Chris Messina - Conversational Landing Page - Lead generation landing page as chatbot

Top Hunter is a simple tool to build conversational landing pages and improve lead conversion rate. .

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Alex Strafalogea
Really cool idea, but I would wait for a more polished experience in terms of UI as current release seems a bit choppy
Jiaqi Pan
@alexstrafalogea really appreciate your feedback and we totally agree with you! As Reid Hoffman once said: "If You're Not Embarrassed By The First Version Of Your Product, You’ve Launched Too Late" In our case, we’re very aware of those weird things regarding UI and are working hard to get rid of them; It would be really great if you could tell us which Browser/OS are you using to talk to Landbot? Thanks!! 🙂
Ethan Tran
@jiaqip it is choppy for me on iOS. I would recommend animating the chat bubbles into screen. Edit: actually i think it has to do with the scrolling when a new bubble is added. It just jumps up instead of an ease in.
Jiaqi Pan
@eliteeth4n thanks for the feedback, I will tell my team to look at it!
Jiaqi Pan
@alexstrafalogea we have just launched a completely updated version of Landbot on PH. Would love to hear your thoughts about it!
Jiaqi Pan
hi @allenleein we have just launched a completely updated version of Landbot on PH. Would love to hear your thoughts about it!
Jiaqi Pan
Thanks a lot @chrismessina for endorsing us! Hope we’ll be able to earn such trust! Greetings, product hunters! We’re really thrilled to be in your presence today! Jiaqi here, Co-founder at Landbot, a new and exciting tool that will allow you to turn any landing page into a conversational experience. We all know that landing pages are of the essence when it comes to introduce and promote new products or services, as well as to generate leads in the earliest stages of the conversion funnel. But we’re also well aware that it’s become increasingly difficult to stand out amongst the myriads of similar landings, and that their conversion rate is usually not as remarkable as expected. Our solution to this?: Chatbotize them! We’re releasing today our first MVP version of Landbot: we’ll work really hard to add new features and integrations in the near future, so we would immensely appreciate your feedback and comments. Bearing this in mind, here’s some of the things you can achieve with Landbot right now: - Boost user engagement, and improve your conversion rate. Don’t make your visitors browse your landing page on their own: turn their discovering you into a fun and engaging experience by talking to them instead. They’ll be far more willing to comply with any call-to-action afterwards! - Create your own chatbot in a breeze. Landbot’s easy-to-use building tools enable you to create your own bot from scratch through an intuitive, visual interface. No coding required! Gosh, we’ve even implemented a chatbot to help you build them, so piece of cake! - 100% customizable aesthetics. Make them cool, stylish and fully in line with your brand image: choose the fonts and colors more akin to it, add background images, gifs or videos with ease, upload icons of your own or pick those of your liking out of the available ones… It will be your chatbot, after all, so you should be able to build it just as you feel like! Intrigued? Make us all happy, then, and give Landbot a try! And don’t hesitate to share your feelings and feedback with us on this very thread! Thanks for your attention!
Ernesto Cohnen
What an amazing idea! I'll for sure use this to capture leads.
Cris Villar García
@cohnen Thanks for the support! That's in fact what Landbot was built for 😀
J Marciniak
Does this have anything to do with "upcoming pages by producthunt" I see popping up everywhere?
Jiaqi Pan
@jrmarciniak Hi there! Thanks for your comment! The only thing we have to do with Upcoming Pages is that we are both into Conversational Interfaces. We’ve been working in Landbot for some months know and seen Product Hunt was working on something similar. It was awesome the fact that PH could act as evangelists of this concept so we decided to share with the community something you’re familiar with. We hope this could help you get a better understanding of what Landbot is all about. @rrhoover and @vesln shared some feedback on it and it’s been super interesting so far!
Lee Launches
Love this!
Cris Villar García
@mrexplainer Thank for the support! 😊 Let us know if you need anything!
Jiaqi Pan
@mrexplainer we have just launched a completely updated version of Landbot on PH. Would love to hear your thoughts about it!
Great job guys. If you figure out a perfect mix between + typeform you would have a potential product. And I would be the first in pay you.
Cris Villar García
@sergioruizdavila Thank you very much, Sergio! We're big fans of Typeform and have learned a lot from them. Landbot can do some of the things they (typeform) do but there are still big differences that make us totally complementary. Thanks for the support!
@cristobalvillar Yes I got your point. My orientation is more to the UX Experience, invite users to 'chat' with the bot. If you change a little bit your conversational system oriented to typeform design, you could get more interaction.
Jiaqi Pan
@sergioruizdavila we have just launched a completely updated version of Landbot on PH. Would love to hear your thoughts about it!
Leo Sussan
I just wanted to quickly chime in - I've worked with these guys (whom are not soliciting this comment - saw that they were on top of Product Hunt & wanted to chime in). They're the real deal. The product itself is very cool, but just as importantly, the guys behind it are amazing to work with, flexible & transparent. They will work to earn your consideration, just as they have ours.
Cris Villar García
@lsussan Hi Leo! We really appreciate your comment and love the way you randomly found us here. We believe in this product and people like you make it possible; we'll keep up the work and will be bringing really interesting stuff soon, thank you!!
Hugo Gomes Penaranda
I like that! I'm already thinking of using it.
