Easily one of my favorite indie apps. Kinopio has a lot of style and I'm a huge fan of visual thinking as a medium/method for enabling creative ideas, deeper understanding, and clearer communication.
One of my favorite things about Kinopio is the "modeless" nature of it. It feels so easy to use, it's like using a pencil or a chair. You just intuitively know how to use it.
Great work @pketh! Keep it up!
Hey PH,
I’m Pirijan, the creator of Kinopio, a visual thinking tool for people (and teams) who have ideas and thoughts that they’re struggling to express, connect, and understand.
A while ago, I launched Kinopio 1.0 on Product Hunt and was really encouraged by the warm reception and support.
Since then, I’ve been working to make Kinopio more flexible and powerful – while keeping it fast, simple, and fun.
New Stuff:
- desktop and mobile apps
- ((comments))
- link previews
- desktop zoom
- view live public spaces
- stickers (ノ^_^)ノ
People use Kinopio everyday for mind-mapping, research, meetings, mood boards, journaling, note taking, and anything else you’d want to think through or present spatially.
(シ_ _)シ I'd love to know what you think. And if you have any questions, I'll be here all day :)
(p.s. If you’re curious about the technical details behind how Kinopio is made, 👀 https://pketh.org/how-kinopio-is...)
– Pirijan
Kinopio Creator
@ines_ben_amor1 thanks Ines,
Compared to other mindmapping tools, the value of kinopio is in it’s more fluid interaction model (no modes, you aren’t limited to a single tree/branch model), as well as it’s higher share-ability and collaboration features.
Hope that helps!
@rubenwolff Hey Ruben, most spaces you create in Kinopio are thinking spaces. Here's some examples I found in Explore/Live:
- A space I created to think through why I hate getting haircuts https://kinopio.club/haircut-anx...,
- Kordumb using linked spaces to try and make sense of 2020 https://kinopio.club/-2020-timel...
- Kinda meta, Aaron thinking about deep thinking tools/processes https://kinopio.club/types-of-th...
But the gist of it is that you click anywhere on the page to add a thought, idea, feeling, and then connect related ideas together. It sounds super basic, but IRL the process of doing this over and over, and then arranging and grouping things really does help surface clarity and insight
hope that helps!
I love Kinopio so much! It has so much to offer and a breath of fresh air when it comes to digital tools and spaces. I usually have a million thoughts running very quickly through my mind and a very terrible post it problem that accompanies it. I'm impressed at how quickly and easily Kinopio allows me to catch them all to make sense of patters, organise and visualise these thoughts.
Love love love kinopio. My company has been working remotely because of the pandemic and Kinopio has been a life saver for collaborative whiteboarding and problem solving with my colleagues. Excited to see kinopio grow!
Kinopio as made huge improvements since the last major release. The new stuff Pirijan built makes spaces exude with creative energy, especially in collaboration mode. Check out this brainstorming space about things you could use Kinopio for: https://kinopio.club/-ideas-for-...
I'm really happy to continue supporting this project. The world needs more non-enterprisy tools that are useful, whimsical, and downright fun!
@avidnote Hey Abderisak,
The short answer is both. Lots of people do use Kinopio for business things like meetings, retrospectives and planning. The collaboration, privacy, and invite features are robust enough for commercial use.
But the heart and design of Kinopio is as a personal-first product. From a software business perspective all the big money is in catering to businesses/teams – but I'm sure you can think of more than a few products that got more complicated, slow, or annoying to use for personal use as a result of compromises they had to make to primarily cater to being business-first.
hope that makes sense!
This is so cool and awesome the same time. I can use this in so many cases and projects! I am amazed by creative people like you who creates cool stuff like that! Congrats on launching 🚀 and thank you for sharing with us. I have bookmarked the website in my browser :)
I've been using Kinopio for a couple of years to plan blog posts, keep notes and clippings, and even just record which of my rechargeable batteries are in which appliance. It is so flexible, organic, and creative, and I can't recommend it enough!! https://dev.to/stegriff/how-kino...
Master for Figma
Limited Timing