Hiten Shah

KintoHub - Build apps quickly with microservices.

KintoHub makes it easy for you to build, test and deploy microservices and cloud-ready features without having to code every service.

This is possible because we've made microservices simple from code to cloud and are creating a feature economy that empowers developers to share common features and only focus on their secret sauce.

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Hiten Shah
With the rise of microservices, it’s awesome to see a product like Kintohub created to help developers. It’s a toolkit to help any level of developer wrangle microservices. Check it out!
Joseph Cooper
@hnshah thanks for the support. Being a team of developers, we're excited to share what we've built and looking forward to the developer community driving the next generation of a feature economy around microservices.
I dig the product - i like the UI! I might deploy my project on it =) Got a few questions for you: 0.) What is the proposed SLA uptime for something deployed to KintoHub? 1.) Will there be support for monitoring (ie. with PagerDuty, Slack, etc)? 2.) What will be the pricing strategy for apps? Would it be modelled under a per call basis or based on instance sizes? 3.) Am I able to deploy to a semi-private test instance for my company only? Cheers and keep up the good work.
Joseph Cooper
@tommytcchan Thanks for Q's Tommy! Looking forward to supporting your project on KintoHub. 0) SLA -- We're in Alpha and will have proposed SLAs once we get to Beta. We're expecting beta in Q4 this year. We're planning to prio multi-cloud deployment to ensure the best SLAs, especially for crypto related projects 1) Monitoring - Yes, monitoring is on the way. We paused this feature because there are too many ways to do this. We're having an open Q&A / AMA later this month to open up the question to the community. Would love for you to participate - if you signed up, you'll receive an email next week about it. 2) Pricing - We're free today and will always have a free tier. We are planning to have a mix of a tier based system starting at ~10 USD up to a "pay as you go" model. The pay as you go will be a pay-per-second model thanks to serverless. To increase resources/instance size, we look at these as "Addons" which would be a monthly fee. You can also add-on databases or analytics in the near future as well. We'll be sharing more August 2018 and hope to have an open discussion with the community about this. 3) Yes - Contact us via slack or email and we can discuss this. We're tested on AWS/Google/Azure so far and can do private managed or unmanaged solutions. Today, all services you create on KintoHub are private to the members of a workspace by default if you want to start now on https://www.kintohub.com
San Kumar
Very cool video and product! For someone who is new to microservices can you give me an example of how kintohub would benefit me? Lets say I was creating the next Twitter, what benefit would i get developing with kh instead of doing it the good old way? thanks
Joseph Cooper
@bhatnagar_san Great question and example context! Quick answer, KintoHub will should you a ton of dev time and money from day 0 to IPO of your company. To keep things simple, I'm only going to share some of Twitter's features that can be broken down into microservices: - Authentication/Login - Emailing - Profile / Account / Settings - Notifications - Private Messaging - Feed/Posts ***UNIQUE*** The only microservice you would need to code is the Feed/Posts. You may agree that the rest of the services exist in 100's of thousands of apps / websites today. The Kinto community will most definitely share different flavors of these services/features you can choose from which will be one-click deployable to the cloud of your choice. Leaving you with plenty of time to focus on your secret sauce algorithms for your new Twitter. Each Kinto microservice (KintoBlock) is made to support an unlimited amount of apps. So if all the up-voters are using the same authentication service, it's a much more affordable solution for the community to share functionality versus paying for individual hosting. We're also serverless first, so these services are online only when they are needed and scale to 1000's of nodes if demand is high. We've taken this question so seriously, that we built KintoHub itself with KintoHub! We plan to expose 100% of the tools we use to enable developers to build Twitter scale platforms. You can read more here: https://docs.kintohub.com/docs/t...
Cedric Amaya
Interesting product! No relation to Kinto Storage[0], correct? [0]: https://www.kinto-storage.org/
Joseph Cooper
@cedricamaya Hey there! Thanks for the question! That's correct, we do not have any relation to Kinto Storage. We saw them after we came up with the name kintohub (originally we were thinking kintocloud), almost decided not to go along with it, but fell in love with it, especially since some of the team (mostly me) was addicted to Dragon Ball Super. Fun fact - Kinto is short for Kinto'Un which is Japanese for the flying nimbus that Goku rides. This cloud and Goku both go back deep into Chinese mythology where Wu Kong, The Monkey King, and has his magic cloud as well.
Joseph Cooper
Hello World, Firstly - Many thanks to Hiten for hunting us! He personally introduced the team to Product Hunt and couldn't be more stoked to launch today together. KintoHub believes microservices are the future and they can be universally compatible amongst a community of developers. We're talking about a package manager for cloud-ready features and functionality that handles the full lifecycle of code to cloud. What does this mean? 1. Developers & entrepreneurs can focus on their secret sauce. Quickly test new ideas by utilizing community made common features (authentication, email, in-app purchases, slack bots, analytics, leaderboards, exchange algorithms, image processing, etc.) 2. Save tons of $$$ by sharing the hosting costs of common features and functionality. From idea to public launch, our story began almost a year ago from an idea that was born half a decade ago. We couldn't be more ecstatic to share the early access tools we've built due to the mad love and hustle of friends, investors, early-access developers & the KintoTeam that got us here today <3. We're sincerely looking forward to your thoughts & feedback as this is for all the idea makers and keyboard ninjas out there!
Peter Theill
Seriously? -- thanks, but no thanks.
Joseph Cooper
@peter_theill please try again and this should work.
Peter Theill
@codingcoop awesome. Thanks. It works now. I'm looking forward to test it
Olya Ruban
Looks awesome! So can you guys auto scale services based on incoming load?
Joseph Cooper
@olga_ruban Thanks for the question! Yes, our pods scale based on load. Currently the scaling system is limited to CPU/Memory, but we preemptively spawn services so that when a service is in need, it takes a second to load versus waiting a minutes like on traditional auto scale systems. The next step will be to do it based on incoming load, such RPS/QPS algorithms describe (which I'm guessing you're talking about). Great read here which may tickle your interest. https://medium.com/netflix-techb... In the future, we will have features to fine-tune your scaling. Some use cases is that during high traffic periods, people like to keep reserve resources (let's say 20 CPUs) ready during 7-9PM. Otherwise, we can solve this with machine learning as well! We're investigating the best tools to provide you all as we discuss them in the Kinto community.
Roland Clifford
what a shaat video )😁😁
Francois Courtin
@roland_hovsepyan well sir, thank you for your kind appreciation. Time to #switchyourshit to microservices 😁 Hope we got the point across!
Stefan Wirth
Solid video 😁
Joseph Cooper
Thanks @nafetswirth! The Kinto Team had a ton of fun making it.
KJ Singh Dhaliwal
Awesome to see this come together! Everyone needs to move over to microservices.
Joseph Cooper
@kj_singh1 Agreed! With community powered universally compatible KintoBlocks- the microservice movement is real.
Nick West