Jiaqi Pan
@hugopenaranda thanks! Love to hear your feedback :)
Jiaqi Pan
@hugopenaranda we have just launched a completely updated version of Landbot on PH. Would love to hear your thoughts about it!
Monica Zeng
Congrats guys! Love the design and how easy is to get started. Would recommend customer support teams try it out :)
Cris Villar García
@monicazng Thanks Monica! Use cases are broad but yes, both Providing Support and Capturing Leads really do fit with this approach :)
Rose Pember
Very excited this has launched. @Helloumi (parent) has great customer support and Landbot is the start to more experiential webbrowsing and conversions. Cool work!
Cris Villar García
@helloumi @rosepember Thank you very much, Rose! So good to have you here supporting Landbot. We're really excited about this and improving conversion is our main deal, let us know if you need anything! 🤗
Jiaqi Pan
@rosepember we have just launched a completely updated version of Landbot on PH. Would love to hear your thoughts about it!
Tobias Goebel
Really nice job on your homepage, congrats. You tease the visitor first, then immediately explain WHY someone would do what you offer, using relevant stats - good entry. At the surface, this sounds trivial - you're just changing the HOW of capturing a lead. But therein lies the recipe for success. The conversational UI simplifies the process, engages better, doesn't overwhelm like a web form easily can. If your stats are to be trusted, this could be an interesting new way of doing lead capture.
Jiaqi Pan
@tpgoebel so great to see you here! You just tell everyone our secret sauce xD Just kidding, we are still learning how to better leverage the conversational UI, but the results are really exciting. We will share it later on a Medium post so everyone interested in conversational interfaces could benefit from our experience :)
Ravi Srinivasan
Good concept, but undercooked. Upvoted anyway.
Cris Villar García
@ravsydney Thanks! It'll be more than cooked soon :) Would love to get feedback on what do you like least/most, Ravi, that'd help a lot!!
Ravi Srinivasan
@cristobalvillar Signed up twice with two different emails but nothing happened. No emails received and nothing on the screen to tell me what is happening. I am using an iPad.
Jiaqi Pan
@ravsydney sorry about the bad experience you had before. We have just launched a completely updated version of Landbot on PH. Would love to hear your thoughts about it!
Deven Bhooshan
wow. Have been thinking of building something similar @mindiq_in Upvoted :)
Cris Villar García
@mindiq_in @devenbhooshan Thanks for the support! Interesting project BTW; great minds think alike! 😀
Josh Day
@mindiq_in @devenbhooshan Indeed, I haven't found any functionality that 'turns a landing page into a chatbot.' Rather, I can create a chatbot that displays full screen (like a landing page I guess?).
Cris Villar García
@mindiq_in @devenbhooshan @thejoshuaday That's right! As other hunters were asking, we're not literally converting Landing Pages into Chatbots with the click of a button, but providing the tools to easily take everything you do with a Landing Page (basically provide and get information) and start doing it within a conversation. Were brainstorming tho on some ways of doing it within a couple of clicks by scrapping info from the site, I'm sure there're some great things to come! :)
Graham Gnall
chat seems like overkill. typeform already glides through inputs using animation. what's to gain from this ux?
Jiaqi Pan
@ggnall Thanks for your comment! We are big fan of Typeform and love their great UX 🙂 I think the conversational UX isn´t and won´t be great fit for all cases, so it´s all about using it for the ideal use case (IMHO landing page is one 😉 ) That being said there are few things that set us apart from Typeform and other form builders: -First of all, in our case it´s a two-way communication: you can give and receive information from users. We believe that the conversational format is really great for storing telling and providing information user need. -Secondly, you can see landbot as a combination of landing page with live chat. One of the interesting features we advocate heavily is the “human take over” where companies could do “real-time selling” with the help of chatbot power. -Last but not least, with landbot users could easily build conversational flows based on graphs which are more flexible than a simple decision tree which is already tough to build with a form tool. Hope you find my answer interesting! One last note we are relatively new into designing for conversational experiences so we would love to receive all kind of feedback so we could learn to bring the best UX for final users.
Erick Barron
This is a very fresh and interesting idea. I will see if I can use it in my next project. 😁
Cris Villar García
@erickbarron86 Thanks Erick, would love to see Landbot adding value to it! 🙌🏽
Nam Ramanathan
Great idea, would love to use such a chat bot for our landing page in online education. But I find it difficult to edit or add new blocks. It just asks too many questions. The ones you show are great. When are you coming up with the new version? Shall wait for it.
Cris Villar García
@nam thanks for your support! Yes, building chatbots can be a bit tricky the first time: we're planning to both host a webinar on bot-building and simplify the process by getting rid of unnecessary steps, should be ready within a month! Please check our Knowledge Base' articles on Chatbots, I believe you'll find them useful: http://helloumikb.helpscoutdocs....
Nick Frost
@jiaqip This is a great idea for mobile LPs for newsletters. I'd recommend going through all of your copy though to make sure they're grammatically correct.
Cris Villar García
@jiaqip @thinker thank you! Yes, we believe it makes a lot of sense on mobile, and will surely check the copy! We're making a lot of "hot" changes and that's grammar's biggest enemy, thank you, Nick 😅
Kevser Ünalan
Love the idea :)
Cris Villar García
@xevser Thank you Kevser! :D