Rohan Chaubey

Affiliate+ From Lasso - Earn 3-5x higher commissions on your current Amazon products


Affiliate+ is an exclusive high-commission affiliate product marketplace. Using the power of Lasso’s AI, you can find higher-paying alternatives for your current affiliate products, and even automatically upgrade products you already recommend.

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Gene Schleeter
Hey Product Hunters! 🚀 I’m super excited to finally unveil Affiliate+ - the easiest way to increase your business’ affiliate income. Lasso has been the go-to product display/ link management solution for affiliate marketers for years, and we’ve seen first-hand how Google algorithm updates and Amazon commission decreases have hurt site owners. We built Affiliate+ to give some power back to the publishers. Affiliate+ makes it easier than ever to earn more from your existing content: 📈 Exclusive Bonus Commissions: Earn 3-5x higher commission rates from great Amazon products. Also, you still earn your normal Amazon Associate commission! It’s a win-win-win situation. 🤖 AI Product Matching: Our proprietary product-matching AI will look at the links you already promote, and find higher-earning alternatives. Just swap the links and watch your earnings grow! 📅 14-Day Attribution Window: Amazon offers a 24-hour cookie for their affiliates, which is terrible, even with their high conversion rate. Luckily, Affiliate+ offers a 14-day cookie, which raises those earnings even higher! 💰 FREE, forever: The goal of Affiliate+ is to empower publishers. That’s why Lasso takes our fee from the merchants. You’ll never need to pay to access this incredible marketplace. If you think Affiliate+ is something this industry desperately needs, I’d really appreciate it if you could give us an upvote and share our launch with your friends. And, of course, you can start using Affiliate+ totally free right now: Hit me up with all your questions, and I’ll see you inside. 😁
Tony Tong
@gene_schleeter Congrats on the launch! 🚀 I’m curious how does your AI product-matching algorithm handle the balance between maximizing commissions and ensuring that the recommended products align with the specific needs and trust factors of the target audience over time?
@gene_schleeter Congratulations on launching Affiliate+! 🎉 How does the AI product matching ensure the recommended alternatives align with the publisher's audience and content tone? It'd be great to understand how this keeps recommendations both profitable and relevant!
Helen Xiong
@gene_schleeter Congratulations on the launch of Affiliate+! I'm wondering if there are plans to expand Affiliate+ beyond the Amazon platform to include other affiliate networks in the future.
Gene Schleeter
@tonyabracadabra Thanks! Our AI has a strict set of criteria when recommending higher-earning alternatives for your current affiliate products. That way the product is nearly identical to what your audience is already buying. When the AI finds multiple matches, it will recommend the product with the highest payout, so you're always earning the most money possible.
Gene Schleeter
@info_at_artisk Thanks Winnie! Our AI has a series of strict criteria it considers before recommending an alternative for your current affiliate products. So the new product will be almost identical to your current product. We only send you a notification when we know it's a great fit. :D Also, if we find links to products on your site that are in our marketplace, we can automatically upgrade them to Affiliate+ links. That way you'll earn more without the content or tone being affected at all.
Ruben Benarroch Esayag
Pretty good idea! Do you have built apps for shopify? Wordpress? etc any CMS? for easier managment (embeding, analitycs, etc)
Gene Schleeter
@rupgo Hey Ruben! We have a plugin for WordPress. Along with handling Affiliate+ link upgrades and opportunities, it gives you product displays and streamlined link management. Our Pro plugin even offers comparison tables, grids, and revenue analytics for most major networks. For any other CMS, we have a JavaScript embed that you can use for Affiliate+ link upgrades and click tracking. That way any site can boost their Amazon affiliate income.
Matt Carroll
How do you (and creators mostly?) think about trust erosion? I.e if your ai recommends me (a creator) to switch my links, do you do some due diligence on the products you recommend to make sure they are similar caliber? I guess I kind of knew that a lot of the affiliate linking was a dubious “testimonial” but normally the most compelling version for me is “I’ve used these products in this video, links are in the description”. Are people referral linking things they seldom / never have used commonly? Just curious in general really, as I don’t know much about this space.
