Jonno Riekwel

iubenda for GDPR - Finally an easy, all-in-one solution to comply with the GDPR

Easily make your organization GDPR compliant by generating a self-updating privacy and cookie policy for your site and app, by implementing a cookie notice, by recording proof of consent via and by documenting your data processing activity.

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Andrea Giannangelo
Hello Hunters! We started iubenda with the vision to provide any website or app owner with easily accessible attorney-level compliance solutions at a price only software can provide. In the beginning it was a privacy policy generator (four years ago on Product Hunt, today we're launching our 360° solution to comply with the GDPR. It helps you to easily make your organization GDPR compliant by generating a self-updating privacy and cookie policy for your site and app, by implementing a cookie notice with prior blocking, by recording proof of consent via the Consent Solution API and by documenting your data processing activity with iubenda's Internal Privacy Management solution. After years of iterating, we've now earned the loyalty of over 40,000 customers and we're eager to hear the feedback of the PH community. What would you add? What do you like? How can we improve and serve customers better? Have a question on the GDPR? Go ahead! ^_^
Andrea Giannangelo
@carriere4 Hi Charles, I'm happy to inform you we've already completed development of a Terms and Conditions generator which is going to launch later this year as we clear up the pipeline from the post-GDPR tasks : )
Jonno Riekwel
Launching soon!
iubenda has been around for a while and solves a lot issues that website owners have. With iubenda you don't need to hire a lawyer just to see if you comply with all the privacy rules. This is great.
Nick Balestra

Amazing team! Been using it since their early stages and even back then I was impressed by the quality of their solution. I've kept using it ever since and always recommend it!


Hassle free professional product that just works. Elegantly and quickly solve important legal problems that every website face.


None I can think of

Andrea Giannangelo
Nick you're one of those few people I would want to have a chance to hug at least once a month 🤗
Vlad Korobov
Hi guys @s2imon and @facens could you clarify difference between Consent Solution and Cookie Solution? I see you have black banner on your website and I like the way you handle that any move on the website is auto acception – but is that Consent we need to store marketing tools cookies and accept contact forms? I understand the mechanic behind complex services (personal cabinets and etc) but the most websites are simply about marketing data and contact forms. What do you think about tps:// widget with multiple buttons? Do we really need that? seems like the most elegant solution but require extra moves to turn on or off GTM tags after OK clicked. From your point of view we can Turn ON everything by default and output the popup? Please clarify all that mess.
Andrea Giannangelo
@vladkorobov Thanks for your questions, I'll try to tackle all of your points: # On how to collect consent for cookies Consent to cookies must be informed and based on an explicit affirmative action; subject to the local authority, these actions may include continued browsing, clicking, scrolling the page or some method that requires the user to actively proceed. In all EU countries there was debate with the authorities around how to actually enable businesses, especially online publishers, to be compliant with the Cookie Law without losing big chunks of revenues and thus putting jobs in danger. This is why most national authorities have been open to ways of collecting cookie consent other than an "accept" button, like continued browsing, as long as the cookie notice is sufficiently big that it's not possible for the user not to notice it. Differently from the GDPR, we don't have a single Cookie Law for the whole of Europe, but in our experience we've never received a complaint from the authorities on this specific point, out of the hundreds of thousands of websites that use our solution. That said, the iubenda Cookie Solution ( allows you to have users accept cookies only when clicking an accept button, but don't forget that this may have an impact on your business, and that the law does give you some room for alternative. This article goes more in depth: # On multiple buttons for granular cookie consent We've collected here ( all of the legal references on why this is not strictly necessary. Many customers would like this feature, despite the extra burden it adds in terms of implementation, so we've added them to the next months' roadmap. # On Cookie Solution vs Consent Solution While the Cookie Solution responds to the ePrivacy law requirements, the Consent Solution ( is all about storing proof of consent in contexts like forms, email opt-ins etc, as required by the GDPR. As of Cookie Law and storing consent, we explain here ( -> under "Proof of consent vs Records of consent") our take on why our solution is compliant without taking any extra steps.
Vlad Korobov
@facens thank you for detailed answer, so what about the case when person willing to close the website – but we already save marketing cookies, what our actions here? How this situation is supposed to be handled?
Andrea Giannangelo
@vladkorobov Before the consent has been provided, you always have to block the scripts that install cookie, so that the user has a chance to leave without being tracked. We explain more on the topic here:
Vlad Korobov
@facens thank you for detailed scripts and GTM tutorial From what I see so far iubenda for GDPR is the best solution with appropriate pricing
Andrea Giannangelo
@vladkorobov 🙇 Let us know if you have feedback on that specific guide, as it's been getting some changes and we would appreciate any feedback on whether the procedure is optimal or could be improved
Pierquinto Manco
Finally a real solution to GDPR panic attacks! No lawyer needed :D
Great product by a team that is really listening to their users!
Andrea Giannangelo
@voneff We love your love ❤️
Miki Nacucchi
Thanks guys for making this mess so simple 👏🙏
Simon Schmid
@mikinacucchi happy to help :)
Ali Siam
Been using iubenda for over 3 years now, never been disappointed! I recommend it to all my clients.
Andrea Giannangelo
@ali_siam Hi Ali, we're a bootstrapped company and feedback like yours is what keeps us going and pushing! Thank you 🙇
Giovanni Alemanno
Hi Andrea, I have seen that it is now possible to implement the consent solution only through API via HTTP, or through our Javascript library. When do you launch a graphical interface to trace the registered consents for people that not have technical skills to implement the API in their websites?
Andrea Giannangelo
@giovannialemans Thanks for the question! Today: In addition to writing to the API, you can use the /subjects endpoint to read the latest consent and preferences for each subject Within days: a method for listing consents from the API Within a few weeks: a dashboard for managing/displaying consents from the interface
Giovanni Alemanno
@facens Thanks for your answer The dashboard that you will release in a few weeks, will be easy to use and integrate into websites as the privacy policy and cookie policy without having special technical skills? I mean maybe selecting the elements to trace in the dashboard --> save --> and inserting a script on the website? And after that we can see the registered consents in the dashboard? Many Thanks
Andrea Giannangelo
@giovannialemans Implementing the API will still require a little bit of technical work, but if you have some specific ideas on how it could be made a little simpler, please let us know. The JS library already goes in that direction, but we're eager for feedback on how it could be made better!
Giovanni Alemanno
@facens yes if it were simple to implement as the cookie policy and the privacy policy (as described above) would be ideal even for those who are not too technically qualified. Will you create webinars in which you will explain how to implement the API or a simple guide as it is in the current state? Thanks again!!
Andrea Giannangelo
@giovannialemans Webinars: absolutely yes! We're also creating a video guide which will be up soon. As of the general feedback on making things simpler, it's not as easy as the Privacy and Cookie Policy, but we're going to do our best!
Scott Newman

