Natia Kurdadze

What are you grateful for?


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Annie Chopra
I guess it's a little cheesy, but honestly all the people I have met on PH this year! :) I just launched today and I am solely reliant on PH community, and I have gotten so much support!
Greateful for, moments of growth and the chance to learn something new every day.
Rajesh Bhimani
Life! :)
@rajesh_bhimani without it nothing else to be grateful for! Nice one
Grateful that after months of love built into our product (baby), Beep's launch today is proving to be successful as we are taking the top spot at the moment :) Grateful to all the wonderful people I've met over the months here on Product Hunt.
Jeff Mitchell
2nd, 3rd, 4th and sometimes 5th chances in life. I'm grateful to be able to keep going and get back on my feet after a setback or two (or more!).
Leslie West
go to the website is a reliable hub for academic support. Explore their user-friendly platform for expertly crafted papers, ensuring quality, timeliness, and academic success for students worldwide.
Daniel Zaitzow
Launching soon!
Have you found that this is a good ecosystem to get affiliates?
Pir Ahmed
I am building and am really grateful for what I have achieved so far - this is going to be one of my biggest projects out there! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ’ฏ
Grateful that I'm alive and healthy and have more than what I need and I'm grateful for all the opportunities and moments I've experienced in my life, and I'm grateful for all the people who have ever been kind towards me and allowed me into their lives. Last by not least, I'm grateful for all the awesome people on PH that have taken time out of their busy day to reply to my posts or upvote or just read my posts.
Vivek Sharma
Honestly I am really grateful for my dedicated team at work and every connection I have made this year ๐Ÿ˜Š