Steven Sinofsky

Paper 3.0 - The new sticky note

When inspiration happens, put it on Paper. Paper is the best way to capture and connect your notes, photos, and sketches. Create checklists, spotlight details in photos, and sketch diagrams with unbeatable speed and ease — Paper is like a wall of sticky notes for everything that inspires you.

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Bill Morein
When we started the process of bringing Paper to the iPhone, we went back to the original concept behind Paper - capturing ideas. Sketches are obviously a great way to do that, but when we really spent time with the phone form factor and spent time talking to customers, it was obvious that pure sketching isn't going to be the primary case. The vast majority of people capture their ideas on the go with quick notes (e.g. emails to self) and photos. With that in mind, we built this new version of Paper and included text (including swipe to style), photos (including our spotlight feature), and sketching (including Think Kit). We tried to bring something special to each aspect of the product, but we are particularly proud of the way that these pieces can come together into composite ideas, the way that you can quickly see all of the ideas in a particular space, and in just how fast it is to capture any concept you have. We are eager to hear what people think and happy to answer any question about the app or how we built it.
Brad Engel
@wmorein always juggling quick "note to self" apps. excited to give this a try! looks great
Bill Morein
One thing we'd love to share with people is our "Swipe to Style" feature. As we were thinking through text input on mobile devices, we asked ourselves what the equivalent of Markdown would be for touch. Once we thought the problem through, it seemed obvious that you could just swipe left and right to style text (headings, bullets, checklists) and just grab items to reorder.
Brad Engel
@bradleyengel @wmorein I also wanted to add, I LOVE the intro video and the tips. They are done very well and clearly convey how to leverage all of the functionality to new users.
Craig Barber
@wmorein Love your demo video on the homepage. Can I ask how you keep the phone so still when shooting this?
Bill Morein
@craigjbarber We used a tripod, but it was actually heavily stabilized in post-production.
Ryan Hoover
@wmorein what's your take Apple's announcement yesterday, specifically the Pencil? Will you continue investing in the FiftyThree Pencil (yes, same name) you launched months ago?
Bill Morein
@rrhoover We are really strong believer of the value of pen and touch in the scenarios we care about, and we do believe that the existence of Apple’s Pencil will bring this to prominence for even more people. If you check out their promo page ( you can see we are featured there. We're excited to see what happens. Having said that, there are an absolutely huge number people with iPads and iPhones that won’t support it, and we want to let them experience the power of pen and touch. So, we’ll keep investing in and selling Pencil to that audience.
Greg Barbosa
@rrhoover This is a great point that I brought up with a few friends yesterday. The Apple Pencil is specifically for the iPad Pro, and not something that the other current iPads seem to support on day one (if ever). It's arguable that FiftyThree now has an even greater market advantage. There is going to be an entire group of people that are even more interested in styli, but will be disappointed to learn that the Apple Pencil won't work on there current devices. FiftyThree's Pencil can fill that void while also increasing their market share while also promoting their great devices and software.
Cat Noone
@wmorein @rrhoover One thing that can't be argued and that I continually boast about when speaking of FiftyThree and the Pencil is how warm it is. I have the walnut and it feels like a pencil should. The somewhat larger width of the pencil (as opposed to our No.2's from middle school) remind me of much earlier days with big crayons and markers, while still remaining warm to the touch—despite it being a piece of hardware. It's aesthetically pleasing to say the least. And while the Apple Pencil is also beautiful (in its own way), it certainly doesn't have that warmth. Will I buy the iPad Pro? Absolutely. Will I chuck my FiftyThree Pencil? No. I love it and I'm sure, as with all of your products, you'll continue to iterate on the technology of both the pencil and the app itself. FiftyThree has a lot in common with Apple, in that it's built up such a strong brand with its users, that they stick around even when things aren't at 100%. But it'd be wrong to say that just because Apple launched this, that 53 isn't operating at 100%. Keep doing what you're doing. Because in the end, it's fun having a competitor and honestly, it's pretty warming knowing your competitor is (one of) the best and most loved on earth. Says something about FiftyThree.
Michel Billard
The app looks great. I love the style of the drawings. Any plan to bring this to Android?
Nikhil Goel
A desktop app (with flawless syncing) would be huge for me. Until then I may be stuck with default Notes
Bill Morein
@ngoel36 Definitely something that we know is critically important - we're really interested in this area and have some fun ideas.
Ben Tossell
