Sam Nordale

Ivy - Wake up to new playlists curated by the people you know


Ivy helps you share and discover music with the people in your life. Create and join leagues where players submit a song during the week, and then vote for their favorite on the weekend.
Weekly and aggregate playlists are automatically created for you.

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Ryan Hoover
Interesting that you're framing this as a weekly tournament. I'm a fan of appointment mechanics (probably no surprise). Personally I wish this was available on the web. I might be in the minority but I listen to music on my laptop far more than my phone to keep me company while working. :)
Sam Nordale
@rrhoover it is! I actually built the web app ( first, but almost everyone I've talked to prefers the mobile, so I've prioritized it. Omw to go make some web mockups... :)
Sam Nordale
Hi! I'm Sam, co-founder of Ivy. We created Ivy because we wanted an easier and more social way to share and discover music; if you have any questions you can leave them here, or reach out on Twitter @theivyplatform/@snordale! We hope you love Ivy and follow along as we continue to improve the platform!
Interesting idea. I liked the concept and the design of the app
Sam Nordale
Linden Thomas
Good idea. Nice design too. A few questions. Is it possible for two users to submit the same song? If so which one do you vote for? How many songs a week are there to vote for?
Sam Nordale
@linden_thomas We don't allow duplicate submissions, within each week but also for the duration of the league. I expect that people will eventually be able to set this on a league-by-league basis. Weeks occur within "Leagues", where the creator manages how many players are in the league. Each person submits one song per week, so the size of the league determines how many songs wind up in the playlist!