PK Ampofo

Keep it Brief - A new approach to Q&A

Keep it Brief is a question and answer site. Unlike other Q&A sites, users don't post questions and then wait and hope for someone to answer. Instead, you post a question you already know an answer to and provide the answer right away.

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PK Ampofo
Hello everyone, I'm so glad to finally share this with y'all. Like most of you, I like to ask questions and learn new things. I realized that every time some Person A gives me a great answer to a question, there's always at least 10 other questions, related or not, that Person A is also uniquely capable of and willing to answer if only I'd known to ask. When it later occurred to me that every piece of knowledge can be framed as a question and answer, I owed it to everyone to build something that encourages people to share what they know in a simple Q&A format before they've even been asked — proactive Q&A, if you will. Not that people need monetary incentives to share what they know, but it doesn't hurt. I've made it really easy for users to reward authors. Beneath every post, there's a button that says "reward author for a helpful post -- show ad". If a reader finds your Q&A post helpful, they can click it to view an ad. You get the ad revenue. (You can turn off revenue on some or all of your posts.) Happy to answer any questions and can't wait to see what you share on Keep it Brief.
Aaron O'Leary
This is a fantastic way of looking at knowledge sharing!
PK Ampofo
@aaronoleary Thanks Aaron!