Just absolutely love how this product looks and behaves! Straight to my homescreen
Seth Louey
I love love love Paper! I've been using it for many years and can't wait to see where it goes.
Josh Puetz
Very mixed feelings on this update (I'm a heavy Paper use for my daily notes and sketches every day). The new zoom and loss of rewind gesture really hurt my speed. Also disappointed there's no sync between the iPhone and iPad versions. I understand the design changes that were made for the iPhone version, but having them filter through to the iPad version is rough.
Bill Morein
@joshpuetz Totally understood. Tricky set of tradeoffs as you try to balance platform-specificity against trying to have an app that behaves consistently and predictably. For rewind, we actually still do have it but to start it you have to tap the screen with two fingers to enable it. After that you can rewind as before. Zoom has changed more completely, but with the addition of two finger pan I've found it pretty great once you get used to it, and this was a place where we did want to have consistency. Sync is a big deal, we know. Stay tuned :)
Josh Puetz
@wmorein Awesome, thanks for the rewind tip! Rewind is my most used feature because, let's face it, I'm a terrible artist :)
Kevin Zittle
I love the iPad app version of Paper. So so excited to see this come to iPhone. Also really happy to see this was re-thought in form and design and not just porting it over. Great job @wmorein and team!
Jordan Melnick
@wmorein Very interesting update. Kudos on the bold moves and excellent work (as always). I understand the emphasis on productivity, but I kinda lament that Paper now feels like a "get things done" app rather than an "indulge your creativity" app. I get it and support it, but as a long time super user I do have instant nostalgia for the spirit of the watercolor-splotch icon. The new icon is fiery, definitely indicates power and productivity. The old one just made me want to get creative. Two bits of more practical feedback: 1) navigation from Space to Space doesn't feel scalable. I have many Spaces and getting from the far left to far right is kinda a drag 2) Eventually would be nice to be able to add multiple photos to one idea. Hope this is helpful. Fantastic work. Excited to see future iterations!
Bill Morein
@beachedmiami Thanks for the feedback. We hope that the app is a bit of a mix of both (indulgence and productivity). We care a ton about the impact that creativity can have at work ( but we don't want to give up the more enjoyable side either. Always interested in hearing about how that balance is going. We've heard your feedback on Spaces from a number of people and over time we'll do more with navigation and management, I'm sure. Similarly, we've heard the feedback on multiple photos. We've been talking a lot about what the right scope is for an idea vs a Space (i.e. is a Space the "document" or is each idea a "document" - the analogy is imperfect but we like the idea of the smaller nuggets that come together in a space. We'll keep thinking about this.
Jordan Melnick
@wmorein my two cents: I would organize my Spaces around broad themes/topics/projects, like "Calendar App Concept," so I would like to be able to connect related Ideas (for example, Ideas about a particular section of the app) within the Space it occupies and separate from other Ideas that belong in the same Space but not in that particular Idea cluster. Whether I'm connecting multiple Ideas in their current "nugget" form or able to add more media to a single Idea than currently allowed -- either way could work, I think. This is related to the navigation feedback because if I can't organize Spaces around broad themes, then I'm going to have a lot of them (maybe 10+ for a single app concept project) and I'm going to want to navigate easily from one to the next. All that said, I'm a big 53 fan. Keep up the great work.
Bill Morein
@beachedmiami Thanks - great feedback and all ideas that we are thinking about a lot.
Piero Borgo
Just downloaded it, can't wait to use it for my next project! Amazing job as always, Paper is one of my favorite apps ever ✌️
Whoa! I'm a huge fan of Paper. This just blows my mind! Great job guys!
Jeremy Fisher
Been using the beta for the past month and it quickly earned a spot on my homescreen, replacing a constellation of note-taking apps including Evernote, Captio, Letterspace etc. What's been most surprising about it for me is that it feels like the mobile app Pinterest should have made. I use its photo capabilities to capture, annotate, organize, and share the things I see in the real world
Craig Paterson
Been waiting with bated breath for the release of the iPhone version. Just downloaded and can't wait to use it along with my recently purchased Pencil 😎
Giacomo Randazzo
Great design! I'd definitely use it if I had an iPhone. Great work!
Atul Pradhananga
You guys make me want to jump to iPhone 😧
Vignesh Selvasundar
Finally! It took them this long, but I am happy that they made it. And it seems pretty fun to use on my bigger device.
Kunal Bhatia
Creating mood boards here would be really great. Nice work @wmorein and the 53 team!
Nicholas Sheriff
Amazing job guys...huge Paper fan! You've outdone yourselves with this :D
Really nice CM, love it! I have been using Pencil 53 for months, perfect user experience with Paper.
Tam Pham
So beautiful :)