Jonathon Triest

Carpool.VC w/ Startup L. Jackson - Startup L. Jackson is alive and well. Time to carpool!

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Jonathon Triest
We got renewed so we're back with season 2 of @StartupLJackson has not tweeted in 2016 so in this episode we phone SLJ to make sure he's still alive. Questions asked in this episode include: -How did the whole @StartupLJackson thing get started? -What can Startup L. Jackson do that the person behind the account can't? -What happens if the world figures out who @StartupLJackson is? -Does @StartupLJackson argue with his real twitter account? -Curtain question. -How does @StartupLJackson feel about @StartupJKhaled? Any beef there? -Creating online contention with competitors as a PR hack.
Luke Gunderson
Just get done binge watching season one. Loved it! Can't wait to watch this one. πŸ”‘πŸ”‘ πŸ”‘πŸ”‘ πŸ”‘πŸ”‘
Alex Carter
I was really curious what's going on with SLJ having not tweeted in 2016! (skip to minute 3 if you want to go straight to SLJ)
Aaron Zakowski
Awesome show. I've been hooked on ever since you interviewed @Clarkvalberg in episode #1. Keep em coming.
Startup J Khaled
No beef between me and @StartupLJackson. I'm vegan. Major πŸ”‘alert: They want you to think Khaled + Jackson are the same person but this should prove otherwise.