Ben Lang - Stock research made easy for retail investors

Top Product has developed a platform designed to make critical financial information easier for retail investors to use, regardless of their level of financial literacy, helping them to become more sophisticated investors.
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Shabtai Dvir
Hello to the Product Hunt community! Big thanks to @benln for hunting us! I'm super excited to present with you what I, my co-founder @nadav_av , and our incredible team at have been working on recently and to share our long-term vision! has developed a platform designed to make critical financial information easier for retail investors to use, regardless of their level of financial literacy, helping them to become more sophisticated investors. By leveraging a technology that uses AI to automatically analyze SEC filings, we've built tools to help investors find new opportunities, research companies, and evaluate stock prices. These AI models produce quantitative and qualitative insights that are accessible to users through clean and crisp interfaces. was built around the belief that retail investors deserve the same access to information as institutional investors. Would love to hear what you think!
Al Khan
@benln @nadav_av @shabtai_dvir Amazing stuff! The ideal financial tool for experienced and non-experienced investors to streamline investing. Congrats on the launch!
Nadav Avrahami
Thanks a lot! Really appreciate that :)
Bryan Atkins
@nadav_av @shabtai_dvir looks amazing!! I'm curious if it would be possible to add a metric for monitoring insider buying or selling?
Shabtai Dvir
@nadav_av @bryan_atkins Sure! We plan to add this feature in the next versions
Ben Judah
Really slick tool - the team and superb as well. Really great to get into this early.
Shabtai Dvir
@benjudah Thank you very much Ben for being there very early!
Ben Bohbot
@benjudah @shabtai_dvir Thank you Ben
Amartya Bhargava
Awesome! Needed such a tool from some time - better fundamental analysis can be done now hopefully!
Ben Bohbot
@amartya_bhargava Hey! Thank you very much for your support 🚀
Noam Sol
The founders of Jika did a demo with me in their first days and I was inspired by them. Jika takes investing seriously and is dedicated to understanding investors' needs. Best of luck Jika!
Ben Bohbot
@noam_sol Hey Noam! It is great to see you using every day!
Shabtai Dvir
@noam_sol Thanks a lot Noam! Your insightful feedback was so valuable for us!
Wow this looks like a great product, what new sources does the feed contain?
Shabtai Dvir
@yaniv10501 Hi Yaniv! Thanks for the question, our watchlist based feed is aggregating news from several sources, like: The Motley Fool, Market Watch, Stockmarketcom, Benzinga, The Dog of Wall Street and many more... Do you have a source that you would like seeing in Jika?
Yuval Berghaus
The product is incredible. It makes stock research process much easier!!
Shabtai Dvir
@theymbproduction Thanks Yuval! Let me know if you have any questions about the product.
Ben Bohbot
Tamar Yehudar
Just the tool I was looking for! Awesome product 🚀
Shabtai Dvir
@tamar_yehudar Thanks a lot Tamar !
Yogev Lahyani
What an amazing product, a must tool for both experienced and non-experienced retail investors!
Ben Bohbot
@yogevlahyani Thanks for your support!
Shabtai Dvir
@yogevlahyani Thanks Yogev! Your feedback is much appreciated!
Karina Nosenko
Interesting product. I would love to try it
Ben Bohbot
Shanee Gat
great product!
Shabtai Dvir
@shanee_gat Thanks Shane! Your support is super helpful!
Ben Bohbot
@lior_galante_cohen Thank you Lior! We appreciate your support ❤️
Shabtai Dvir
@lior_galante_cohen Thanks a lot! You're contribution is much appreciated!
David B
You are getting better every day, I'm a 3 month user, wishing you the best! Congrats!💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
Ben Bohbot
@yosh1 Thanks David!
kobi lankry
Looks fantastic guys. Well done!
Shabtai Dvir
@kobilankry Thanks a lot man!
Dor Muallem
Amazing product that really simply the whole stock research process!
Lior Gonen
An excellent tool that provides a lot of useful insights
Ben Bohbot
@lior_gonen1 Thanks lior!
Asaf Ezra
Hi guys! Looks great!
Ben Bohbot
@asafezra1 Thank you Asaf!
Nice product. Congrats!
Ben Bohbot
@basharath Thank you my friend! You are more than welcome to conduct research with
Sasha Briu
Congrats on the launch, guys!
Shabtai Dvir
@sofipolonska Thank you very much!
Jareer Samad
Much needed product, Shabtai. Would surely try this. All the best!
Shabtai Dvir
@jareer_samad Thank you very much Jareer! Let me know if you have more questions about our product.
Geffen Posner
Can't wait to try! @shabtai_dvir What exactly is alternative data?
Shabtai Dvir
@geffen_posner A great question Geffen! Alternative data refers to data used by investors to evaluate a company or investment that is not within their traditional data sources (financial statements, SEC filings, management presentations, press releases, etc.). Alternative data helps investors get more accurate, faster, or more granular insights and metrics into company performance than traditional data sources. With , retail investors can enjoy alternative that was accessible only to institutional investors.