Andrew Fiebert
@catt_marroll This isn't a great fit for review content, it would definitely be disingenuous to link to a different product in a review. That said, most content is more off-hand recommendations and in areas like this it's easy to swap a tent for another equivalent tent. Yellow umbrella from a virtually identical one, etc... A lot of the revenue we see is actually from products that were already being linked to that just now have elevated rates. So, in this case, no actually really needs to happen on the creators part and everything is still left as originally published.
Matt Carroll
@andrew_fiebert Cool thanks for the explanation! it makes sense if I could link to a product on circuit city and get 2x the rate im getting with radio shack, i would want to do that! congrats on the launch! seems like you are providing a more competitive market which would be net good for individual creators.
Toby Rowland
big mission!
Gene Schleeter
@toby_rowland Power to the publishers!
Rafael Krueger
Extending the attribution window to 14 days is such a relief
Gene Schleeter
@rafael_krueger Hey Rafael, I've been in this game long enough to remember when Amazon offered 30-day cookies for everyone :'( Those days are long gone, but 14 days with their conversion rates is pretty incredible!
Daniel Zaitzow
Launching soon!
Congrats on the launch @gene_schleeter - Really interesting idea... so it's a marketplace (powered by AI) to find better ROI for your affiliate sales? This seems to be geared at product marketing (Ie: amazon physical products) Is there a world where you pivot more towards software affiliate marketing? Ie: JVZoo ecosystem / type of platform - I know FBA is huge but I see software affiliate marketing being a HUGE frontier in the years to come.
Gene Schleeter
@dzaitzow Hey thanks Daniel! I had a similar question before about DTC brands. Our focus at the moment is on Amazon because it's where our current users earn the majority of their money. But our job is to help our creators make as much money as possible. If SaaS is a market our users need then that's what we'll deliver. We're in the early stages, but we're taking this thing to the moon! 🚀
Daniel Zaitzow
Launching soon!
@gene_schleeter diamond hands as they kids say! Sounds interesting - keep me posted if you ever move into the SaaS ecosystem - would be eager to chat if you make the pivot.
Gene Schleeter
@dzaitzow 100% will do!
Ritik Singh Panwar
Great tool for sellers out there.
Gene Schleeter
@ritik_singh_panwar Thanks Ritik! We also have a seller program for Amazon sellers who want to increase sales with our network:
Madalina B
Looks like a very good product for affiliates. Congratulations 👏 🎉🎉👏
Gene Schleeter
@madalina_barbu Thanks so much! Our goal has always been to help affiliate creators and publishers earn more without extra effort!
Micha Cassola
Cool concept! Everybody wins! 🤩
Gene Schleeter
@michacassola That's the goal! 😁
Bart van de Kooij
Congrats. I like the simplicity. Great work
Gene Schleeter
@bartvandekooij Thanks Bart! Simple is what we strive for. The only thing better than higher income is higher income with less work!
Samar Ali
Launching soon!
Could you tell us a bit more about how Lasso's AI helps find higher-paying affiliate alternatives?
Gene Schleeter
@samalyx Hey Samar! The first thing it does is take all your links and see if any of the exact same products are in our marketplace. If it finds matches, it automatically attaches bonus commissions to those links. Then our AI looks for high-commission products that are very similar to your current recommendations. When it finds a close match, it sends you a notification so you can decide if it's a good fit for your audience.
Vincent Hager
I see similar features in other tools, but the 14-day window and AI product matching take this to another level.
Gene Schleeter
@vincent_hager Hey Vincent! The 14-day window on a platform that converts as well as Amazon is definitely a game-changer!
Amy Alice
This looks like good product, looking for a higher commission product to replace.
Olena Variacheva
I recommend Lasso's Affiliate+ to anyone who is an affiliate marketer and wants to increase their earnings! It is a unique platform with high fees that helps you find more profitable alternatives for Amazon's current products.
Joep van den Bogaert
Looks like a no brainer. Congrats on the launch!
Jeff Shenk
Cool idea. Can Affiliate+ also automatically ADD (or suggest) affiliate links on product pages that currently don't have any links?
Dhamith Kumara
Congratulations on the launch !!