Trevor Owens

Headlines - Automatic headline testing for WordPress

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Ryan Hoover
This is clever, @noahkagan. Any plans to support non-Wordpress sites? Maybe a simple script I can use on tumblr/elsewhere. For everyone else, check out Appsumo's SumoMe, posted on PH a few months ago.
noah kagan
Thanks @rrhoover! Where else and how would you want to use it? Yup :)
Scott Hurff
Yeah @noahkagan! I echo @rrhoover's question for non-WP. I use for example, and create custom landing pages like Would be nice to have a lightweight plug-in for at least the latter. Hugs.
Natalia Burina
Would also love to have this for non-WP. I'm looking for tumblr @noahkagan
noah kagan
@natalia @scotthurff what kind of things do you want to lightly test? headlines on those pages?
Scott Hurff
@noahkagan yep, just headlines. this product, but for non-WP.
noah kagan
@scotthurff Talk is cheap =P How much would you pay a month? And why is it valuable to you? (for everyone else, scott is one of my closest friends so i am more direct with him and hug him a lot!)
Scott Hurff
@noahkagan I sensed your usual chipper tone through the text, glowing like the hot sun. Anyway, I'd pay the same rates that you have now. I just want the simplicity and cleanliness that Headlines offers now but not tied to WP. Obviously, people could abuse their use of it (not testing headlines but other copy), but I think that would be an edge case. I don't need Optimizely or any other complex crap. I like straightforward apps like this one. That's why I installed List Builder (, for example. Direct, easy, lightweight.
Brenden Mulligan
Cool idea. The product name is nice until I started seeing it in paragraphs. "Headlines is the easiest and simplest way to pick your best headline for every post" .. I wish the name of the tool was something besides a plural version of the thing it's so closely tied to. (So this is nitpicky, but thought I'd share.) HeadlineHero, HeadlineTester or something a bit more unique would make things like "Headlines works in 3 quick steps" a bit stronger, since when I first read that I thought it was just talking about actual headlines (and thought "works" should be singular) Other content even hints at the problematic nature of the name when saying "How does the Headlines tool actually work" .. Clearly here "the Headlines tool" is much clearer than "How does Headlines actually work". Anyway, my 2 cents. Awesome concept. Just jarring to read that page at first.
Natalia Burina
@noahkagan agree with @scotthurff I just want headlines. The exact same product but for tumblr. I'm cheap though and would want to pay less. Also not sure I need it monthly. I would be interested in something like 100 headlines for $5.
Shawn Borsky
@noahkagan Definitely, a fan of this. HuffPost has been doing stuff like this for awhile, quite a useful idea. Honestly, the Wordpress plugin is a great starting point but Ill have to support everyone else in that I WANT it for other things. By which I mean, simple HTML sites, landing pages and product pages. If you can package this in a light weight JS plugin or even a script include, I would pay for it. In that case, since you are already charging me for subscription pricing ( theoretically) then serving it off a CDN would be mighty nice of you. :) Its a smidge pricey. If I saw the magic, I might be more inclined. A short free trial might be cool. Also, the lack of developer licensing would make many freelancers hesitate. I think this would be great to recommend to customers but its generally tough to upsell a customer on a function like a plugin. Just sayin'
Jonathan Howard
+1 to other platforms. I'd want tumblr or It's clever that you use unique visitors as the pricing wall. If the tool does its job, it'll move itself up to more expensive tiers :) But if it's a business blog, your interests are aligned with your customers there, and having no free version keeps that true. That said, I'd like a free version to use before signing up. Also, it'd be fun to warn people when they suggest contrived "upworthy-style" headlines like "I made this Headline tool for a blog post and YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED NEXT"
Ryan Hoover
@staringispolite - there's a fix for that: Downworthy h/t @joewalnes
Jonathan Howard
Haha @rrhoover I've actually seen (and enjoyed) Downworthy, but it only effect my local copies of pages. Clearly @noahkagan should acquire or license Downworthy's technology to help fight the problem at the source :)