Oleh Kopyl

JSON url - Mock backend with JSON generated from URL

Ever wanted to mock a backend request with a real request instead of hard-coded JSON?
Try JSON url.

It allows you to get a JSON straight from a URL. For example from this URL:
https://jsonurl.com/{“name”: “Max”}
you can get this json:
{“name”: “Max”}

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Oleh Kopyl
Ever wanted to mock a backend request with a real request instead of hard-coded JSON? Try jsonurl. It allows you to get a JSON straight from a URL. For example from this URL: https://jsonurl.com/{“name”: “Max”} you can get this json: {“name”: “Max”} Or you can get it with a delay to simulate a heave request by adding a ?delay param like https://jsonurl.com/{“name”: “Max”}?delay=2 Or in UI at jsonurl.com
Interesting idea. Congrats on the launch.
Alejandro Martínez Vieites
This can be very useful indeed!
sathithya yogi
congrats for the launch @oleh_kopyl
Amazing, congrats on the launch
Jimmy Miller
I understand the idea, but I would rather mock the request to save on requests going out. if I have to define the structure and data anyway, I would prob stick to mocking instead of relying on external service. it's an interesting idea though
Marc Lebovitz
This will come in handy - nice.