Hey everyone! Thanks for hunting us Rick and thanks to all for voting up Kudoso - we truly believe Kudoso will make families stronger and help parents raise amazing kids! I'm the CEO and co-founder of Kudoso and happy to answer any/all questions!
If you haven't heard of Kudoso - we are new generation of parental controls designed to be POSITIVE and COMPREHENSIVE. There were two core problems we sought to solve when we started Kudoso almost 4 years ago: to provide a comprehensive solution and to do in a way that kids won't hate. On the comprehensive side, it means that Kudoso has to work on all devices in the home AND that Kudoso needs to provide all the functionality that parents are looking for. We focused on providing a SINGLE screen time limit which is enforced on all devices, we match this with a POWERFUL real-time internet filter unique to every child and family, and we augment it deep functionality like best-in-class application management and control. No other solution can manage screen time and apps on all devices like Kudoso does. To make it positive, we built Kudoso around a rewards system. Kids earn "Kudos" - a virtual currency - while doing tasks, chores and activities inside Kudoso. Children can then use their Kudos to buy more screen time or exchange their Kudos with their parents for real-world items likes products or allowance.
We also wanted to teach life skills and the importance of technology (and the proper way to use it!) to children, so built Kudoso as an extensible platform. Through Kudoso's Connected Partners, the ways we can encourage your children to learn and explore is virtually limitless. Our first two connected partners are Khan Academy and FitBit. Kids can earn Kudos by watch Khan videos and obtaining Mastery Levels on exercises and topics. With the FitBit integration, children earn Kudos for their Active Time.
There is too much to Kudoso to try to write in this post, we hope that explore it and find it useful for your family. As always, we'd love your comments and suggestions to make Kudoso even better!
Great concept and the initial kit isn't so bad, but you really should have a Lifetime plan that someone can buy up front like so many other companies...