I have used them for a couple of years and they have solved a very complex problem most website owners have for a simple yearly fee.


Amazing Customer Service

Good Value For Money



Andrea Giannangelo
Thank you Scott! If you have any feedback or feature requests, you have our ears ^_^
Anthony Da Mota


Easy setup; beautiful design; awesome team; really affordable


Why should there have cons? 🙄

Andrea Giannangelo
Thank you Anthony!
Jarrod Fath
At, we've been using Iubenda for over three years, since our founding. It really helped us as a start-up, having to dedicate fewer resources to the legal issues in the early days when we were working on the product. It was quick and easy to modify as we grew and added other services. Iubenda's webinars and and emails leading up to GDPR have been really helpful and I'm happy that my privacy policy is still up to date, despite all the changes brought on by GDPR.
Andrea Giannangelo
@jarrodfath Being in your same situation almost 10 years ago is what made me start iubenda. Knowing that we're helping other founders focus on their own projects, by taking some hassles away, is our greatest source of motivation. Thank you Jarrod!
Angelo Sorbello
Had so many friends asking me if I knew an easy way to check if they were GDPR-compliant. Finally, a go-to way to check this out quickly. Great team and fantastic execution
Alice Marmieri
Finally a clear and easy solution for GDPR. I love you guys!!!
Matthew Pritchard
@alice_marmieri Totally agree! I wish this was available earlier in our GDPR journey, would have saved us many hours!!! (Perhaps I just wasn't aware it was available earlier!)
Marlon Wayne
As a very early user of iubenda, I can say in full confidence that the Impulse team trusts them to provide us with legally compliant service agreements. The addition of GDPR gives me further confidence that they will continue to make it easy for us to focus on building the product when new legal hurdles arise.
Andrea Giannangelo
@m_rlons We've got you covered 👊
Ali Siam

Which they had TOS creation as well but I've been using iubenda for 3+ years never had any issues.


Simple hassle free privacy policies that are clear for you and your users.



Simon Schmid
Thanks for the review! We're actually working on the ToS, though GDPR was first in line :)
Fabian Weiss
Pretty neat. Saved us a lot of headaches.
Matthew Pritchard
Looking forward to the reporting tools and internal privacy policy generators becoming available for the internal privacy management solution.
Andrea Giannangelo
@matthew_pritchard working hard to ship them ASAP
Isaak Dury

Quick, simple, handed it to our own lawyers and it was easy to integrate into our existing terms. Great that it will dynamically update with each new service we use and GDPR (inevitably) adjusts.


Great. Even have their finger on upcoming changes to Australian GDPR-like changes coming up.

Cheaper than my lawyers 6min increments!


Like everyone else in GDPR they're still trying to work through the grey bits.

Felice Gattuso

I'm the designer of iubenda but before that I've been a user for years and it's great to become part of a project that you've been an early adopter of.


Extremely simple to use, helpful and the support team is great.


N/A no cons