Ben Tossell

Iris - Your modern day emergency alert


Through hospital detection, Iris informs loved ones and connects medical professionals with your health data in critical moments when you physically or mentally can't.

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Cat Noone
Today, the team and I are so excited to kickstart the public beta of Iris—your modern day emergency alert platform. Through hospital detection, Iris connects you with your loved ones, and your health data with medical professionals in the critical moment when you need it most—especially when you are mentally or physically unable to provide it yourself. How Iris works: -Detects you’re in a hospital, and after 10 minutes reaches out to see if you’re okay via push notification -If you’re not okay and Iris doesn’t hear back, your emergency contacts will be notified by text message -Provides medical professionals with your important medical information through your personal health card right on your iPhone screen. This includes your name, health status, spoken language, daily medications, and more! Iris is in every way a companion to you, your health insurance, and your loved ones. Its goal is to be like any good friend—there when you need it most and whose existence alone is comforting. We’re currently in public beta in Manhattan and Berlin, but we’re quickly rolling out to other cities. Sign up, check it out, and let us know what you think! Myself and the rest of the team will be here answering any questions you may have about how Iris was born, how it works, and where we’re headed. If we're not in your city yet, sign up to be notified when we launch there! <3 Cat
Eamon Leonard
@imcatnoone Congratulations! What's been the biggest challenge in building Iris? Any plans for 🇮🇪 support?
@imcatnoone Congrats! Where did the original idea for the product come from?
Nick Clement
@imcatnoone really smart. Localisation for language will be amazing. Especially if English isn't your first language or vice versa if traveling abroad. Best of luck!
Cat Noone
@eamonncarey Eamon, thank you!! Great question. And one that I'm honestly relieved to tell because it was I who could've very easily ended up in the situation where I needed Iris. It was the result of a question I posed for Benedikt Lehnert as we were driving back to Berlin from his parent’s home in Southwest Germany. We were driving and I questioned what would happen if we got into a car accident, were unconscious, and taken to the hospitaI. I turned to him and said: "You do realize if we get into a car accident and we're both unconscious, I'm fucked, right?" LOL. #iscursingallowedhere #beinghonest ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I was a foreigner in a country where no one could identify me as American beyond my passport, and that I probably speak English and could more than likely assume I’m relatively healthy–all of this on a critical timeframe. And who makes medical decisions for me when I can’t? Who could tell the doctors that I’m actually allergic to a specific medication they’re considering giving to me? Goodness, who tells my family that I may not live long enough for them to get there before I’m gone? From there I knew and felt in my bones that something like this needed to exist. Once I did my research and spoke with not only people around the world, but medical professionals who begged me to create the product along with people that looked at us in disbelief about why we'd 'spend our time creating something like this', I knew we were onto something.
Cat Noone
@nickclement Absolutely. Travelers / X-Pats are one of the groups we want to target at one point. So this is key!
Abraham Navas
Such a great service!! Congratulations Cat 👏👏👏. Just wondering, to the app works fine, is it needed it is checking location all time in order to know where you are (in order to trigger a notification if it detects you are in a hospital)? Just a little concerned about privacy and battery life 🔋📡
Jakob Stecher
@abrahamnavas we're using Geofences to trigger those notifications, so you won't have to worry about battery life too much!
Cat Noone
@abrahamnavas Thank you, Abraham! Our lovely engineers could probably give you a much more slick technical answer but I'll do my best ;) So Iris actually doesn't continually track every location/step you take. We only take notice to your location when there's a cell tower change. This allows us to scan the area for hospitals and log it, enabling us to accurately detect you there in the event of an emergency. And then reach out to initially ask if you're okay (this starts the funnel). Privacy and battery were big ones for us. As someone who never has battery by default (ask @bentossel) I couldn't afford to lose any more :) What's more, privacy is big for us—from the way we built the product to the information we have on our servers. We're not just working with info like your favorite movies and what not. We're cognizant of the data we have and we as a team are working hard to be as transparent as possible so it's clear your privacy is top priority for us. Let me know if that answers the question for you or not. Happy to further explain! And thank you again.
Cat Noone
@abrahamnavas Perfect! :) No thanks needed!
Congratulations to the whole team, Cat! I like the philosophy and the design looks great! I'd love to read more about the research and design process. I'd gladly give more feedback when Iris rolls out to my city. Good luck!
Cat Noone
