@falemaster Exactly..make the whole phone a screen. Was wondering the same thing with the new infinity display on the S8...why have an edge on the top and bottom?
I guess I'm only speaking for myself here but it's nice to see some variety in size and form factor returning to mobile devices. Not really sure I'm following the complain-y comments here; cute things are good.
Wow, I really like the idea here. There are several situations where a cheap, tiny Android phone would work and my regular phone wouldn't. If they made it waterproof, I'd be completely sold. Hoping it's not vaporware -- since they came out with an earlier incarnation, I have high hopes.
For years I've felt like the only one who was completely dumbfounded that phones were getting _bigger_, not smaller. My hands aren't the biggest, so an iPhone SE is really the only choice I have for one-handed use on a phone.
My dream phone size is the one used in the movie "Her."
While this device looks pretty awful (it could have been twice as small without those massive bezels!), my hope is this is the beginning of a trend going to smaller options. I still want to consume content on the phone, but I'm not trying to recreate a true movie theater experience like these massive phones seem to be.
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