Hey everyone—I'm one of the designers at Khushi Baby.
We've made an inexpensive digital necklace that streamlines the process of vaccinating children in the developing world. What used to be a logistical nightmare is now extremely simple. We're using NFC to store vaccination data on the necklaces that babies in northern India are wearing already. Community health workers can scan the necklace using mobile phones provided by us to see which vaccinations the child needs. With only eight phones, we can reach 4,000 children in over 100 immunization camps.
We've partnered with Seva Mandir—an organization with more than 40 years of development experience—to run a pilot of our technology in northern India. Check out our article in NPR and feel free to ask any questions: http://www.npr.org/blogs/goatsan...
Bias Barometer
Khushi Baby
Khushi Baby