Oleksandr Gamaniuk

Kayak for Messenger - Book flights, hotels and cars in Messenger

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Oleksandr Gamaniuk
One more pretty good travel chatbot for Messenger. The bot allows to search for flights, cars, and hotels. One more feature I like is linking existing Kayak's account. Kayak chatbot has well polished NLP and understands commands like this: - Hotels in Lviv - Find a flight from Toronto to NYC - Rent a car in Los Angeles - Where can I go for $500
Thibault Milan
404 on the link. Maybe not yet released ?
Matthias Keller
@thibaultmilan You may have been redirected to KAYAK France based on your geolocation. KAYAK's Messenger bot is currently available in localized versions for the US, Australia, United Kingdom, Germany, and Brazil. You can find the US landing page on https://www.kayak.com/messenger or immediately start chatting with the US bot on https://m.me/kayak
Titus Capilnean
A bit more work required on the customer identification - it gave me flights from where I was actually trying to get to it wanted me to fly to the UK. Plus, I only got it to get me prices in pounds sterling, not in US dollars. I asked it about future flights (after the suggested date) and he showed me closer dates instead. Still needs work, I'd say.
Matthias Keller
@titus_capilnean Thank you for your feedback. One indicator for the language/content/currency assignment is the user locale that the Facebook API gives us. You right now likely use Facebook in "English (UK)" and would get US$ prices if you were using "English (US)". The flight to the UK came from "Vegas, man" being understood as "Vegas to MAN" which is the IATA code of Manchester. Such human-bot misunderstandings certainly exist and we are continuously learning and iterating to get those out of the way. :-)
Titus Capilnean
@kellermatth Thanks for clarifying that! Makes sense, changed my Facebook to EN US. Looking forward to seeing new and better iterations :)