I am very, very impressed with KintoHub‘s offerings and will be launching a small prohect using their microservices very shortly :)


Located in Hong Kong, a city in need of microservice platforms, KintoHub is a fantastic, user friendly platform with a great team of devs!


Could improve mobile responsiveness of some modals (so could Product Hunt...)

Joseph Cooper
Many thanks for your feedback Nick! We'll be looking into not only the mobile responsiveness, but expect a CLI tool soon to :).
Denis Tsoi
Was invited in the alpha and I have to say, that the team has been extremely helpful in debugging/support of my kintoblock deployment over the past week. It's quite rare that engineers are able to afford the time and care to support their user base. It has been a pleasure being a user and in the end my issue was simply an incorrect dockerfile command on my side. It's been a pleasure supporting Kintohub by submitting issues/feature requests and I look forward to writing up my experience in the near future.
Joseph Cooper
@denistsoi Great to see you here Denis~ The features / bug reports you've been giving over the weeks have been more than appreciated. Thanks for your continued support here!
Petko D. Petkov
I don't want to bash the product but you should host user-supplied services/apps in their own domain - not subpaths as illustrated by the example. The later is of a security concern.
Joseph Cooper
@pdp Thanks for the concern! Our system is a bit different than a traditional SaaS or service ecosystem. The solution itself comes with fun security problems that we're working on as we get closer to Beta and even in the next major release, you'll find a massive lock down compared to what you can do inside of KintoHub's services today. I'd suggest reading the Thinking Kinto: https://docs.kintohub.com/docs/t... and Calling KintoHub Apis https://docs.kintohub.com/docs/c... This will ensure we're on the same page of where KintoHub is going. It comes with a different approach to how we see services working, which come with security risks which we believe have been locked down appropriately. I'd like to invite you to join us in slack to discuss this and hear more of you insights in the coming days. Would hate to be heading down the wrong direction if you see something that we're not at the moment! It's my mission to ensure we get on the same page and ensure as much of the developer community is happy with the idea & solutions of KintoHub. Looking forward to chatting soon!
Kevin Lindquist
Definite LOL on the video. “Launch your cool [insert four letter word for poop emoji here] to the cloud with KintoHub!” On a more serious note, I was talking with a client today who wants to build a SaaS app and they didn’t know what microservices are. KintoHub can simplify the microservices world for newbies. Great faith in the team here.
Joseph Cooper
Glad you got a kick from the video @kevintheexpert & thanks for the comment. You've got it exactly right. When I started exploring microservices a few years ago, I had to learn kubernetes, advance my knowledge on docker, grow a tuft of grey hair after using Consul/LinkerD/Zookeeper for service discovery... the list goes on for what it takes to just start building microservices. More than ecstatic to push the KintoHub platform to help aid developers who just want to get [insert four letter word for poop emoji here] done and start building + sharing microservice features/functionality.
There are several reasons to use Microservices for application development. While Microservices themselves make product development, testing, deployment, maintanance, etc. easy, it is a double-privilage for developers and organizations to be able to let this product manage building and running their Microservices for them as well as, enabling them to deploy their applications in any environments within a few minutes without worrying about scaling them. This is a fantastic product! I would like to see this product support databases in the near future :)
Joseph Cooper
@liv3dr3amlov3 Hello Fellow Microservice Advocate! Couldn't agree more - thank you for your kind words! Managed database options are being worked on as I type this message. Expect them to be available soon!
Mathilde Mham
Looks great, looking forward to diving into it more in the upcoming days! Do you guys plan any GraphQL support in the future?
Joseph Cooper
@mathilde_mham Thanks for the question. Answer is, YES! We do have a lot of plans with GraphQL. I wish I could share more, but unfortunately its still early days. We're currently in Alpha with gRPC (documentation to be launched soon) and HTTP is fully supported. We'll ensure all protocols are cross compatible with each other (you can speak to graph QL in grpc, and vice versa).
Jonathan Lam
Entertaining and explanatory video! Keep up the good work team Kinto!
Joseph Cooper
@jonathanklam thank you!
Joseph Cooper
The team at KintoHub is back with our biggest update till date. We launched an app that will 1-click convert your monolith app to microservices. Checkout the launch post https://bit.ly/2vzckxZ and find the app here: www.kintohub.com/convert/
Joseph Cooper
KintoHub is now OSS and has joined the Square's Cash App Read more here: https://www.kintohub.com/blog/20...