@alexmuench Hey Alex! Thanks so much. We're starting to compile a list of topics worth discussing about what you just mentioned. Anything in particular you want to know about? What city are you in? :)
Agis Tsaraboulidis
@alexmuench Thank you sooo much Alex, indeed we're planning to write about our design/ engineering process/ some of the challenges that we had to overcome.
@imcatnoone I'm in Nuremberg, Germany. I'd love to know more about things like typography, layout choices, how you think you achieved to design an app for such a big and diverse target group. Did you do any particular testing regarding onboarding etc. Thanks :)
Agis Tsaraboulidis
Hello everyone, I'm the 1/2 of our engineering team & CTO of Iris & I'm so excited to kickstart the public beta of Iris. The last couple of months we worked on a redesign of the app/ we built the app from the groundup so it can be more accurate in terms of location using Radar []. Like Cat explained we need to be there for you & your loved ones when you're unable to do so. We’re currently in public beta in Manhattan and Berlin, but we’re quickly rolling out to other cities. Sign up, check it out, and let us know what you think! It has been an incredible ride so far & can't wait to see what the future will bring to us. Don't hesitate to send us feedback or any question that you may have. <3 Agis
Fred Rivett
I've been following Iris journey from a distance and I love how Cat took a real personal pain point and, along with her team, turned it around into an app that will surely save lives as well as bring great comfort to those in distress. Excited to give this a try when it comes to London ❤️
Cat Noone
@fredrivett <3 Fred thank you tons, friend. I appreciate that and honestly, we received a TON of requests for London.
Nandini Jammi
Hey Cat, this looks absolutely great. Keep up the excellent work!
Cat Noone
@nandoodles Nandini, thank you!
Edwin Arbus
Amazing! Congrats on the launch--can't wait for more cities.
Cat Noone
@edwinwee What city are you in!?
Agis Tsaraboulidis
@edwinwee Thank you Edwin 😍
Michael Ellis
Congratulations Cat, and team! The idea is fantastic and the execution looks excellent!
Cat Noone
@designernaut Thank you so much! <3
Agis Tsaraboulidis
@designernaut Thank you Michael
Ihecci Mercy
This so well thought out and i am rooting for the Iris team with all my heart.
Cat Noone
@ihecci Thank you! <3
Nelly Kam
Very happy for your team and you to launch Iris! Was following your twitter updates on Iris since you had an idea about it.
Cat Noone
@nel_kamai Thank you, Nelly!
Agis Tsaraboulidis
@nel_kamai Thank you so much Nelly :)
Jennifer Aldrich
Cat, this is phenomenal! Thank you so much for creating an app that can (and will) save lives! <3
Cat Noone
@jma245 Thank you tons, Jennifer! All of us appreciate that big time <3
Leo Vogel 🇺🇳
Downloaded. Not available in my city. Won't create an account for something I can't use. Deleted. Will reconsider if this becomes available in all cities.
Cat Noone
@theleovogel Hey Leo, I can understand that. However, it's hard for us to inform you that we've launched in your city if we don't have your information :) Signing up gives us your email and also let's you request your city. Are you in one particular city or a nomad? Asking because you stated that you'll reconsider if it becomes available in *ALL* cities.
Leo Vogel 🇺🇳
@imcatnoone I'm not a nomad but having to think about if a location-based emergency feature on my phone is going to work depending on my location cancels out the usefulness. If anything it's adding something I need to remember rather than taking away something I need to remember. I'm not going to give a company my email address until either they offer me some incentive or I trust them. Right now I have no reason to believe you will offer Iris globally and you haven't earned my trust at all. I think companies in general need to spend more time thinking through their sign up process before just expecting users to give over their private data; especially in the healthcare industry.
Cat Noone
@theleovogel Completely agree! :) We're aware of that regarding your info, which is why we actually don't ask you for anything other than your basic info though [name, email/pass to create account and phone number]. So we can create the account for ya and notify you when we scale to your city. No health info goes in until you're truly signing up for the service. Alright though, thanks a bunch for feedback!
Leo Vogel 🇺🇳
@imcatnoone I love the idea of notifying my contacts if my phone sees that I'm at a hospital but if it doesn't work globally, at every hospital, then it's useless to me personally. I believe technology should work for the user; not the other way around. If you can make it work globally, I'd love to sign up :)
Cat Noone
@theleovogel 100%. We wouldn't be in the emergency health business if we weren't looking to help the users. It's also a free app. We're not looking for much ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Scaling globally isn't as easy as 1,2,3. We're working hard to scale to other cities and starting next week plan to do so at a rapid rate. However, we also need to ensure the geolocation technology and infrastructures around the world are sound enough to actually work there otherwise we're actually tarnishing the trust with our users. Sounds great though! Look forward to having you as a user and knowing you'll be covered in the event of a critical moment. Though I hope you never need it!
Russell Zager

