Fran Villalba Segarra

Internxt - Secure, private, decentralized & open source cloud storage

Internxt Drive is the world's most secure and private cloud storage service. Powered by military-grade encryption & distributed technology, Internxt ensures that your files remain private. Make the switch to a better Internet, one that respects you.

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Fran Villalba Segarra
Hello everyone 👋 It's Fran, CEO at Internxt. Glad to be on ProductHunt 😊 Happy to answer any questions that you might have!
Alan Sternberg
@fvsegarra great to see more initiatives in protecting our data. People underestimate how valuable it is to protect yourself, your data and identity online.
Adam Carballo
@fvsegarra Impressive, but I do not understand the "Lifetime" packs. I could understand the 2TB or 4TB tiers (at the regular price, not the discounted one), but "Infinite storage" for $999 makes absolutely no sense to me. I don't see any asterisks or "*See limits" anywhere. Are you telling me I can pay $1K and store 16PB of data on your cloud, for the next 50 years?
Alex Ginés
Upvoted! I do believe Internext will make a blast!
Got a great deal on Lifetime Subscription a while back... Love the tech, the work behind it and UI, However the spamming our email with offers is annoying, I know several of your users aren't happy about it watching your Telegram Group. Overall, I believe its a great innovative File Storage, but with all the "Steal Deals' you guys sent, I have doubts on project's future. Just my opinion here, I know the developers are working really hard on this product.
Fran Villalba Segarra
@gr0wnup5 noted, will share with the marketing department. Thanks for the input!
Diego Díaz
Amazing product for those who care about privacy. Congrats @fvsegarra👏
Craig Paterson
I have been using Internxt for nearly a year now and it has improved a lot since the early days. Both the web app and iOS/Android apps are handy, but regarding photos, we really need thumbnails of the images to show in the browser. I hope this is something that is in the works and is coming soon.
Fran Villalba Segarra
@craigcpaterson thanks a lot - working on a lot of new stuff!
Craig Paterson
@fvsegarra great news. I have just purchased the 2TB lifetime and received an email from Vicente telling me I can have a free 1TB upgrade – Awesome!
Sorry to break the news to you, but Internxt is not what it is presented as. Over the past few months, I, as well as hundreds of others, have lost trust in Internxt. Why you may ask? Allow me to explain. 1. Internxt is a cash grab. Earlier in the year, Internxt was charging 599 euros for 1 TB. Recently, they sent out an offer for 99 euros for 10 TB (yes, this is not a typo). This not only makes users who bought the LTD earlier in the year feel bad, but undermines Internxt's credibility. 2. The service is no longer DECENTRALIZED as mentioned in this post. Files are stored on the same few centralized OVH servers. Additionally, files under 2 MB (basically all important ones), are NOT sharded. Well, the biggest selling feature is gone. 3. Adding on to the previous point, they killed off node operators with no notice, who literally allowed them to run their business. This also destroyed any utility that the token had left, since it was supposed to be used to pay node operators. 4. Along with point 1, the service is extremely slow and unusable. It has been years since the service was first founded, but it still does not function properly. Internxt also advertises a 30-day money back guarantee, but ignores any requests for refunds. The only other option people have is to call their bank and file a chargeback. 5. The company is full of promises that it never delivers. If you ask when a feature will be out (such as downloading a folder of files), they tell you by the end of the month or soon, but it never gets released. Oh, and what about Internxt photos? That once existed in a defunct form, so people uploaded their files there. Now, the section has been removed from the app, and their files have completely disappeared. People also have reported that their files are inaccessible, but the founder comes out and tells them their device wrongly encrypted their files. But how were they previously accessible a few months ago? I guess they'll never admit to their issues. TL;DR: Internxt is borderline a scam, so please stay away from it and look into better alternatives.
Adam Carballo
Tried the free version, since I was offered 2TB "forever" for only $99, which is economic suicide IMO. The service does not work. Speeds are slower than me writing the entire file on an actual paper and shipping it with DHL. After researching a bit, and even trying to ask the CEO about the extremely cheap prices (to which I got completely ignored, as other users asking technical questions), I found out this is most likely a long-term scam. They have some kind of crypto-coin attached to the entire service, which makes it even more shady. Reviews on Trustpilot are all payed and fake (generic names with a single 5 star review), their subreddit is ban-heavy and they seem to use fake accounts to promote the service passing by real users. You can find out really quick if an account is directly related with the company, because the name will probably be in Spanish... The same here, anyone praising the service are Spanish names, probably friends, co-workers and relatives of the CEO. Remember, if it seems too good to be true, it's because it is.
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