Business Marketing with Nika

Which type of person are you? (I want to know your behaviours and management process)

I've noticed that answering continuously helps me "reduce" the number of notifications, so I'm less stressed when I'm doing things continuously. On the other hand, it seems like a 24/7 job. That's mostly how I feel about PH lately. I reply in bulk on Twitter. So I choose one day a week and try to go through all messages, notifications and the like. At the moment it takes about an hour. What about you?

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Nitin Joshi
at same time a handling many sm account along with learning, office work and other I don't have that much time to continuously reply it. sometime i reply in 2-3 day gap. some time instantly. and sometime i don't reply.
Konrad S.
For the people expecting answers, the sooner is the better of course, So I always try to answer soon, if it doesn't distract me from important other things. I already noticed that you answer very quickly here on PH, and I think that's and important reason for your succes.
Konrad S.
@busmark_w_nika I see. Good decision! (But I think my argument is still valid that if you want to answer AT ALL, the sooner the better)
Most of us here won't have a lot of time, so it makes sense that a lot of people here check messages massively. I check PH after I have my morning coffee and at night after dinner. But we do randomly find ourselves free in some days so that's when we can continuously message.
I don't like being interrupted frequently. I need to focus and use blocks of time to solve different problems.
André J
At some point one has to switch from quantity strategy to quality strategy
André J
@busmark_w_nika Authenticity is scarce. People are attracted to scarcity. Authenticity doesn't scale. If you try to scale it, it becomes robotic and bland. You have to pick somewhere between quantity and quality. it's a gradient. once you have become a top voice tho, one should move towards quality. Because trying to do both will dilute you.
I try to engage as much as possible when i find some time, it depends on the priority of the tasks i have. Sometimes i may switch to PH discussions even if i'm working on something else, especially if the topic is really interesting. I also have a list of bookmarks from PH, i return to it later whenever possible.
Mark Lemuel M
I believe in the power of consistency. most of us don't have it when things go hard.