Thomas Schranz ⛄️

Digital Sales Assistant by - Guide your customers to the perfect product - automatically is a drag & drop content builder that allows you to create thousands of 1-on-1 conversations automatically. Smart interaction logic responds to people’s answers and changes the content of the next page, creating a custom fit product recommendation.

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Jack Holmes
Can I use this to help people pick a show and how many tickets they want?
Monika Ben
@jack_holmes yes, you can! You can also calculate the price automatically and collect the payments too. This is an ✨all-in-1 service✨
Daina Šležaitė
My go-to lead qualifier!🤖 It feeds segmented leads into my CRM which then sends them to a corresponding sales rep. Easily my favourite funnel automation system, second only to setting up a roomba to bring me snacks🙊🔥
Vlad A. Gozman
@daina automation ftw! ❤️🔥
Monika Ben
If you often get asked for specific product recommendations, or need to explain how the product/service works 100 times and can imagine a better use of your time, this is for you.
Vlad A. Gozman
@monika_ben spot on 🎯
Florian Burmann
Digital sales assistants are a very cool new way to convert your leads into real paying customers. Many of them would not have converted in standard e-commerce shop solutions, so it opens up quite some new potentials. I'm excited to find out what you think about it!
Vlad A. Gozman
@ichfloque 🤖🤖🤖
Razvan Aurariu
This is great for explaining complex services, guiding visitors to popular products, similar categories, daily deals, and more
Vlad A. Gozman
@rzvme Yep, doing our best to create a personalized shopping experience for each and every visitor!
Vlad A. Gozman
👋😺 Hi Product Hunters! Thank you for stopping by to check out Digital Sales Assistant by Digital Sales Assistant by is a quick tool that lets you enrich your online shop and replace your forms with a smart sales assistant. You will still get the lead, but by the time your sales team reaches them, your leads can already be reading about their perfect product fit. Or even better - automate the lead to customer conversion process altogether. 61% of sales professionals consider shortening their sales cycle a priority. Early segmentation and finding the right product fit is crucial for faster discovery-to-purchase conversion. That’s exactly what Sales Assistant’s for. Whether you want to nudge new visitors to better buying decisions, redirect return customers to similar categories, or ask for reviews, makes it easy to show visitors products & pages that matter. Here are a few things our Digital Sales Assistant can help you with: ✅ Collect & segment leads ✅ Explain complex products ✅ Book demos the human way ✅ Configure custom products & service packages ✅ Calculate custom pricing ✅ Collect PayPal and Stripe payments It also comes packed with useful & easy to use features like: ➡️ 100% visual drag & drop editor ➡️ Smart form logic, custom redirects ➡️ 100+ professionally designed templates ➡️ PayPal and Stripe payment collection ➡️ Real-time click and submission reports ➡️ & much more 📣📣📣 Use code HUNTER-BONUS for 25% off your first 3 months.
Peter Hons
Another great innovation that I am very keen to use. If it is like everything else they have put out, it will be awesome. 2 years on - one of the best buys I ever invested in.
Vlad A. Gozman
@peter_hons Thank you so much for your continued support ❤️
Sanjay Parmar
Looks promising. Great work guys.
James Harden
A personal digital assistant from Fastboss is an A.I based bot which assists a person in daily tasks. With IoTs being used widely all over the world digital personal assistants can be very useful as they can be given a voice command and they will complete your chore.