Bram Kanstein (@bramk)

Kite - Read email newsletters outside your inbox

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Alberto Santos
Hi everyone! Thanks to @bramk for hunting us, and to dozens of friends in the community who gave us feedback during our beta iterations and helped up build Kite. We receive dozens of awesome newsletters every week in our inbox, but we always found it hard to keep up with all of them. Newsletters would accumulate and we ended up either archiving a lot of issues that we really wanted to read, again and again, or “scheduling them to a later date”. That’s why we decided to build Kite. The newsletters you choose (we have a collection of 100+ hand picked publishers - and we’re adding 20/30 new ones every week) won’t show up in your inbox anymore. You’ll be notified and read about them in the Kite app. (We just store them in a folder. They are still being delivered to you!) Some details: 1. For now we only have Gmail signup (their API makes stuff like this *extremely* easy). Outlook and Facebook will be there on 2.0 -- in about a couple weeks. 2. We can't read anyone's email messages at all -- that's very important for us. All we can do is create and edit labels (so emails from those newsletters will go to a “Kite” folder in your inbox). Would love to hear your thoughts!
Tese Omesan
@alberto_santos oh my gosh! This is amazing thank you! Finally I may be able to achieve inbox zero
Alberto Santos
@tese_omesan That's great to hear!
@alberto_santos awesome idea! My inbox REALLY needs it. So I've downloaded the app and been able to add some of my subscriptions to it. How can I add more or manage the list? I kind of lack the FAQ section on the website.
Alberto Santos
@aleks_muse Thanks for trying it out! You can only subscribe to the newsletters we've curated. We built it like this so 1) there's no need for us to read your email messages and parse/import them and 2) we have control over the quality of newsletters and issues. The third tab on the iOS app is your subscription list and from there you can individually unsubscribe -- removing them from your reading list. We'll definitely add a FAQ section on the website. Thanks for the suggestion
@alberto_santos Thanks, now it's more clear :) Are you planning to add more newsletter you are curating in the nearest future?
Alberto Santos
@aleks_muse Absolutely! We'll be adding around 20 newsletters every week for the next couple months
Sylvain Laffont
@alberto_santos @aleks_muse Hi Alberto, I agree with your vision of curation but at my point of view you are solving two problems: find a great newsletter with quality content without traveling the web AND finally read my best newsletters in a dedicated application, so there are not stuck in my Gmail and never read them.
Sumeet Shah
Ever since Comma went dark (, I've been looking for a replacement. I can't wait to play around with Kite. THANK YOU GUYS FOR BUILDING THIS. #lifesavers UPDATE: Will you consider scanning e-mail addresses for newsletters and allow us to integrate them into our reading list?
Alberto Santos
@pe_feeds Thank you for trying it out! We've definitely considered it and that'll probably be available in the future. The main reason why it's not there in the first place is that it's pretty much just me and Fabio working on the project and handling personal messages requires a huge extra security layer -- better be safe than sorry. :-)
Daylen Sawchuk
Any plans for an Android app?
Alberto Santos
@askdaylen we’re making sure iOS is rock solid and will then focus on getting it on Android and Web!
Raphaël Chabaud
@askdaylen @alberto_santos Would love to see the web soon (and then Android as I am on Android). Web is universal ! 🌍
Hans Gerwitz
I've been trying to cobble together a similar tool for myself, so it's brilliant someone made it a simple service. I will be trying Kite for newsletters I want to read, and keep using Unroll for general commercial mail.
Alberto Santos
@gerwitz That's the idea! I am glad you liked it.
John Fowler
Probably should mention that it's just for Google mail. Downloaded to find out it doesn't work with hotmail or other services
Alberto Santos
@johnsteerfowler Hey John, I edited my first comment here to mention this. We'll definitely add more signup options in the near future.
Cleber Santos
I has been using the app in Beta for some time and it's really useful and simple! Great job team!
Alberto Santos
@cleberwsantos Ha, thanks! Your feedback was great 💪
Lucas Grohn
Awesome product so far. Is there a search functionality that I am missing. I would like an easier way to look through your curated list of newsletters.
Alberto Santos
@ljgrohn ohh, you're right. That'll be even more helpful with all the newsletters we'll be adding over the next few weeks. You can expect a search bar on the next update.
Alberto Santos
@ljgrohn Hey Lucas, I just submitted version 1.3.0 to review. It includes a search bar in discovery and should be available over the next few days. Thanks for the suggestion, enjoy!
Thack ☁️
Really disappointed this hasn't been launched on Android. Or better - as a PWA.
Fabio Muniz
@davethackeray Hey! I hear you. It's just me (Design) and @alberto_santos (iOS) working on this, and it's just a side project. We absolutely want to launch on Android and Web too, but for the launch date it was hard. We're looking to launch on Android and Web in the next few months. I'll keep you posted!
Alberto Santos
@davethackeray we’re making sure iOS is rock solid and will then focus on getting it on Android and Web!
Alberto Santos
@franciskim_co sweet, thanks! 100+ was definitely a surprise for both me and fabio
Tony Freed
Yes! Thanks, guys! I've been looking for such product and even considered to make one by myself. This is great stuff. I like it. However, I would love to have an ability to at least suggest you a newsletter. I understand that you want to make it more secure and have control over quality. But I have tons of them and I need some control too :) Best of luck, guys!
Alberto Santos
@tony_freed That's true -- I'll add a form to our website and suggest that users can use the “Send Feedback” button on the iOS app to do suggestions as well. Now about importing your newsletters, that's definitely coming in a future update (not so far away). Thanks for using it!
Alberto Santos
@tony_freed Hey Tony, I just submitted version 1.3.0 to review. It includes an option to suggest a newsletter right from inside the settings screen; it should be available over the next few days. Thanks for the suggestion, enjoy!
