Ryan Hoover

Kickstarter Live - Livestreaming with Kickstarter creators


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Ryan Hoover
Love this move. Kickstarter is successful because of videos and its ability to create an authentic connection between the creator and consumers. Livestreaming is one of the most closest things we have to meeting creators in person, because of the participation/live Q&A aspects. But it's also very difficult to broadcast good live video. How do you make sure creators don't completely bore the audience, @yancey? 😊 I'm also curious how long you've been working on this.
Wilhem Pujar
@rrhoover @yancey it's very interesting to see that the TV experience is getting distributed across an infinity of verticals.
SeΓ±or Humble
@rrhoover @yancey the ability to 'pledge' right there, to see things being made even, packed, sent out, the scope of doing live to build trust. massive, great move.
Gilles Bertaux
@rrhoover @yancey Interesting move indeed. This is one use-case we've been investigating with Livestorm. Cool to see that Kickstarter is finally offering that service "natively". Kudos also to Opentok who's providing the live infrastructure. Great opportunity.
@rrhoover @yancey Great idea. Interested about an answer too. Quality and how i is being presented is really important. Personally I see that the quality is getting also somekind of entry barrier. Campaigns which are not really elaborate already, having good and high quality video and info content will struggle more and more in the future. @rrhoover do you see something similar happening on PH?
Yancey Strickler
@rrhoover Thanks Ryan! We've been working on this since July. We've been hosting about a half-dozen streams a day since then, testing and iterating. This creates a strong sense of community and immediacy between creators and backers. It's a great format for project updates, for live demos, and for showing the public your creative process as an artist or creator. We're bullish on this feature. The pledge activity while someone is live is markedly higher. And in a great sign of how well this feature functions, the early creators we've invited to do streams have been doing them repeatedly, testing and iterating. It's been inspiring to watch.
Justin Mitchell
As someone who built an entire website to track crowdfunding scams (Kickscammed.com) this is an amazing move towards transparency. I only wish they would make it a requirement that all creators do this.
Yancey Strickler
@itsthisjustin Thanks Justin. It may eventually end up being a set part of every campaign, but we want to see how people organically gauge with it first. My hunch is that this will be like project videos β€” though not required almost everyone does them.
Jeff Osborn
@itsthisjustin Agreed. Incentivizing live video as a requirement would only help creators, as the increased transparency will almost certainly lead to an increased emotional connection (and, it follows, more backers at higher amounts).
Binoy Xavier Joy
On a lighter note: when a product is not shipped even after years, there should be an option to hack into the creators Nest cam and initiate a live stream on demand πŸ˜‚
Wilhem Pujar
It's like teleshopping for phantom products.
Shmuel Apel
Are they live during the entire campaign?
Yancey Strickler
@shmuel_apel creators can go live whenever they want. during the campaign, after, etc
Nick Rizzuto
Great move - Congrats Kickstarter & Huzza teams!
Tom Gregorio
Congrats @yancey and team! Love this--looks like a perfect complement to your platform.
Kiel Berry
This is brilliant. Live stream video + eComm is the future. The role of content as a conversion to purchase is going to be only growing as the saturation of content continues. This opens up a whole new monetization model....less banner ads, etc...less friction to purchase the products we love.
Roy Morejon
Happy to see @yancey and Kickstarter moving towards a more transparent model, allowing greater insights into the creators of projects and earning trust with the communities that are building these companies foundations.
Giacomo Lawrance
A great thing. Allows people to ask more in-depth questions about the products, and see them in depth.
Espen Eik
Smart move!
Brandon Rubinshtein
Wow, great move could be the QVC of the mobile/web world @garyvee
Philippe BrulΓ©
Interesting thought. Makes me wonder what would be needed to execute a real "QVC of the mobile/web world"
Michael 😍 Galpert
this looks so rad. excited to check it out
Toby Samuels
Loving this concept, now I need to think of a project to start πŸ˜„
Roman Raisuddin Khan
This is so great. I can't wait to use it for our next campaign!
David Tye
I like it. This is very engaging. Excellent move forward but most people wouldn't be able to product quality feeds like this and may put off many would be kickstarters who already feel creating a qaulity campaign is too difficult.
That's the best platform to share my artworks.