Ben Lang

Simply Piano - Fast and fun way to learn piano

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Simply piano is a fast and fun way to learn piano. Using our acoustic engine, the app listens to how you play, giving you real-time feedback

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Yuval Kaminka
@benIn thanks for hunting us! Co-founder of JoyTunes here. The idea for Simply Piano came about to make music learning much more accessible. We're removing barriers for EVERYONE to fulfill their creative aspirations. For the first time ever there will be an app for anyone to learn the piano basics on their own and succeed, for free. Using our acoustic engine, the app listens to how you play, giving you real-time feedback to quickly learn and improve your skills. Think about it as the Duolingo for learning music. While many(!) things are obviously missing from the first release, it's a huge leap in an otherwise traditional industry. Shout out to the awesome team that made it all possible, including @theyonibomber @flatgirl78 @litalhassine @alonkaplan @yanivhefetz @matan_eilat @psukimmtzaytzim @yigkaminka @slidaplus @MyaAchidov Looking forward to hearing what you think about Simply Piano!
Abi Tyas Tunggal
@yuvalkaminka Hey, this is awesome! Any recommendations on a cheap MIDI keyboard? I'd love to learn.
Yoni Tsafir
@abityastunggal Xkey's portable keyboard is a really good option, but of course the product works with any piano or keyboard :)
Abi Tyas Tunggal
@theyonibomber Thanks for the quick reply and recommendation! I'll have to try find myself a little keyboard soon. Have a great day!
Yaron Samid
@yuvalkaminka fantastic! Will get all my kids on it. Congrats Yuval and team on another winner!
Ouriel Ohayon
How different is it from Tonara?
Yuval Kaminka
@ourielohayon Very different. Most importantly, our process doesn’t assume any prior knowledge at all. But also, the acoustic engine is optimized for learners (who tend to make many mistakes…) and we offer cool background music. Simply Piano is for anyone that wants to learn, Tonara is for musicians (and it's cool - I'm a user myself)
Yuval Kaminka
@ourielohayon Then it might be a little basic for you... Still interested in feedback. btw, I love @appsfire. We were a happy customer in the past, hopefully in the future too.
Jonathan Caras
I have been a daily active user for Piano Master, Joytunes' last app, since I got it a month ago. It is one of the best apps I have ever used on my iPad. I once lost a start up competition to these guys. They totally deserved it. Amazing product, amazing team.
Yuval Kaminka
@madcapslaugh wow man, I brought in all the team to read this... thanks!
Ryan Hoover
For the less committed, hopeful pianists: Touch Pianist. 😊
Yuval Kaminka
@rrhoover I really hope apps like Simply Piano will significantly reduce the number of hopeless pianists ;)
Omri Aloni
Awesome stuff. Congrats on the launch, guys! I've always wanted to learn how to play the Piano but that always felt that it was hard to teach yourself (much harder than the guitar, for example). I'll have to dust off my old keyboard and give this a shot!
Yuval Kaminka
@omri_aloni thanks. That's exactly the point. Try it out and tell me what you think
itamar weisbrod
Definitely going to give this a try- I love how it gives real time feedback.
Jonathan Caras
@itamarw totally worth the investment. I learned Swan Lake, I am working on the Entertainer and the Super Mario Theme now
Kevin Wimer
Kevin from JamPlay here. We focus on guitar / bass online learning. Great approach to learning - really well done!
Yuval Kaminka
@kevinace Thanks! We plan guitar too - we should definitely touch base
Love it!
Josh Barkin
Good idea, although always been skeptical of these products. I've been playing for 35 years and have a formal education, but there is no doubt music education sucks. It's not an opinion either. The drop off rate for learning piano is greater than 80%. I would say getting high in High School was the best thing that happened to my music education LOL. A ton of apps have tried to reinvent music education, but all have a double challenge. 1) losing interest and patience with learning piano, and 2) general fatigue with apps and deleting those, or seeing apps like these be interesting, but not home-screen worthy. How do you plan to overcome these challenges and win when so many others have attempted before?
Yuval Kaminka
@joshbarkin That's a great question and I share your frustration with many apps you see out there. It's very hard to crack such a huge UX challenge and many are struggling with this. What we're bringing to the table is a new level of acoustic technology that facilitates a true learning process, along with a carefully-crafted educational journey and UI. This is a new app and it's clear many things are still missing that we're aware of (and many that we aren't), but our past experience proved itself. Our family+teacher targeted app, Piano Maestro, has crazy retention and piano teachers are describing it as a game changer (8% of piano teachers in the US use it regularly). If at all possible, I invite you to try it out and send me feedback. Note that while it's very empowering, it's intended for noobs (without 35 years of formal training...)
Farhana Rahman
Looks awesome! Keep rocking, team!
Ben Rubin
As you can see we are at a very basic level in our house 😁 can't wait to test it out! 💪
Yuval Kaminka
@benrbn Looked pretty good to me
Ron Levy
Love this. What age groups are you aiming at? Can this completely replace the need for a piano teacher BTW?
Yuval Kaminka
@ronch we have many successful tools for music teachers, our natural partners, and as such we were targeting mostly kids. Simply Piano is our first app for adult self learners, people who wouldn’t have otherwise gone to a teacher. We’re removing the barriers for them to get started.
Jordan Nemrow
Great looking app. Any plans to expand to other instruments? (guitar please!)
Yuval Kaminka
@nemrow of course :)
Yair Kivaiko
This looks amazing! Finally I'll have something to do with my too expensive furniture known as a 100 yrs. old german piano :) Thanks!
Aviram Ben Moshe
Congrats on the launch. Looks great, can't wait to try it.
Yuval Kaminka
@avirambm thanks! can't wait to hear what you think
Gigi Tsui
Any plans for iPad version?
Yoni Tsafir
@gigitsui We're definitely planning on making the app universal in a future version. For the meantime the experience of installing the iPhone app on the iPad isn't so bad and you should still be able to learn and have fun :)
Kunaal Arya
Love this. have a piano but haven't been able to find a piano teacher for basic learning in sf so have delayed getting started. this is exactly what i need!
Yuval Kaminka
@kunaalarya awesome. Let me know what you think
Zach Abramowitz
Cool product. Question: why isn't it easier to use the many YouTube videos that show you how to play specific songs. I'm a piano player myself and they're quite good, but I've also seen young kids teach themselves to play piano with these videos. Why is Simply Piano better?
Yuval Kaminka
@zachabramowitz The instructional videos on YouTube are great and we've had conversations with their creators to understand what works for them, and what needs to be improved. The biggest differentiator of our app is that it interacts with the user as s/he learns, offering feedback on each note and tailoring the pace of instruction to the user's progress. There's certainly a place for the videos, but we (and many of the video creators who have advised us) believe our app takes the instruction to a different level.
Janos Rusiczki
Any chances for an Android port?
Yuval Kaminka
Fun Update: Simply Piano 2.0 was just released, introducing Courses (pop chords, essentials, ...), Apple Pay for buying a compact keyboard and more. Imagine this: you can hop on a plane and know how to play pop chords by the time you land.