Jason Zheng

Klib - Kindle & iBooks Highlights Manager


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Would be nice to auto sync the notes through the kindle account given that I kinda never connect my kindle to my computer. Will give it a try tho
Jason Zheng
@tgerin Absolutely get your point. Will try to auto sync notes on your Kindle/Amazon account.
Jason Zheng
@peter_enestrom So, you want import the notes which were created in iOS Kindle app? Get it, will consider it in following version.
Simon Hammer
@tgerin Completely agree. Auto syncing would be necessary for me to use Klib.
Jason Zheng
@simon_hammer @tgerin Fine, get it. I can even see Klib already has such feature. 😀
Jason Zheng
@tgerin @peter_enestrom @simon_hammer Klib's new version already support wirelessly importing from Amazon and export to Evernote. Klib can open Kindle for macOS and jump to the exact location to review highlight, which is very cool and useful. Welcome to try the preview version: http://klib.me/d Tutorial: https://en.toolinbox.net/Klib/
joshua bradley
Looks like a great way to get way more mileage out of highlights. Auto syncing with Kindle account instead of a device would make it indispensable—I've never even plugged my Kindle into my Mac.
Jason Zheng
@airjoshb Get it. The following version of Klib will support sync with your Kindle account. Believe you will like it then.
joshua bradley
@hereisjason I downloaded it— how many books can you manage by default? If you buy the license for unlimited books does that include upgrades in the future, eg. when you get syncing set up?
Jason Zheng
@airjoshb Free account could manage 20 books, Klib Pro could manage unlimited books at least in Klib 1.x. For syncing, can't promise as Amazon doesn't open this API, and need to find some geek ways to support it. It's possible, but sorry can't give an exact date now.
Jason Zheng
@airjoshb Klib's new version already support wirelessly importing from Amazon and export to Evernote. Klib can open Kindle for macOS and jump to the exact location to review highlight, which is very cool and useful. Welcome to try the preview version: http://klib.me/d Tutorial: https://en.toolinbox.net/Klib/
Jason Zheng
@airjoshb Glad to know you like new Klib. ​BTW, welcome to join users' Telegram group for quick communication: https://t.me/iToolinbox
Karim Daghari
This looks great ! Any chance there'll be a Windows version ?
Jason Zheng
@karimdaghari Sorry, but to be honest, it's not on the plan in short time. BTW, for windows, you can consider Kindle Mate: http://kmate.me/
Jason Zheng
@karimdaghari Welcome, Kindle Mate worths you to have a try.
Jason Zheng
Hi, I'm Jason, an independent macOS developer, already released a series of macOS tools: iPic, iPic Mover, iHosts, iPaste and iTimer. Today, I'm really excited to release a new one: Klib. Klib will change your way to manage Kindle highlights & notes. - Import from Kindle or iBooks. - Review notes in Kindle for macOS. - Copy notes in Markdown format. - Export notes to Evernote. - Modify or search the title, author, notes, etc. Great Experience: - Support multiple keyboard shortcuts. - Thanks to native interaction, you're already Klib expert. Learn more: https://en.toolinbox.net/Klib/ I'll continue to polish Klib. Welcome to discuss here, show me what you want. Also feel free to contact me via: Twitter: @hereisjason Email: iToolinbox@gmail.com Telegram: https://telegram.me/itoolinbox
Ben Tossell
Nice! I actually never bother to highlight things from my Kindle app because I never know what to do with them after. This could be really useful
Jason Zheng
@bentossell Thanks, Klib will let you feel free to take notes on Kindle, as you know you can easily review them using Klib later.
Jason Zheng
@bentossell Klib's new version support wirelessly importing from Amazon and export to Evernote. Klib can also open Kindle for macOS and jump to the exact location to review highlight, which is very cool and useful. Welcome to try the preview version: https://s.toolinbox.net/Klib/Kli... Tutorial: https://en.toolinbox.net/Klib/
Support for Kobo Aura would be great.
Jason Zheng
@priteshdesai Get it, already add on feature list. BTW, "Kobo Aura" also starts with "K", so the app name of "Klib" is also fine. 😀
Carl V. Lewis
@hereisjason -- Great job here. I'm not too familiar with Amazon's API for Kindle stuff, but how technically possible would it be to grab highlights from across Kindle Cloud and not just the Kindle device? I often switch reading from my Kindle app on iPhone to my Kindle to my laptop depending on context; I actually find highlighting to be far more easier to do on iOS devices than it is on Kindles. I appreciate how Kindle Cloud sync allows me to switch between devices and pick up right where I left off, so I would think there may possibly be a way to fetch the highlight/annotation data from not just the single physical device itself but from Kindle cloud generally. Is there? LMK!
Jason Zheng
@carlvlewis AFAIK, Amazon doesn't has API to share user's highlights. But it doesn't have site for normal users to view highlights online: https://kindle.amazon.com/your_h.... So, it's still possible to read these highlights using some geek way. I will look inside it and notify you if Klib support sync with your highlights on Amazon's. Thanks for your suggestions.
Carl V. Lewis
@hereisjason Whoa, didn't know that existed, but awesome. Now if only that data were in such an awesome UI with sorting and management tools like Klib has... Thanks for pointing out that Amazon feature and for the awesome product.
Jason Zheng
@carlvlewis You're welcome. As you may found, the website of Amazon's highlights looks so … Have a try for Klib and enjoy it. I will keep on improving it (e.g., sync with your highlights online if possible).
Jason Zheng
@carlvlewis Klib's new version already support wirelessly importing from Amazon and export to Evernote. Klib can open Kindle for macOS and jump to the exact location to review highlight, which is very cool and useful. Welcome to try the preview version: http://klib.me/d Tutorial: https://en.toolinbox.net/Klib/
Jack Smith
this looks very cool. kind notes are messy normally
Jason Zheng
@_jacksmith Yes, Klib could greatly organized Kindle's notes. Welcome to have a try. 😀
Westin Lohne
Great work Jason.
Jason Zheng
@westinlohne Thanks, look forward to your feeling for Klib 😀
Okke van der Wal
I see that there is a possibility to upgrade to have unlimited notes? Could you clarify? It's not clear on your website and in the description.
Jason Zheng
@okkevdwal Free account could manage 20 books, Klib Pro could manage unlimited books. You're right, I will update these information, thanks for feedback.
Mike Kosulin
Awesome, but there is no windows version:(
Jason Zheng
@mikekosulin For Windows, you can try other apps like Kindle Mate.
Jason Zheng
@mikekosulin Oh, I will forward your point to its author.