Thank you for hunting us @nzieber, I am Mehdi - co-founder of Just Away with @rahulr047.
Just Away started with a simple struggle as AirPods users:
Dirty, ugly ear wax & dust accumulation on the Pods and the Case. Having tried and tested multiple solutions, I have not found a solution that answers this problem properly. I realised I needed to come up with something myself. Voila! Just Away was born.
What you get is exactly what you need:
> 5x Cleaning paste
> 4x Alcohol wipes
> 1x Spudger
The Kit is safe and easy to use. Non-toxic and made of eco-friendly materials. If you clean your Pods & Case once a week, the Just Away kit will allow you to clean them for 3 months.
We're super excited for the launch, and are going to be hanging here to answer any questions you have!
@steventrotter Hey Steven. Our black paste is made out of similar materials. This was part of the products we tested when coming up with the idea. However, we think using only Blu tack is not enough. If you want to remove the entire residue of dust and ear wax, some parts are only accessible with a thin object (hence the Spudger). Glad you like our website! :-) Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this!
NICE! I thought about making an AirPod cleaning kit and talked myself out of it like 8 times lol. The potential liability, an apple cease and desist, Amazon knockoffs... ya know. But this is a major flaw with the AirPods 1 & 2, they get caked up with ear wax.
@armand We ourselves have long thought about getting started and finding a real solution to this problem. Concerning the potential liability and Apple cease/desist > I personally think we shouldn't think too much about this when debating whether a product is worth creating or not. A few years ago, I launched Glitty (Wooden accessories for MacBook) - we could have been attacked by Apple for using their trademarked logo on our products – but it never happened and we sold thousands of products across +65 countries. Have a great day and thanks for the upvote!
Mehdi and Rahul have been working on this killer product over the last few weeks and I have to admit it's simple and brilliant. Excited to see where this goes!
Though I prefer Bose bluetooth headphones, this seems like a a fantastic idea. I would personally love to see an iPhone earpiece cleaning kit. Every iPhone I've ever had gets gunk in the earpiece and its been impossible to clean with traditional methods I found online. I would pay good money for a cleaning solution that works!
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