looking forward to trying this once some bugs are ironed out and it's available in more areas


looks promising once it's available in more areas


signup flow needs work. there is no integration with lastpass/1pass and I can't paste into the password box. app crashes on pw change

Chris Wilson
Great idea and execution. One worry I have is people will delete the app because it is so rare to end up in the hospital (for some more than others) due to space issues people have with their phones. Have you found out how many people arrive to the hospital with their phones on their person vs. those that arrive without their device and those that might arrive with a broken device (ie. water damage/physical damage from a fall or collision?) This seems like good research to conduct somehow.
Cat Noone
@automateiq That is solid research. After talking to a lot of folks and medical staff in ERs about this, they shared how useful this is because they always search for an individuals phone and ID so they can get in contact with a loved one. Iris is definitely a set-and-forget product. Much like your Nest Carbon Monoxide detector, we're there in the event that critical moment happens. We like to think of Iris as a good friend—there in those critical moments when you need it and sharing the most relevant and important information with you. At the same time, we understand that in order for individuals to build trust with Iris and learn to depend on the product, communication needs to happen. Which is why in the coming weeks and months you'll see more from us that enables you to interact with Iris on a daily basis if you fall into the category of folks who would need to. In the event that a person is out of space on their phone and are willing to delete a product that plays a large role in aiding you and your family in a critical emergency, the odds are likely the product isn't for that person any way. You know? Which is okay too. There's a reason we have set target groups and we found that it simply isn't of interest for folks between a certain age because of the "Fearless" mentality. I really appreciate your compliment on the product and so grateful for your feedback! I agree, solid research to conduct further. :)
John Schenk
Pretty cool.. One of those "why didn't I think of that?" products. Nice job, guys.
Cat Noone
@johnschenk Hah! Thanks so much, John!
Agis Tsaraboulidis
@johnschenk Thank you John 🙌
Ben Judah
This is a great idea with some top quality execution - well done!
Cat Noone
@benjudah Thanks, Ben!
Tawanda Kanhema
Congratulations! This is a great idea @imcatnoone Any plans to test in San Francisco?
Cat Noone
@kanhemaphoto Oh yes. Give us 1-2 weeks ;) Have you signed up? If not, please do so in order for us to let you know when we launch in different cities, including SF.
Fiess Edouard
Happy to see something done for the greater good for once :) I was wondering how relevant your service will be to the average iOS user who can easily have a medical ID with all the info you guys display right on his lock screen. The only difference is the automatic alert part. But for the average person, it's not like you're in a hospital every day and having an app sit on your phone for that one time in your life where you'll have an accident... So, do you think that your main target will be people at risk that often go to the hospital or that are on the verge of going to the hospital (serious heart condition, last weeks of pregnancy, asthma, dangerous jobs...) ? Before you guys cover all the international hospitals it will take time to satisfy the needs of travelers I guess... Is your "Iris Medical ID" available from the lock screen ?
Thom Kozik
Defunct. Neither Web site or App store link works any longer.