Easily make your business CCPA compliant by generating CCPA-ready privacy documents, displaying a CCPA notice of collection, displaying a “Do Not Sell” link and more.
🚨TLDR: 20% launch discount link at the end of the comment!🚨
Hello Hunters!
Over the last few months, you've probably heard of California's new privacy law, the CCPA. Much like the GDPR before it, the new law grants additional rights to (Californian) consumers and places additional requirements on businesses. If you were around in the business-sphere in May 2018, you probably already have a pretty clear idea of the panic that new privacy laws can cause as people struggle to understand and keep up with new technical and legal requirements.
This urgent need prompted us, on our end as legal-tech providers, to asses and create products that would make the process as pain-free as possible for businesses.
Since our line of Compliance Solutions is already pretty robust, we decided to create and integrate the new CCPA products into our cornerstone solutions – utilizing one-click activation wherever possible.
We put a lot of effort into making our CCPA products as intuitive and easy-to-integrate as possible and even prepared some pretty detailed and helpful documentation in case you'd like to know more about the law itself.
We’re very excited to be launching our CCPA Solutions on Product Hunt today and we truly hope you like it! 🥳
Here is a selection the main legal requirements our solution easily solves:
* Displaying CCPA related language, disclosures, and instructions
* Indicating services active on your site which might be considered a sale under the CCPA definition
* Displaying a CCPA notice of collection to Californian users
* Displaying a “Do Not Sell My Personal Information” (DNSMPI) link in banner and on your site
* Facilitating Opt-out requests (the solution lets you do this >>both<< across entire ad networks via the IAB US Privacy framework, and by tagging scripts)
* Automatically detecting and applying the correct standards (including multiple standards) based on location. Our solution allows you to apply both CCPA and GDPR standards to the same users when legally required +more.
☄️ Our CCPA features are *free*, but here’s a 20% discount to explore the rest of our products: https://www.iubenda.com/?code=iu...
Let us know your thoughts, wishes and feedback below, we're here to chat 🤓👨💻