Think different.
Matthijs Otterloo
iPhone X — Apple’s most advanced iPhone yet with a 5.8" OLED display

iPhone X is Apple's long-awaited & extensively leaked special version of the iPhone, with a full-screen OLED display, Animoji support, and much more.

Niv Dror
FaceID will steal your soul after 3 failed attempts. (my best tweet of the event)
Mike Ritchie
@nivo0o0 Nah, it's the most advanced, natural, and intuitive exfoliation experience ever on a smartphone.
Niv Dror
This "iPhone X first look" from the Verge is super interesting. For one thing, it will take a day or two to get used to the new swipe up on left/right side of the screen and learning the new app gestures. But more importantly... Face ID. It seems like all you have to do to unlock somebody's phone is point it at the person, and it will work, no matter what, as long as they have their eyes open. 😨
Soufian Malih
@nivo0o0 Re: what if someone steals an #iphoneX and points it to the owner's face? All it takes for Apple is pairing fingerprints ID of the hand holding the phone with the FaceID.
Brad Brooks

OK, I'm an Apple ubergeek, and therefore already predisposed to love this phone before I got it. But then I got it, and I was blown away. Long story short, if you love Apple products, you'll love this. If you prefer Android, then you probably feel the same way about the Pixel 2 as I do about this phone, and that's great. Different strokes and all that 😊


Pretty much everything


The cost. Apps that aren't updated yet.

Brad Brooks
Jeremy Zykorie
I wish they would have done a true infinity edge screen, and then just made the top a slight bezel instead of a notch. Infinity on the sides and bottom, slight bezel on the top. it certainly doesn't look bezel'less from the photos. obviously the top/bottom is now generally gone, but its not like infinity edge. I'm also disappointed in screen size. Wish they did it with the 8Plus dimensions. Instead from what I've read "its 5.8 inch display is bigger than the 5.5 inch Plus, but with a much, much smaller body!!!" So if they were able to make the display 5.8 inches in a small form factor, I imagine the display size would be at least akin if not bigger than the Note 8's 6.3 inches if they used the larger form factor? And then it would look MEANINGFULLY bigger than the current plus' 5.5 inches. I watch lots of sports, netflix, youtube, etc. on my phone. And the current PLUS size doesn't feel unnatural to me. In fact I've gotten used to it. So now if I went with the X I'd have to go back to getting used to a smaller form factor again in terms of feel. I don't care much for Animoji's, but I do see all the potential in the future for this feature, the AR features, etc. Could imply big changes to how one operates the phone in the future. But for now... meh. Wireless charging is ok. But as noted, its a bit of catchup. And its also another buy more Apple accessories move - OF COURSE I'm going to need the airpower pad to charge all my apple stuff. Maybe TWO! Not to be negative. The airpower pad is going to be great. But not included. The phone is $1k. For 64 GB... not expandable. I think I'll just pony up the cash to get my cracked to all hell 6S screen replaced.
Naushad Shaikh

No innovation as such, all features existed since a long time.


The Marketing


The Ugly notch at the top.

