Paul Miller

Karma Go - Take WiFi with you everywhere, now available with LTE


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Alexander Taub
Love original one. Use it all the time. Excited to see this one :)
Willem Spruijt
Have been using the old WiMax device a lot. Awesome service and perfect when you'e regularly visit the US , but coverage was often an issue. Great to see they made the switch to LTE.
Josh Kerr
I can do all of this with my iPhone and my notebook. In fact it's even easier with iOS 8 and Yosemite. Why would I want to drag this extra device and charger with me when I travel?
Rod Austin
@joshkerr Was going to say the same thing. Most Android devices can be set up as a wifi hotspot in just a few seconds.
Paul Miller
@joshkerr Yeah, really depends on what exactly your plan is. If you have grandfathered unlimited data + free tethering, your phone is a better deal. The one big advantage of Karma in that case is battery life: when I tether my phone, the battery is dead in an hour or two.
Jonno Riekwel
Looks awesome. I love the attention to detail. Looks like they really understand what people want. I hope they can bring this to Europe.
Pieter Walraven
Love this idea, great team and nice execution. Always wondered why Karma co-founder & fellow Dutchie @robertgaal decided to join Google.
Nicholas Putz
Does this version of Karma work like in the past where if you get other people to connect to it, you get more data at no charge?
Paul Miller
@nickmke Yeah, if someone connects to your Karma (anyone, not just a brand new user), you both get 100MB free. That's usually enough to send some emergency emails or whatever.
Nicholas Putz
@futurepaul This could be good. I am in an office in the city where reception and Wifi is really spotty. I may chance this and encourage everyone to connect to me. :)
Clark Wimberly
I've got a Karma, and quite like it, but coverage is spotty at best.
Paul Miller
@clarklab That's why we're doing LTE! Will be vastly improved.
Clark Wimberly
@futurepaul the coverage map on the site looks about the same to me. I tried asking on Twitter if LTE was coming from a new network or with new coverage, but no one answered.
Paul Miller
@clarklab It's the Sprint LTE + 3G network, with vastly more coverage than the WiMAX network we had before. The map is new, too. You should see coverage in more areas, and better performance in all areas.
eddie wharton
Very clean design. This definitely seems like a product that will just work the way people want it to. Remarkable that this wasnt the standard before now
Brad Holden
Agreed. I was really excited about the original Karma and loved to concept but it rarely, if ever, had coverage which means you can't rely on it when traveling. Excited to see how much LTE improves the coverage.
Derek Skaletsky
@holdenbrad +1 - this is really great news.
Bradley Dowding Young
Great looking piece of Kit. There was a Wifi Butler service in Europe around a year ago but haven't seen much of them since.
Jonas Björklund
I normally don't complain about this, but in this case it was painfully obvious: Why is the information that "anywhere" is (currently) limited to the US buried deep in the "Help" Subsection? There are lots of other places to work besides the US and the slogan definitely suggests international usability. I realise the difficulty in implementing international coverage, but a little more honesty wouldn't hurt on the way.