Suren Petrosyan

Job board Fire 2.0 - Create your own job board in minutes

Job Board Fire is job board software made fast, simple, and affordable. You can create your own job board website in just a few minutes.

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Suren Petrosyan
Hey makers, I'm very excited to present you with Job Board Fire 2.0! Since our initial launch Job Board Fire has been updated to include: - Employer accounts, an employer dashboard, and employer managed job posts. - Backfilling by Ziprecruiter to display jobs from their network on your job board's search results. - Job Alerts to notify subscribed candidates of new job posts matching their criteria And a ton of other smaller features. Job Board Fire is still being improved on every day, but I felt enough has been added to warrant a re-introduction to the ProductHunt community. I can only hope for Job Board Fire to be received as warmly as it was during the initial launch.
@webdevsuren love the idea! I think it would be great if you linked to a demo job board, this way I can see how everything looks before I start messing around with creating an account. Also, do you allow users to plugin their own Ziprecruiter API token?
Suren Petrosyan
@nickfrancioso Hey Nick, I'm going to be adding case studies to the website soon. At the moment there isn't a way for users to plugin their own Ziprecruiter token because none has asked to do that yet. If you have one I can make the custom change for you :)
Yoofi Annan
hello @webdevsuren i also think its on the highside.. 1. What integrations does it come with now? zapier,mail chimp,integromat 2. What is it built on? 3. Whats on the road map? 4. Examples of sites built on Job board Fire 2.0? I'm upvoting anyway cos I love your product will be building a job board however the price (due to the exchange rate in my country)
Sartaj Anand
Love the product @webdevsuren but had a quick question. Is the pricing per board per month? What if you wanted to build several boards?
Joe Thomsett
I remember testing out v1.0 and liking it. $97/month at first glance seems quite meaty. Is there a lite version?
Suren Petrosyan
@joe_thomsett Hey Joe, glad to hear you liked version one. I understand $97 is not a small amount of money, but I think Job Board Fire is the lowest priced competitive job board solution on the market at the moment. Other solutions have limited plans starting at $180-$250 per month, and we have an unlimited plan at $97 per month. The truth is the price of Job Board Fire is only going to increase to catch up to the competition as I add more features. (Of course the pricing won't change for existing subscribers.)
Steven Jacobs
Which affiliate programs does this connect with? ZipRecruiter & Jobs2Careers?
Suren Petrosyan
@stevenjacobs_ Hey Steven, so far only Ziprecruiter.
Steven Jacobs
@webdevsuren Thanks, and is it possible to add this as a WordPress plugin or just a subdomain of your website or a custom URL which would probably be a sub-domain of one of our websites?
Great Tool! Can you provide the Chinese version?
Andy Cloke
Great idea and execution Suren! A couple of suggestions: - Include a demo of a published job board made using your app somewhere prominent on your landing page. The screenshots look good, but a real-live app would be even more convincing - Have you considered value-based pricing? https://www.priceintelligently.c.... You could charge per job posted, or based on traffic, rather than a fixed fee. I'd definitely look at introducing a cheaper tier as part of this. I appreciate your competitors might be priced at a similar price point, but Carrd, and Webflow are both decent substitutes for your product and they're priced a lot lower than you.
Suren Petrosyan
@andycloke Thanks Andy! I'm going to be adding case studies with links to the website soon. As far as pricing goes, I don't think it's fair at all to compare Job Board Fire to something like Carrd or Webflow. Even in the current state of Job Board Fire it would take a long time to replicate something like it in Webflow. Once I add the next couple of major updates, meaning a more advanced ecommerce system and job importing / auto importing, it will be nearly impossible.
Felipe Otálora
We are at a stage where we will likely start hiring soon. I'm excited to try this out!
Bekzat Sadykov
Great idea! Would be great to let users set their job app for free and charge when they publish it. Pay when you go live or something.
Suren Petrosyan
@bekzat Hey Bekzat, we have a 14 day free trial which is intended for exactly that. You get to create your job board and see how it looks, possibly even launch it, and then you can subscribe to keep it live after the 14 days.
Arpit Choudhury
Very interesting product. There has been an explosion of niche job boards, many of which are created using no-code tools. I think a more affordable version or a different pricing model will increase the adoption rate significantly. Best of luck!
armando lazo
I like that it comes with back fill jobs with zip recruiters. zip Recruiters as you know partnered with google jobs for a little experiment. Well anyway, zip recruiters is already interested with google so it saves time not having to do myself. Thanks
Dance Music Digit
Hi guys .. i tried to contact jobboardfire but there is no replay .. is it active ?
Dance Music Digit
hello @webdevsuren ..i couldnt subscribe and no one replay my emails ..