Andrew Torba

Medium 2.0 - A new look, app, and features to move thinking forward


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Piero Borgo
Not totally into the brand new logo, but most of all I'm concerned about some typographic choices :\ Where is the centered text? Why they removed an heading style? šŸ˜”
George Margaritis
I don;t like the logo. Where is the original dark, bold, prominent M . Too bad. Hope it will not go down like blogger
Brian Sanders
@dontpanic_cg @pieroborgo George, are you saying that because you personally don't like the logo they now have a chance to become as unpopular as Blogger? Can't say that is a smart statement...
Piero Borgo
@briansventures @pieroborgo as a designer I inevitably tend to watch at logos and typography. I don't agree about some choices they made but I still love to write and read on Medium.
I really like Medium but I can't get behind this new logo. From reading the post about its development, it's clear they put a lot of work into it so I don't want to make it look like I'm slamming the designer; I'm not. I just don't see how this portrays the Medium brand better than the previous logo. The previous one looked like, from my perspective, a typed letter. That imagery fit what Medium was. This new logo, not so much.
Rodrigo Prior
@fbara Same impression here... I like the new logo, but I don't think it represents Medium so well as the old one used to...
Ryan Hoover
I love it. They're also releasing an API. Big changes coming, one week after their announcement of a massive $57M round.
ben Watanabe
@rrhoover Definitely the biggest part of the announcement, even if the most conversation will be around the new logo. Should be a lot more great content on Medium soon! Hopefully the new content doesn't get caught in the drafts folder, I know mine is becoming a dangerous place for any draftā€¦
Kirby Kohlmorgen
@rrhoover I've never seen anyone reveal an API as well as Medium. Not only did they announce the API but also announced 5 integrations will kick-ass services and 3 SDKs for the most popular languages.
Nadia Eghbal
@rrhoover So excited for the API! Really well played.
Hans Petter Eide
That logo is an instant OCD trigger šŸ˜Ø
Andrew Torba
Plenty of exciting new updates from Medium, including a new logo! @ev published his thoughts on the new update here: Story behind the new logo here: New iOS app info here:
Milan vd Bovenkamp ā™ 
@torbahax Nice! Also nice story on the design journey. Logo reminds me of a project I'm working on ;)
Robert Bye
Top Product
The new logo makes medium appear like a new startup that is trying to be trendy. Not a well grounded company that was doing something different on the web!
Joao Carvalho
I liked the original logo. Had a reference to the large dropped initial capital serif letters used on newspaper articles. Newspaper = stories. Stories = Medium
Blake Robinson
New features are pretty solid. That logo is a total eyesore.
Nicholas Sheriff
I'll just leave this right here:
Shaun Russell
@nicholassheriff Interesting to see these, any particular point you're trying to raise? Main thing I see is simplicity winning out. I don't think the Medium logo refresh does a good job of that.
Nicholas Sheriff
@_shaunrussell @nicholassheriff Shaun I was simply pointing out that some of the world best brands period have started off with incredible marks and then went through a crazy transition to screw up their brand identity and it only took a few decades to go back to the original simplistic law of good design. Ramsā€™ design motto, ā€œWeniger, aber besserā€ which translates to ā€œLess, but betterā€ has not only influenced his own professional works but also the work of some of the most well-recognized designers today, including Appleā€™s SVP of Design, Jony Ive. In Appleā€™s line of iPods, iPhones, iPads, and Macs, Iveā€™s minimalist style closely mirrors the work and principles of Dieter Rams, sharing a similar, simplistic design methodology. ā€œNo part appeared to be either hidden or celebrated, just perfectly considered and completely appropriate in the hierarchy of the products details and features. At a glance, you knew exactly what it was and exactly how to use it.ā€ ā€“ Ive on Dieter Rams Our job is simply not to overthink things or screw up our implemetation of a law by pushing our own ideologies higher than what it truly should be's a lesson to us all really. None of us are born knowing any of this so if we have to learn all of this it is we either do not know it yet and make these mistakes or we are unaware we are truly not abiding by the right principles. I love that they are still influx and trying something new and figuring things out but they need to not over think anything really and simply express it in the way it always should be expressed.
Dimo Trifonov
Lovely identity but not a good fit for Medium. It has too much character, and Medium is just canvas for everyone's thoughts.
ƖzgĆ¼r Celebi
Deleted Medium after the update!
ƖzgĆ¼r Celebi
@felixoginni @tristancelebi Well there are a few key elements to it for me. One is the black tab bar at the bottom, which changes color and style when you switch to a article. Why is the logo grey inside the App and the App icon logo is green. Homepage is where it gets really cluttered and noisy inside the App. What should I focus on: Who recommended it, the picture, the title, the first sentence or wait there is a section with more info about where it comes from and date? I prefer a Medium App that is all about reading!
Tom Kennedy
I loved the old logo, not sure how I feel about this new one just yet..
Adam Pittenger
I'm not a huge fan of the new logo, but I'm sure it will grow on me. More important is that iOS app... absolutely love the update there. It's awesome to see how the platform has evolved in just a few years.
Larisa Deac

I've used many blog editors out there, and none has proven to be as easy and user friendly as Medium.


Beautiful visuals, easy to use, and the best blog editor I could find.


None that I can think of.

Jonathan Shariat
Love the new design and the wordmark. I'm not sure I understand the M though. Anyway, great work and love the rest of the updates. Better and better!
Yiannis Varelas
I really love the concept of medium. There are some things that still can figure out on the new design though. For example, title images? Also, why the logo change?
Rodrigo Prior
@ivarelas I'm also trying to figure out how to put an image on titles =(
Greg Cavanaugh McClure



Better place for finding intelligent opinions!


Can't think of's pretty dang good!

Nathan Brown

I've loved Medium for a long time - in fact I still hear from people (other authors wanting to link/interview me, prospective clients, etc.) every singe month directly from my very first Medium post.

Medium on mobile Much better than the original app, but the nature of a content network means there's a ton to fit on a small screen's UX.

My only real issue with the app is the writing interface (which should be Medium's strongest point if the website is any indication). It's reminiscent of the beloved Medium writing interface, but some of the features


In general, Medium makes long-form content simple to write & scale. The mobile app is great for quickly responding to interactions.


Mobile search & Drafts could use more functionality - in particular, being able to organize/tag/group drafts would be extremely helpful.

Ben Thompson
well executed & great step forward.
Dave Branson Smith
Can't express how excited I am for this. The API is super powerful, and the connection to IFTTT hopefully will make it extensible to other services (it's limited to recommendations as a Medium trigger ("this"), and creating drafts as a Medium output ("that") for now, but they promise to open it up further). The possibilities are exciting. Medium factors a ton into of how we connect with people who share our values, and so being able to use the API to make sure we reach everyone would be very important to us.