Jon Shields

Job Search Database - Find the job board for you


Search and filter 700+ niche, industry, and location-specific job boards and counting. New resources added daily.

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Jon Shields
The job board landscape is filled with junk. Here is a living directory of actively posting job boards categorized by industry, interest group, and location.
Ajay Sahoo
Please specify which locations for work is being targeted and work is from home mode or from office mode ?
Ruben Rick
Hey @jonshields this is a super helpful website. It's really super intuitive and user friendly. I've also developed my own jobboard website here, however this is outisde of the point. I am creating a teams community for developers working on websites to help job applicants, and I would be honored to have you in it My end goal is to merch a few projects to create something new and better hmu on linkedin if you're interested