Kiki Schirr

Kano - The educational computer and coding kit for all ages


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Kiki Schirr
Kano previously released as a computer for children to assemble and learn from -- but now Kano is releasing three new pieces of hardware: a camera kit, a speaker kit, and a pixel kit (which is a 128-point lightboard) as well as Kano Code, a coding platform for kids to learn to code, and Kano World, for those coders to interact and share what they've learned. I love where education is heading!
Kano is one of the best things I've seen to teach kids coding! Seen @yonatanrf speak at a TEDx about it as well, awesome sauce :) P.S: I have one myself :D
Looks AWESOME, 100% behind this initiative. @TeamKano @kikischirr @cape @alexnklein @yonatanrf
Sam Cash
These products look great. Are they specifically designed to increase engagement?
Alex Klein
@sam__cash One big change is that you can code these kits from any device – through our creative coding platform,, We saw our most engaged users on Kano 1 freely moving from Computer Kit to other devices. Constant challenges, community competition, and the more tactile projects also do good work on this front. Thanks for your question!
Palak Zatakia
Great to see how @yonatanrf is taking Kano ahead! Great stuff, Kano Team! Cheers! :D
Paul Murphy
It's unreal. I bought one of the original computers for my nephew when he was 7 and he completely fell in love with technology. He's now programming. This is such a great company, and I really love the new products.
Alex Klein
@paulbz Paul let me reflect that back – Dots is mega.
Germán Castaño
As a father of two curious children, I think this is a very good idea and it could help to raise a new generation of makers. Congratulations, wonderful job.
Hung Lee
Beautiful products. Fantastic job by the Kano team
Paul de Fombelle
In your opinion at what age kids are old enough to enjoy this?
Alex Klein
@paulodef Anyone who can read can start, we've had kids as young as five build a computer with us. Here's a bit more background :)
Tarik Kurspahic
My 7-year-old has had the Kano since it made its debut and absolutely loves it! Glad to see the offering being expanded. Can't wait to try some of the new things with her.
Marina Tassi
These are the types of products I'm super excited to see coming to market. It makes learning about software and hardware fun and accessible which is super important when the majority of public schools don't have much more than a course or two on any of this. I'm about to check out the Ted Talk!
Sajeev Aravindan
I would love to buy one for my 7-yo when it is available in India. Keep me informed.
Calum Webb
I remember convincing my school to buy the original Kano classroom pack off of Kickstarter when it first started and can't say enough how great it's been connecting with Kano. Love what you're doing guys and thank you for changing how kids and adults alike interact with technology! Great work and thank you! Love from Switzerland! -Calum from ISOCS :)
Liina Ilves
Absolutely love this!
Assaf Gilad
A Raspberry Pi style kit for building you own computer, with enhanced features launched for the 2016 holidays. Read our page on Kano
Асмик Карапетян
I provide education proсess in such way!