Bri Connelly

Gboard by Google - Google Search, GIFs, emojis & more—right from your keyboard

Gboard a new keyboard from Google for your iPhone. It has all the things you would expect from a great keyboard — GIFs, emojis, and Glide Typing — plus Google Search built in.

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A hundred startups crying themselves to sleep tonight!
Jason L. Baptiste
@orliesaurus Just like youtube cried itself to sleep with video, twitter did with buzz, spotify did with music, and the list goes on. The "what if Google does it" question is over-rated.
Blake Robbins
@jasonlbaptiste @orliesaurus It's especially over-rated when others have had a year or two head-start.
Olivier Plante
@blakeir @jasonlbaptiste @orliesaurus yeah if Google would do everything, then I stay in bed all day but it's not the case! We're building our product and here to stay!
@oplante @blakeir @jasonlbaptiste That's the spirit keyboard-apps warriors! don't let google eat your dreams!
Johnny Hill
@orliesaurus That's not necessarily a bad thing. It should only drive those startups to make better products. I know I personally have tried at least 3 other gif keyboards now, and haven't been able to use a single one of them as a functional keyboard. On first try, this one seems just as good (if not better) than the native keyboard.
Bri Connelly
Hey PH, Bri from the Gboard team here. Gboard is a new iOS keyboard from Google that lets you search and send search results, GIFs, emojis and more, right from your keyboard. We also added Glide Typing (aka gesture typing) so you can type even faster. Check it out at It’s US only for now, but we have a global update coming shortly. A couple of pro tips: - We have emoji autocorrect. Try typing “pizza”. - You can move the cursor by dragging your finger across the space bar. - When you tap a search result card the text is added to your message, but you can send an image of the card by pasting into the messaging space. - We’re trying out this new predictive search feature. Try texting a friend, “want to get a drink tonight” to see it in action. 🙏 We’d love get some feedback and I’m happy to answer questions!
Jordy van Gent
@bricon5 Look great! Can't wait to have it in The Netherlands.
Bri Connelly
@jordyvangent Glad to hear it. More languages/countries are coming soon!
Yashendra Shukla
@bricon5 @jordyvangent Would love an option for metric/celsius 😊 Keyboard is nearly perfect otherwise!
Bri Connelly
@yashendra2797 @jordyvangent It's coming with our multi lingual release!
Stephen Vujevich
@bricon5 Bri, tell the team that I just ran around my office showing it to everyone and they love it! GREAT WORK! :)
Ryan Hoover
I love that you named it Gboard, @bricon5. What other names did you consider? Also, nice video:
Bri Connelly
@rrhoover I wanted BriBoard but the team didn't go for it.
Ben Tossell
@bricon5 @rrhoover ughhhh 'the rules' 🙄
Chad Whitaker
Google knows what's up... (emoji search)
Juan Buis
Can we have a icon like the pre-release one for US only products?
Sam Legge
@juanbuis would be a great feature - tired of trying to find out if products are available north of the border or not.
Awesome! have been looking forward for this, what about android support
Bri Connelly
@mauriyouth Working on the best way to bring the same functionality to Android right now!
@bricon5 @mauriyouth what do you have in mind, a new keyboard, or an update for vanilla Google Keyboard? ;-)
Evan Petrack
@bricon5 thank you! Because I mean....little sad this didn't come with android support first. Womp womp =(
Jordi Mon Companys
@bricon5 @mauriyouth sweet! Not trying to have your strategy unveiled but, why release it first on iOS?
James Brooks
Looks really nice! Thanks @bricon5. Out of interest, why is it that a lot of keyboard apps (Microsoft Word Flow) and now Gboard are US only?
Bri Connelly
@jbrooksuk It really comes down to the fact that keyboard layouts/dictionaries take a while to get right - we're still working on improving the quality of our other languages.
Andrew Palmer
@bricon5 @jbrooksuk What about Canada? I imagine the layout/dictionaries would be the same as the US.
