I subscribed to @jlinowski's project a while ago and enjoy the occasional email updates. The presentation of his ideas neat w/ hotkeys and an "unread" counter.
Yes! I did an interview with @jlinowski this past year (posted above). He's a solid guy, with lots of good advice. I've never seen anyone build a mailing list that fast!
Hey @rrhoover and all. Thanks for the invite and the good words. Glad it's all useful. By the way, we're slowly beginning to measure the effectiveness of the GoodUI ideas in real a/b testing scenarios. More data coming around the corner in the form of a paid info-product. :)
I know this was submitted six months ago, but @rrhoover just mentioned it in a comment.
I found it a bit funny that under the suggestion not to use false bottoms, beause people might think it's the end of the page, there is a false bottom that I thought meant it was the end of the page
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Jakub Linowski
Jakub Linowski
Brutal Teardowns