Cutting out the brand completely, obviously this has a huge affect on over all price, how much of a price drop are people typically seeing when they use Italic?
I rarely upvote, but this one is a great idea!!! Please don't give up and finish it. Make it huge!
I never bough Nikes or RayBans in my life for example, because I hate any logos on products.
Few thoughts:
1. Don't ever cheat by finding "approximate" factory. Once it comes out, it might mean the end. At least I feel that way. For now you have my trust 😉
2. Don't charge fees / year... At least not yet. You need few offerings, like Amazon Prime - then "membership" might be worth it. For now just make 10% on each purchase or something.
3. Do the referral program for $10 stackable coupons for each friend who validates phone number and credit card, but up to 50% discount per item maximum. It might mean losing all margins on each product - but you need more orders to make good deals with factories.
Good luck.
love the concept. it would be nice to get a preview of price points and quality. same factory is meaningless if the material they work with are completely different.
What a great domain name ;) (and concept as well, of course).
[Not too sure what big brands will think about this, when Italic mentions their names/labels.]
Great idea, i m connected with models and it will be good to propose them promote their own top quality products, trough your high quality products selection.
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