Simon Bromberg
I'd have to use it, but I have some reservations about Face ID. First off, I was just getting used to TouchID, and it's gotten a lot better since they first released it. Second, you have a lot less control over who has access to your face than your finger tip. Someone could easily pick up your phone, point it at you, and then they would have access to your device. Also, if you're near a checkout but not quite ready to pay, or some popup appears asking for authentication and you're already looking at your phone, I hope they have some way to confirm you actually approve the action. I also don't know how I feel about that black bar at the top, but again I'd have to hold it in my hands to really know. EDIT: also, in the status bar there doesn't seem to be any room for the Bluetooth indicator…? Unless they plan on squeezing it in on the left next to the time? Here's a useful hands-on from The Verge:
that mentions the issue I raised here with being able to unlock someone else's phone by pointing it at their face. Relevant article from MacRumors discussing Face ID further: https://www.macrumors.com/2017/0... Works with most sunglasses because of IR, have to stare at phone to unlock, and can temporarily disable Face ID quickly by gripping the buttons on both sides of the phone
Srikar Doddi
To me, the notch at the top interferes with the UI on the screen. I need to process that a bit more before I can pull the trigger on this one.
Fascinated by Apple's response to the "Light Phone" trend with Apple Watch Series 3 cellular. Anyone still keen to get the Light Phone and others like it?
Ernest Oppetit
FaceID now.. how long until we can scroll and tap with eye tracking?
Deepak BN
@ernopp what if don't have Tesla?
Joseph Hsieh
I get the bezel-less edge-to-edge screen appeal, but that top-notch is a bit annoying in video playbacks. Is it just me or do I just have to just get use to it?
@webjoe I kinda liked the essential where it was just a little dot but at least they don't use the status area for video playback. That seems... dumb.
Jack Reichert
@webjoe pretty sure there will be black bars in video playback. It's mostly with ar/camera where that will get in the way. That being said, I DO think Steve would have found a way to hide that.
Hayden Evans
Between developer access to the front-facing (depth sensing) camera on the iPhone X and ARKit... RIP Snapchat. Death by a thousand clones now.
Tony Ana
@hayden_evans guess you haven't been hanging out on the Chinese app store in the last two or so years eh ?
Does the iPhone X really need hunting though 🤔
Ivan Cucer
Sorry @apple but you must fire @jonyive and hire a better designer from @lg because #v30 looks much better.
Probably more related to the OS than the phone, but integrating a QR reader into the phone's camera opens up opportunities! The lack of native QR readers has always been the reason, I think, that QR codes did not take off since introduction. Thanks to apps like Snapchat, making QR codes a cultural element of the app use, and more apps adopting it, this has led to a good use case for native integration. And the phone looks amazing :)
Saied Tehrani

I would rather go for an iPhone 8, even if both phones would cost the same.


Camera & all its features, AR Support


Annoying to watch videos or images on the display, because of the overlapping top area, where they have put in the front camera etc.

Félipé Upperlife
Does anyone know how to open Control Center on X? And the Notif Center?
Jonas Petermann
@falemaster if you swipe down on the left side you open ntification center and if you swipe down from the right you get the control center
Sheik Mohaideen
I am just amazed by Animojis 😍😍
Ratomir Soda Jovanovic
@sheikmohaideena hahaha my friend said: "they spent 1 years to came up with animated emotions, good job Apple."
@sheikmohaideena Hopefully they intergrate it into Whatsapp messaging, for voice recordings. Don't use iMessage much
Nico Lumma
I don't care about the specs. I'll buy it anyways. ✌🏻
Imran Ashraf
Am I the only one who likes how the home and status bars use up the rounded corners of the screen so the app real estate still fits into a nice rectangle without having to clip the corners? Maybe it's just the UI guy in me
Ryan Hoover
This may be the biggest update to the iPhone in the last several years. It's expensive but I think I'll pull the trigger. Thoughts?
Filippo Mursia
@rrhoover I'm still wondering how to unlock it without Face ID (let's say something is broken); the back to home seems intuitive, but I'm curious to try the multitasking, knowing how I'm (we, I guess) using the phone with fast gestures I may end up in the Home all the time. Btw, it looks definitely cool and honestly I thought it was more expensive (same for the 8). I think the camera part at the top it will be super annoying when watching videos in landscape tho. Also, I'm wondering one more thing, where's the iPhone 9?
Caleb Ulffers
@rrhoover @mrdobelina it happened during the demo - when face ID didn't work it came up with passcode - similar to when your touchID doesn't work.
Sridhar Easwaran
@rrhoover @mrdobelina when faceId doesn't work, we get to unlock with passcode
Filippo Mursia
@calebulf ah you're right, I remember something weird happened when the demo started. So from now on is either face or type your code. I'm not sure is that great compared to Touch ID. I'm talking to someone and need to unlock the phone "ehm sorry let me watch my phone instead of you so I can show you pics of cute cats"
Sarthak Grover
@rrhoover @mrdobelina @calebulf I've seen that happen on the iPad. Usually it requires your pass code after a week or so of using touchID and has the exact same message 'to continue using your touchID you need to enter your passcode'. I believe that's what happened here as well, someone forgot about that edge case.