messenger (GIF how-to above) but we'd also like to build more apps that makers might find useful. Ideas/feedback!? 😊
Matt Hodges
Top Product
@imkmf @rrhoover thanks so much for supporting us! We absolutely love your app. So much so we’re using it on our own home screen over at 🙌🏻
Eoghan McCabe
@imkmf @rrhoover Thank you. ❤️
Anderson Santos
@imkmf @rrhoover @mattnhodges Just wish you guys support multi language help centers... waiting for more then a year for this....
Abhimanyu Rana
Not cool. Good artists copy. Great artists steal? Sorry!
Christian Vanderbeck
@planetabhi What am i missing?
Oscar Bunting
@planetabhi You've got to remember that Intercom's probably been working on this for quite some time. I've liked Kayako for a while, and check it out from time-to-time, only now have I seen that "home screen" section. It's possible it's just a coincidence.
Oscar Bunting
@jmedwards Yeah for this size of an update for Intercom, it's probably been in the works for longer than that.
Stefano Perrotta

It has been fantastic working side by side with the people at Intercom and be part of this launch!


It is an amazing tool. It is literally a new way to interact with your customers and prospects without leaving Intercom.


Don't see any right now.

James Peter
We've had a great time building an app for the new Messenger that we use internally. Intercom uses a really interesting take on app integrations that I haven't seen before. It works surprisingly well and is easy to develop for. Definitely lots of opportunities for companies to speed up their workflow here with little effort.
Matt Hodges
Top Product
@zemaj thanks so much, James! We're super impressed with the app you all built for ChargeDesk. 🙌🏻
Dimo Trifonov
So simple and so mind-blowing. This basically kills our current stack - Smooch, Elevio (knowledge base), Front. Thank you Intercom for bringing all the essential tools required for supporting our members at Feeld.
Danny Olinsky
As an Intercom integration partner (Statuspage), we're big fans of the new Messenger and can't wait to see customers using it to support their users during downtime. Would love any early feedback from customers using the app!
Ben Legman
Love the new Messenger! We’re thrilled to add an app to the marketplace - allowing visitors to start an audio call with you directly through their Messenger window. We know that’s just the beginning and can’t wait to see the ecosystem develop. The Intercom team provided an easy to use framework and were highly responsive (and fun to work with!) throughout development. It’s been hard to keep it quiet :) Here’s a quick look at Aircall Now on Intercom Messenger:

Bad system


nothing to share


Bad system

29th Floor
Bad system? Care to elaborate, boss?
Todd Gower
I understand Intercom is trying to move upmarket into inbound sales. Unfortunately, I don't see many improvements for those of us that use Intercom as a simple customer support channel.
Matt Hodges
Top Product
@toddgower1 Hey Todd! We’ve built several Messenger apps that can definitely help support teams better serve prospective and existing customers, including: 1. Article Search app It's like an embedded help center on your website and in your app. 2. Statuspage Avoid inbound support requests when your app or website is down and allows them to subscribe to updates via email or text so they can know when service is restored. 3. Shopify Allow customers to look up order details on their own instead of writing in and asking. 4. Aircall Quickly hop on a call to talk your customers through issues they’re facing so you can resolve them together, faster. 5. Google Meet Walk your customers through a solution face-to-face (optional of course) or using their screen sharing functionality to show how something works/troubleshoot. And of course, we're just getting started. We’re already working on additional apps that will further help support teams as well as marketing and sales teams. Watch this space!
Åke Brattberg 🇸🇪🔔
Looks awesome! Congrats on the launch! 🎉
Matt Hodges
Top Product
@akebrattberg thanks mate!
Tomasz Piotrowski

Price strategy - American companies have to consider the economic situation in other countries when creating their price lists. I guess the product is unacceptable for many parts of the world. Why not try to get the market before a cheaper alternative is presented there?


Great features and seems very intuitive (I haven't started the free trial)


The starting price is unacceptable for startups in Eastern Europe where somebody will most probably build a cheaper alternative soon.

Oscar Bunting
$49 per/month for all of their products is unacceptable? They offer startup pricing:
Adriano Monecchi
I must totally agree with Intercom's high costs, not only in Eastern Europe but in all countries with a weaker currency exchange rate compared to USD. What is great nowawdays is that we're able to find awesome alternatives with a lower price tag. I've come through which offers a competitive price for some features one would be using more frequently inside the Intercom's ecosystem, e.g the chat functionality.
Oscar Bunting
This looks great! Just waiting for this to be rolled out globally. Can’t wait for it to be rolled out to our app, hope we come soon! 🤞
Illia Strikhar
I both like it and am cautious of it. It's sure a great way to get your product updates out, interact with customers at a deeper level, etc. So definitely great for businesses. But for customers it's a layer of extra noise. Intercom is installed on so many websites that i doubt that leads (and even retained users) will check out product updates, or sign up for newsletters via Intercom. Just imagine every other website pour so much information on you within just one tiny widget.
Tom Siodlak
This looks incredible! A total game changer for the way people use messaging with customers and clients. I am excited to see what apps are developed 👏🏻
Pooran Prasad Rajanna
This is really cool... especially checking order status, reordering cards, requesting demo.. way to go
I don't understand pricing. Is it another product or just some addition? How much does it cost to have this messenger?
Matt Hodges
Top Product
@ariel_jedrzejczak the Messenger is included with all paid subscriptions
Marcos J. Larios

Like it so far. :)


Everything you need in one messenger- literally everything!


integrate more apps (looks like they're working on this though)

Bilal Budhani
This looks neat and very fruitful for SaaS products.
Christina Laynge
In any social application, and even more so in a messenger, the main point is users' support. This includes responses to complaints and the assembly of feedback for future updates. So small messengers need to have one of these. If you are new to this, I would recommend an outsourced customer service. They are professionals, and you will understand what is going on very quickly.