
Hello, Hola, Bonjour, Hallo, 你好. I just discovered forums.


So thought I'd create a thread!

I'm Diana, one of the founders of FlaiChat. My family comes from Korea and Germany. I've tried (and struggled) to learn those languages. Could never get past the elementary levels of speaking, meaning I've gotten really good at small talk but not so good at a real conversation.

That's what inspired me to build an app for multilingual groups, where translations happen magically without all of that long-tap nonsense or Google Translate juggling. Surprisingly, users have reached out with use cases I never considered; intercultural dating, coordinating shifts within a diverse frontline team, and even gamers who love playing together but can't communicate.

I find the PH community to be super supportive to one another. Always love seeing what crazy ideas people come up with, especially with AI being so accessible. It's actually what inspired me to launch Voice Translations, where people can hear audio messages translated in your actual voice. 6 months ago, I would've said it was too weird to catch on. But this place has shown me that weird things sometimes work!

Nice to meet you all C:

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