Bri Connelly
@andrew_palmer @jbrooksuk We found that there were enough noticeable differences in spelling/use of words, and we didn't want to offer a subpar experience to our Canadian brothers and sisters.
Jerome Dahdah
@bricon5 This is interesting. Will multi-language be able to automatically recognize the language I'm typing in (the way SwiftKey does it) or will I need to manually switch between languages?
Andy Kinsella
Is it cool to upvote my OWN thing? Super happy with this.
Julie Chabin
Emoji search? I love you. 🙌😍
Ryan Hoover
@syswarren I feel bad for people hunting for the right emoji. I've been using @davidkmckinney's Emoji Type for over a year, although it hasn't been updated to include the newer emojis
Bri Connelly
@rrhoover @syswarren @davidkmckinney Gboard should have all the newest emojis. If we're missing one, let me know and we'll add it.
Paul Arterburn
@syswarren @bricon5 Emojis...ya, but Bitmoji search would be
David McKinney
@rrhoover @syswarren @bricon5 ha! thanks for the shout out Ryan. Gboard is *really* good. Great execution… re: Emoji Type, that was acquired last year, and no longer available 🙊. I like Gboard a lot — super fun combo of features and functionality 😃
Gonzalo Nuñez
This is BRILLIANT. Types exactly like the native keyboard which I'm already very used to, and the added features are extremely useful. Very well executed, and it looks gorgeous. 10/10.
Bri Connelly
@gonz_ponz 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌
Bolivar Baez
Any plans for dictation and voice search? This looks great!
Bri Connelly
@bolivar iOS third party keyboards don't have access to the microphone. Otherwise we definitely would!
Guessing this is US only for the moment? Is there a release schedule for other countries?
Bri Connelly
@darylthetwit Yeah, US only for now. Except to see more languages/country support in the near future.
@bricon5 any plans for additional color themes such as dark mode?
Paul Gosnell
@bricon5 @darylthetwit any timeframes for other countries? UK?
Kai Burghardt
And i am just sitting here in germany and crying about the "item is not available" message :(
Bri Connelly
@kaiburghardt I pinkie promise it's on the way.
Irakli Safareli
one thing i'm missing is 3d touch support for moving cursor as is in native keyboard
Bri Connelly
@safareli Not quite the same thing, but you can move the cursor around by dragging your finger on the space bar.
Dillon Nichols
@bricon5 Don't know if its intended, but you can swipe left and it'll go up a line at the beginning. But if you swipe right it won't go down to the next line. This is assuming newlines at the end of the text.
Bri Connelly
@dillon1337 Thanks for pointing that out. We'll work on a fix!
Bryna Corcoran
Kind interesting that Google ignored thier own Android OS for this launch? Whyyyyy?
Tom Masiero
.@brynatweets They were already boxed out of Spotlight search on iOS.. this gets them back in front of users for free.. BRILLANT!
Never thought a 3rd party keyboard would replace the default. But, Google...
Dillon Nichols
@sandrojazzar Yeah, this is the first time I've kept another keyboard longer than a day. And I don't see myself ever switching back.
Andrew Palmer
Not available in Canada? :(
Bri Connelly
@andrew_palmer I know, super sorry about that. Coming very soon though.
micah rich
This is the first great keyboard I've installed. Ten times more productive than the normal keyboard, but still looks visually like it belongs in iOS. Fantastic work.
Niv Dror
This keyboard is so good I'm getting rid of Emoji and English.
Yonatan Ruback
@nivo0o0 I did as well! @bricon5 when it's possible to type Hebrew, Gboard will be the only keyboard i use.
Cherian Thomas
@nivo0o0 How do you make screenshots like this with iphone?
Niv Dror
@cherianthomas recorded myself doing this in QuickTime by connecting the iPhone to Mac. Then when I had the video I made a GIF of that part of the screen :)
Pierre-Marie Galite
As a mobile dev, Keyboard flexibility would be really good on Android. Like pasting images directly in the field.