
Culture Queries - The best questions to ask your interviewer

The one question that every interviewer asks is: "Do you have any questions for me?"

It's an incredibly important part of the interview, so I went ahead and did the work for you to prepare for it! Culture Queries provides thoughtful, well-crafted questions for you to ask in your next job interview. Good luck, and let me know how it goes!

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Alex Peterson
Details like this one are what continue to make the web great: https://imgur.com/a/KwfAr
Lynne Tye
@alexpete 😜 Glad you enjoyed those!
Michael Hulet
@alexpete @lynne_tye The behind-the-blur text is what sold me on adding my email address. Awesome app, and nice touch!
Tiago CΓ©sar Oliveira
What an amazing idea! Loved it! As a former job-seeker and current recruiter, I always wanted to hear more of companies, and also want more candidates to ask about core values - because, in the end of the day, you're not just after a nice paycheck, but also a lifestyle.
Lynne Tye
@tiagocesar Yes, it is so much more than getting a paycheck! I know that salary and compensation are important, but no one should spend their waking hours with people that don't excite and inspire them. Life is too short!
Philip Alexander
This is really cool idea. Great work Lynne
Lynne Tye
@philipjamesa Thanks Philip!
Cadran Cowansage
Culture Queries is great! As someone who's been on both sides of the technical interview, I'm very aware how hard it is to ask good questions. I love the process of deciding which values you care about first and then receiving recs from Key Values to guide which questions to ask (and why you should ask them!). Based on the results I've found on Culture Queries so far, if a candidate asked me these questions I would come away from the interview with a sense that they really cared about figuring out whether the job was a great fit.
Lynne Tye
@cadran_c Thanks for your thoughtful comment, Cadran! I've found that knowing what to ask is just half the battle, there's also an art to *how* you ask. Hopefully anyone interviewing at YC will now know what to ask you. πŸ˜‰
Chandan Lodha
This is really cool! I'm definitely going to try using these in our hiring process!
Brett Lindenberg
Love this! I think most people are caught off guard when the table is turned at the end of an interview. A thoughtful, planned approach to this question can definitely help extract more value from the conversation for both parties πŸ’‘
Congrats on the PH launch @lynne_tye! Really useful resource you've built. The name and logo is truly ingenious πŸ™Œ