Jeffrey Fermin

ShameBot by WFHomie - Publicly shame your teammates on Slack like they deserve


The ShameBot by WFHomie is the best way to publicly shame your co-workers over Slack. Whenever a less-liked teammate makes a mistake, asks a dull question or makes a cringy comment, using ShameBot is the easiest way to make them question their self-worth.

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Sarim Malik
Personally, a big fan of shaming people in a public setting. I think it's incredible for culture building and open communication. Wouldn't know what I'd do without this product.
Pavla Bobosikova
@sarimmalik we hear you. Work life can get lonely sometimes, with no intelligence in sight..let’s put an end to it! 😁
Reza Farahani
@sarimmalik couldn’t have said it better myself. Great minds.. 😎
This is so important. Do you plan to offer a version for MS Teams?
Jeffrey Fermin
@zach_on_the_internet very important question. @pavla_bobosikova thoughts?
Pavla Bobosikova
@zach_on_the_internet @jefffermin I hear it’s much needed. It’s on the roadmap, stay tuned!
Sarah Wright
"Little micro-aggressions get lost over Slack..." so true!
Pavla Bobosikova
@sarah_wright7 right? What a shame..
Reza Farahani
@sarah_wright7 mix it up with a global team and you can barely tell a compliment from pure sass these days πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
Joe Taylor
Thank goodness you guys built this, today is the perfect day :)
Pavla Bobosikova
@joetaylor thanks! Someone had to it..
Jeffrey Fermin
Have you ever worked with cringe-y coworkers that you absolutely hate? This is going to be the best way to make fun of them in a public setting, and let them know that they are the absolute worst people ever. Install the "shame-bot" today! And yes, this is real 🀣
Mathieu Dufour
I can't believe we actually launched this πŸ˜‚ Someone call HR
Pavla Bobosikova
@mathieu_dufour no HR to save you here 😁 This is an important component of company culture
Reza Farahani
@mathieu_dufour thank you for your contribution to this product, which brings immense value to society πŸ‘πŸ‘
Blair Griffiths
Huh so that's what they mean by culture of communication πŸ˜‚
Pavla Bobosikova
@blair_griffiths duh, all about being direct πŸ˜…
Reza Farahani
@blair_griffiths communication is learning, learning is growth 😁
Anna Haughton
Can't wait to test it out ;)
Pavla Bobosikova
@annahaughton shame is just a few clicks away..
Reza Farahani
@annahaughton act fast before someone else in your Slack workspace takes it out for a spin 😁
Pavla Bobosikova
No matter how good the carrot, nothing beats the stick ~ ancient proverb When we started building WFHomie, our mission was to make every team remote-ready. The first elements we tackled were culture and employee engagement, followed by people analytics. The sometimes forgotten component of culture is the power of raw constructive feedback - no πŸ’© sandwich πŸ₯ͺ That is we built the ShameBot. What better way to get your co-workers to put their back and brains into it? Check it out and let us know what you think! It's FREE and FUN! 🀩
Mars Negrette
Hahahaha love it
Pavla Bobosikova
@marsnegrette thanks Mars!! 😊
Maria Alexandrova
Super! Keep doing good work!
Pavla Bobosikova
@maria_alexandrova1 thanks Maria!! 🀩
Channa Ranatunga
Haha love it!
Pavla Bobosikova
@channa_ranatunga thanks Channa!! 😊
CJ Cowan
This is absolutely hilarious! Someone ring up HR stat!
Pavla Bobosikova
@cj_cowan Tobi's OOO today, phew
Dragos Bulugean
hahaha, great selling point :) watch out teammates!
Pavla Bobosikova
@dragos_bulugean go get them!! 😁
Reza Farahani
Normalizing open communication! Shame-bot is just the first step ;)
Christy Bollinger
Eric William Dolan
Once in a generation there comes a product that changes everything. This is not it.
Jeffrey Fermin
/ shame on you , @eisforinnovate This will be as significant as the wheel, the iphone, or mountain dew.
Katherina Shtern
Really love my coworkers, but still sometimes I need that kind of stuff!