I understand getting MVP shipped quickly but really wish there was a signup by email feature instead of forcing to use Google account.
Alberto Santos
@jamescampbell That's definitely our top priority for the next major release. What do you use? Outlook?
@alberto_santos i use Mail app in my macbook and i am running my own mail server using mailinabox on a digital ocean vps. I know im probably in minority here or maybe not? I dont use third party email services at all. running james at all on my own.
Alberto Santos
@jamescampbell Hm. From a technical point of view, it wouldn't be too hard to support that type of signup. Thanks for letting me know
Carlos Gomes Cabral
Awesome product, @alberto_santos. Good luck with it! It was a pleasure to work with you.
Alberto Santos
@cgcabral oh man! it was a pleasure to work with you as well. thank you so much for the support!
Danny Florian
very clean landing page!
Alberto Santos
@dnyflorian Right?! @fbwlm is an amazing designer.
Jeremy Bauer
I applaud the effort, but I feel like your comments here and your website are sending mixed messages about what the app does. This only helps me clear up my inbox by shifting my email newsletters to Kite *if* they're newsletters your team has added to Kite through your curation process. It doesn't really help me clear up my inbox if it only shifts the newsletters of your team's choosing to Kite. I still have a lot of newsletters that your team hasn't added to Kite (and may never add since, again, there's only your team's curation and not a system for adding any newsletters I choose), and those will still go to my inbox alone. I understand your newsletter list will grow, but I can't know if it will include any I'm currently subscribed to or will subscribe to. That said, it is a beautiful app that I hope to be able to use someday.
Alberto Santos
@barnabybones You're absolutely right. We're adding the ability to import newsletters and make unsubscribe more accessible in the near future -- making the “declutter” and “reclaim your inbox” part of our pitch right.
Gua Tabidze
We all may agree on that curated newsletter experience is not great fit for Inbox. We need something different, revolutionary as Slack did to email for specific job. Small improvements doesn't makes a sense and solves a problem as a whole. There are many dead startups around this problem which committed suicide not because people was not interested on this problem, but mostly because of the issues on the product/market matching. Whats more interesting is that all of the 'solutions' decided to show some improvements on user side, nor curator. To make it short. We have two sided markets - curators and its users. If we want build something valuable here, and really want to separate Inbox from curated newsletter, we have to do things for both markets. Users want a better way to get, manage and read curated newsletters, even consume it separated from email(Inbox). Curators want to get emails(for sponsored issues, content ads, banner ads and such). For me, main task is how to separate email from curated newsletters and build ads opportunities. End result of revolution looks like this: There is an App where - for users: *UI is standardized(like Medium standardized writing/blogging for mass market) *Subscribe/unsubscribe without email *Read later experience. - for curators *Tool to build/curate newsletter *Ads management/analytics - UI has opportunities for ads(sponsored issue, content ads, banner ads and such) **Email has its costs based on issue/user number, based on App those costs will be vanished and can be used better way. *** As for App revenues source, success fee (Google ads strategy) seems promising - while curators finding its sponsors separately or App provides for them ads, divide the X%of revenue from them. Growth strategy? *(hardest job) - Start small. Build start experience for 15-20 email newsletter for specific users, than expand. Cudos to Kite, If you want to talk more about growth PM me on Twitter @alberto_santos @fbwlm
@alberto_santos please add daily email to the list of available feeds. One of my favorites i get in my inbox every morning.
Alberto Santos
@jamescampbell Cool! We'll add it over the next few weeks. Thanks for the suggestion!
Although I get the urgency to reduce noise and clean up inbox, I don't get the value proposition of this and the other app that was launched here a couple months earlier. I've started unsubscribing my newsletters a few months back and resubscribe them through my RSS reader. Less tracking, more control. Do we really need a special tool for this? With that said, I could see value if there is an AI powered personal knowledge engine that will cluster similar news and links in my inbox or newsletters so I don't have to mentally filter out duplicate news from Node Weekly from Frontend Weekly. Just my 2c.
Alberto Santos
@randomor I'd say that we definitely need a special tool for this. Not everyone is willing to do what you did and discovering and subscribing to great newsletters can be really boring, instead of just a tap away. We'll be giving users more control over the next few months -- importing your newsletters and making unsubscribe more accessible are our big concerns. Fabio and I talked about the long-term future and that's definitely one of our major goals. But well, really long-term. :-)
Jędrzej Rayski
Unfortunately, I think Kite is not avalaible in Poland :C
Alberto Santos
@rayski really? that's odd. we had a signup from there last night. does this link work?
Jonathan James
How do you handle remote-content? For example, I enjoy a Newsletter, but sometimes this Newsletter contains offers/coupons/event-invites in the form of images that I don't care for. If a Newsletter is in kite is it's remote content automatically in kite too? Or, do I have to tap and open the Newsletter for it's remote-content to then and only then be loaded? If the answer is tap and open to load.. then I will use kite, otherwise, the data I load is my preference not kites preference. Or, perhaps Gmail must be configured to block remote-content pre-kite use? Thunderbird blocks remote-content and only shows me text (unicode) to start with, this allows me to quickly scan a Newsletter and realize whether or not I want all of it's content to load - my preference. While loading images is often fine, they're some Newsletters that I strictly enjoy the text-content of and images aren't needed; These Newsletters only load what I want then and not the fluff on-top that I have no interest in; Thunderbird shows the remote-content in-place to not break layout; The content is represented by a small symbol showing that it was blocked. In Thunderbird often I can easily tell from the metadata what an image is, and if I really want to see it then in a single click I switch my preferences and all images within the Newsletter load for me. For these reasons mentioned and for the amount of Newsletters I go through per week I can't see kite being a smart data choice for me if I can't block remote-content; The more data that loads, the more battery power that gets used...