Kevin William David

Kuoll JavaScript Tracer - See how your users crashed your web application

Kuoll JavaScript Tracer is a remote debugging tracer for JavaScript web applications. Kuoll script wraps pages of your web application into an interaction listener. To enable you authentically replay UI, network, Javacript and user events in your own web browser.

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Kevin William David
Kuoll is a remote debugging tracer for JavaScript web applications. Kuoll script wraps pages of your web application into an interaction listener. To enable you authentically replay UI, network, javascript and user events in your own web browser.
Dmitry Kaigorodov
Thanks for the post @kwdinc Hi, fellow hunters! We created Kuoll as a JavaScript tracing development tool to help JavaScript and web developers fix bugs extremely easy. We are developers ourselves (of course) and we know how difficult it is to analyze and fix production bugs. Here are just some of our features: user session recording, network XHR recording proxy, cause-effect tracing, offline recording. The tool is still continuously developing. In the coming months, we’re planning to add a Summary Report, and Issue Tracking Integrations. Please, share your feedback and your ideas. It will help make the product even better. Thank you for trying Kuoll out =) Dmitry Kaigorodov, CEO/co-founder
Alexander Chekan
@kuolldev @kwdinc is it similar to webvisor from yandex?
Dmitry Kaigorodov
Thanks for asking, @alexander_chekan. @kwdinc Webvisor is a tool for marketers that visually replays user sessions. It is used mostly to optimize landing pages and forms. Kuoll-recorded user sessions are actually debuggable. So, a developer has the original record of the assigned problem/issue. Also, Kuoll records both visual and non-visual interactions. Including network requests, user-generated events and javascript promises/callbacks, so that developers do not need to reproduce issues to analyze them. To summarize, we are different as we are a tool for developers to fix bugs.
Dmitry Dudin
Awesome tool. Kuoll was used by us during all development process ( Working great together with support form as well.
Eugene  Stepnov
@nedudi Thank you!
Kiryl A. Anoshka
My favourite tracer for debugging. It helps to actually understand what user did before some error occurred or a bug has been reported.
Eugene  Stepnov
@kiryl_a_anoshka Thank you! We will keep working hard!
Andrei Baklinau
Hey guys! It's very interesting product. Do you have competitors in this space? And what is your killer feature (s)? Btw, can you provide some examples of how your current users / clients get value from your product?
Dmitry Kaigorodov
@andrei_baklinau Thanks for your questions. = Do you have competitors in this space? = Sure, there are tools for developers that catch JavaScript errors and save them to a server. There are also tools that record user sessions. Most of them are for marketers. FullStory is quite widely used by developers, but it is still a visual playback tool. Kuoll is more like a flight black box recorder that records all the technical information and makes it available when necessary. = And what is your killer feature (s)? = The killer features are 1) authentic user session browser internals state replay, 2) cause-effect chains to find the root cause of a problem, 3) offline recording stores the record in the end user web browser. And sends the record to server only when the exception, server error, user support request happens. = Real-life examples = A banking software company releases a new product. Banking-accounting merged to deliver simpler service for small businesses. Their customer, a flower-shop owner submits a form online. Suddenly, there is a glitch. The owner call to the bank to solve the problem. But customer support engineer starts asking many question. Asks to send a screenshot, install screen-sharing software... After this, developer gets an issue report that does not have sufficient information to understand the reason of a bug. Developer needs to recreate environment and reproduce the issue. Even after this, developer is not sure if the cause of the issue is the same. With Kuoll, complete browser state is recorded and available to the developer when necessary.
I have used Fullstory. I will try this on my current project. Are there any limitations on number of sessions?
Eugene  Stepnov
@sridhar_kondoji Hi, thank you for your question! The free account is limited to 50 sessions per month, but you can try Team account for free for 30 days. Using Team account you have unlimited sessions per month, unlimited users of team account and 180 days session lifetime!
Petr Brzek
Is it possible to use it in an Electron app?
Dmitry Kaigorodov
@petrbrzek Never tested, but would love to try it with some existing application.
Dulitha Wijewantha
@kuolldev @petrbrzek Have an Electron App. Currently, I am using Sentry to collect crash reports. I'll try this out over the weekend with Electron. One of the biggest problems I have with Sentry is that it's not that good in giving me enough information on regards to the crash.
Thomas Evans
Looks great. We're switching over now here at Will let you know if we have any feedback :)
Dmitry Kaigorodov
@td_evans Wow, great! Would love to hear your feedback. Btw, my email is
Matthew Arbesfeld
Looks great! Awesome to see more tools for helping developers fix bugs. If you are working on a Redux app, you can also check out our product LogRocket:
Gijo Varghese
The one I was looking for!! Tested it and working really nice. Going to implement it in all my projects soon
Dmitry Kaigorodov
@gijo_varghese Would love to hear your feedback!
Alexander Mikhalchenko
Great tool, especially with integrations & notification system. Keep going guys!
Vitaly Stockman
Is it limited to certain JavaScript frameworks? How about server-side JavaScript? Looks interesting, seems like it could save some time and nerves!
Eugene  Stepnov
@svifi Thanks for the questions. -- Is it limited to certain JavaScript frameworks? No, it is not limited to certain Javascript frameworks. -- How about server-side JavaScript? It is definitely in our plans. Now we can show requests/responses from the server.
Katerina Voronova
Looks nice! As I understood, it is available only for web applications - any plans for mobile apps?
Andrew Tomin
Awesome idea! Let us know how to integrate it! Very interested!