Jad Limcaco

Kayak at Work - Kayak as sheets so you can book flights at work

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Ben Tossell
haha this is awesome! Sneakily search for holidays while stuck at work!
Donté Ledbetter
I laughed out loud. So creative!
Jacob Sempler
The reference to TPS reports -----> GENIUS ALERT! -----> http://d.pr/i/WPbu
Mehdi Izemmour
Love it! hahaha that's a great idea!
Rodrigo Hillion
Dre Durr💡
What will they think of next. I love it, it actually makes it look like I'm working Dope🚬🚬🚬 It only works on desktop, but I guess you would not be on your phone at work anyway. lol
Ulises Figueroa
hahah this is hilarious!
Bradley Poulette
Genius product management team behind this.
Ahmed Almassry
cool !
Tese Omesan
This is dope! So inventive 😊
Cole Kennedy
Oh my gosh they even included a reference to Clippy!
Terak Soft
Yes its looking very impressive idea I am also working on a very similar idea you can see here on kayak reviews page.