@dshan@_pascalandy In the US biking culture tends to see different frames as for men or women - although in a lot of countries the frame type seen here isn't gendered. I moved from Amsterdam to San Francisco and ride a "women's" bike, it's just way easier to get on and off it, and sitting upright is more comfortable.
That said, there are plenty of products that target a specific gender as a marketing strategy, I don't think that's sexist, but it might cut out some of the market. I'd agree that I don't see anything on this bike though that would make it less applicable to men. Perhaps there are cost savings by only building smaller frames?
@dshan I guess I'm not bike savvy enough LOL.
@rich Lowenberg 1000% agreeing
I own a scooter (piaggio), and I don't think there such a thing like a man or woman scooter and I guess this is where my logic is coming from.
I'm really looking for a electric bike solution. By the woman vs man thing is turns me off.
Hi Hunters!
Thanks for hunting us Eric! It means a lot that you're a Koben backer from last year, and then pledged for a Kyoto as soon as we launched. We love seeing a Karmic Family where everyone is riding together and having fun. I'm happy to be on PH and would love to answer any questions about the bike, starting up (in a garage, self-funding) and making great products for the Kickstarter community and beyond.
Awesome product. What makes your ebikes different from the competition? And why'd you choose to build an ebikes company now - it seems like bike tech has gotten more attention the last few years, why is that?
@dshan Thanks Derek! We didn't see any really great ebikes out there that weren't ridiculously expensive, so I started Karmic a few years ago to make a great bike at a more affordable price. After the success of the Koben, we talked to more people about why they *don't* ride. The Kyoto incorporates a lot of that user-research and feedback from Koben owners as well.
The ebike space is definitely heating up. There's just a convergence of better batteries, mid-drive motors and more public acceptance of riding bikes as transportation. It's only going to get better!
@richlowenberg Thanks! This uses the Shimano battery, which is readily available and will likely be better and/or cheaper in 5 years. We designed the bike to be useful and easy to own, and hope people ride it for many years.
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Karmic OSLO
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Karmic OSLO
Karmic OSLO