Eric Lu

Cartoonify - Turn a photo a cartoon drawing, using a neural network


What happens when artificial intelligence tries to draw your photo? Cartoonify turns your photo into a cartoon drawing, powered by Draw This by Dan Macnish and the Google QuickDraw dataset.

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Julia Enthoven
Hi Product Hunt fam - We took a break from building Kapwing to make Cartoonify, an artificially-intelligent sketch artist that illustrates what happens when you ask a computer to draw (spoiler: your 5-year-old cousin has better skillz πŸ‘©πŸ½β€πŸŽ¨) We wanted to explore TensorFlow and show off the work of Dan Macnish. This is our first AI project so we're still learning a lot about the technology! It's exciting to develop on the frontier of ML-powered creativity πŸ’»πŸ–Œ We'd love to see your best and funniest cartoons! Happy cartooning
Micaela Dawn
This was a blast! I uploaded some of my art, and let the AI make art from my art. Now I'm tempted to take that art and make art from the art of my art.
Julia Enthoven
@dawnmicaela Haha that's the beauty of ML-powered art! It's not actually beautiful, but it might inspire you to make sometime else that is beautiful. Did you cartoonify some good art?
Micaela Dawn
@juliaenthoven This is what it created from one of my pieces:
So relieved that the bots won't take over any time soon :)
Julia Enthoven
@oschettler haha just wait! We're hoping to bring some machine intelligence to video editing with Kapwing. At least put the bots to work enabling artsy humans with smarter, better tools.
Ryan Hoover
Brilliant. While very different, this reminds me of Google's Autodraw. RIP, artists. J/k. πŸ˜‰
Niv Dror
Love this 😊😊
Growth Hacker

I uploaded 5 images-3 failed 2 came back like some mentally challenged had a pencil stuck in their nose and face planted the screen/ !0 minutes I'll never get back...




Waste of time. Go make money someplace.

patrick a ruster
Really dude...?
Sandro Munda
Congrats for the launch, it's very funny to use :) Beside the fact my 5-year-old cousin has better draw skill, it makes me curious about the AI algorithm behind the tool
Marcelo Ventura

Really quick for uploading pictures, and clean website.




If you want something well drawn you'll miss the fun.

Bryan Rosenblatt

Well done. Having fun with this so far.


Very cool! Well done


Artists have competition now :)

Gil Akos
Congrats on the launch. Can you speak a bit about the training data you might have used?
Julia Enthoven
@gil_akos We used the training data from Dan Macnish's project, which was trained on data from Google's Quickdraw. You can read more about Dan's project on his blog:
Roman Akhmetzianov
Hey, guys! Really interesting and hope that it would be better some time. Excited to realise that my photo is made by a machine.
Doron Nadivi
cute..seems fun
Michael Daugherty
Fun! I'd love to see a camera app on my phone that gives me a drawing instead of a picture :)
Marcelo Ventura
This is really funny, I just can't stop uploading new photos! Beautiful idea
Julia Enthoven
@venturaeconomis Thanks Marcelo! Did you find some great cartoonified images?
A clever idea that’s fun and has a lot of potential! πŸ‘€
So funny!
Izzy Piyale-Sheard
Hahaha this is so derpy and hilarious I love it πŸ˜‚
Egor Komarov
Lol it is very funny )))
Sven Kudszus
Maybe wast of time, but after the second pic, i got it- and i like it- because its fun and makes ma laugh :)