Coding and deploying web apps takes too long. Koji makes it much faster and easier. Start from a template, customize, collaborate, deploy with a click!
Thanks @chrismessina! There are a lot of pieces to Koji & everything is still very much in beta, but some of the ones we're most excited about are:
1. Start from templates: Dramatically reduce the time and level of technical knowledge necessary to build apps by starting from modern, standards-based templates. Templates save time and let you focus on building what matters! We'll be opening up submissions to the template marketplace very soon to let developers start selling their own templates.
2. No-code: Visual interfaces generated from JSON configuration files make it easy to customize templates without ever needing to see code (but the code is always there if the visual interface doesn't allow you to do what you want it to do -- the code and no code pieces of the editor work together, instead of the no code pieces trying to "replace" the code pieces. Some things are better to do visually (style guides, themes, strings, etc.) and some things will always be more intuitive in code!)
3. One-click deploy: All Koji apps can be deployed to production in a single click. Frontends are delivered statically and backends get packaged and deployed as a serverless API. You choose your own subdomain on, and optionally can add a custom domain name (we automatically take care of CDN, HTTPS, cache invalidations, etc). Later, we'll introduce the ability to submit your app as a hybrid web-app to the iOS and play store, as well as help you submit it for distribution to platforms like Facebook Instant Games.
4. Cloud-based IDE: The Koji IDE lives entirely in the cloud and doesn't require downloading/installing any software. This opens development/deployment to people who don't have access to personal computers, or have limited access to their own machines. Build and publish on a Chromebook in a classroom, a computer in an internet cafe, or a tablet, anywhere in the world! (Side note: your projects are portable. When you create a project, you get your own Git repo, so you're able to export at any time or use any other workflow if you choose -- later we'll be releasing a CLI. All projects being backed by Git also allows you to merge upstream changes from the source template, so if the template creator fixes bugs or adds new features, you can continue to keep your project up to date!)
5. Live collaboration: The Koji editor has been built from the beginning to support live, Google-docs style collaboration. You can create temporary collaboration links that let your friends, or people you meet in the Koji community, join your editor session to work with you. When someone joins your session, you're in the driver's seat; they can only see and edit the files you show them, so no need to worry about spilling private keys or personal information when you let someone in. Many people who are just starting to learn to code find themselves stuck and frustrated on simple things, and they haven't yet developed the vocabulary to effectively use tools like StackOverflow. So they spend hours debugging simple syntax errors, and sometimes give up on programming entirely. Live collaboration lets more experienced developers help junior devs and just-getting-started devs (who are, oftentimes, kids in classrooms, or socially disadvantaged people trying to learn a new skill) get unstuck and grow faster.
We have a LONG roadmap, we're crazy excited about this thing, and we're just getting started :)
- You can check out some of our long-term vision, and the WHY behind what we're doing, at
- Join us on Discord at to share ideas, feedback and bugs as you play with the editor
- Start building apps and templates (template submission coming very soon!)
- If you're local to San Diego, come by one of our Koji Happy Hour events and meet some of the team (join Discord for more info)
Myself, @dmitry, and some of our team are around to answer any questions you have!
PS: We quietly opened our beta last week, and one of the first people to come in was @fajarsiddiq -- he built and shipped a game in under 30 minutes, then posted it on PH and made it to number 3 for the day! Who is going to beat him? ;)
Really cool product, made a YouTube walkthrough of me using the site to launch my own game in less than 10 minutes with no code -
Koji fills a need for developers to quickly get a game or app up and running and focus the team’s energy on tuning and perfecting a delightful core loop. Well done @seanthielen and @dmitry
I love this product. I have made over 10 games today alone, and they are all pretty fun to play. I am looking forward to buying templates when they are released. Not all templates are ready to work out of the box, but they say that in the readme file so it wasn't a surprise. It's actually cool that some of them aren't done because I am able to build an app without doing it from scratch, and without feeling like I just customized someone else's work.
Pros: I can customize existing templates with a visual editor. I can add/edit the code because I have full control. I can deploy my app without any need for DevOps. I can collaborate with developers and have them work on my app in real time. There is a staging server so I can share my app with people and test/get feedback before I deploy it. The Koji community on Discord is really helpful and fun to be a part of. All in all, this platform is a game changer. I can go on and on about how cool this platform is.
Cons: None that I can see yet.
Koji is like no other app platofrm I've tested in the past. It's straight forward to use for both devs & non-devs alike. I really appreciate the thoughtfullness that has gone into this product and I can't wait to see how it grows & develops.
No weird proprietary nonsense. VCC's are nice for quick changes. One-click deployment is AMAZING. Nice community of developers & makers.
Congratulations Koji, GoMeta & the whole team!!!!
You guys just featured on
Recently i spent time reading GOMETA INC site,
So many investors and omg, you guys are just too awesome.
Made With Koji is definitely will be more success.
So much respect for the team, putting this together.
I'm no expert, i've seen more skillful designers and developers and product makers who build better then me. is fun project i made with and i want to thank for making the Beta so awesome.
What i like about Made With Koji is, you can build side projects quickly.
Why do we want to build side projects is because we can LEARN & EXECUTE quickly. Once you finish customizing the templates, you see end results. It just gets your excited and feel accomplished. And with that you gain confidence as a person to move on other bigger things.
Many people have hard time finishing side projects, this helps to improve mental health. I feel thankful. Made with koji makes me want to create/make more awesome bigger things. The sense of small achievements is important in making baby steps in the journey of production process in making.
Thank you GoMeta & Made with Koji Team
Much love from me, Fajar Siddiq from Singapore
Twitter app does work. You can signup and create a post. It is not a fully baked Twitter clone which is stated in the readme file. You have to do some of the work to get it there, but not as much as you would if you started from scratch. I haven't seen any bugs, so not sure why you say that.
Gfycat: GIFs for Gmail
Kanye Cube Blast
Kanye Cube Blast
Koji is like no other app platofrm I've tested in the past. It's straight forward to use for both devs & non-devs alike. I really appreciate the thoughtfullness that has gone into this product and I can't wait to see how it grows & develops.
Pros:No weird proprietary nonsense. VCC's are nice for quick changes. One-click deployment is AMAZING. Nice community of developers & makers.
Cons:I can't wait for more templates in the store!
Indie Podcasting Kit
Koji is a wonderful app, But needs to have bugs fixed before they launched on this site
Pros:Everything Ready Wonderful Sppeds Super Easy to use and Understand
Cons:Apps don't work sometimes The Twitter app Doesn't work
This platform is a game changer. Read the FAQs to fully understand the capabilities. Make apps super fast on any device.
Pros:Cloud IDE rocks for visual and code. Can collab with a dev. <3 sharing my app with people using a link or QR code. Super easy to deploy.
Cons:I wish there were more templates to pick from. If you are a developer, start packaging up your projects.