Matt Smith

Auto Publish for Instagram by Later - Schedule Instagram posts - no notifications required!

You can now schedule Instagram posts that automatically publish to Instagram! No more notifications to your phone required - Instagram business profiles can now schedule single photo posts right from their desktop with Later’s new Auto Publish feature.

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Cindy Chen
Hey everyone! I’m Cindy, co-founder of Later, an Instagram marketing platform. Excited to share our launch on Product Hunt today and answer any questions you have about Later and Instagram scheduling! As you may know, Instagram recently opened their API to allow businesses to schedule Instagram posts. Before, we created a way to “schedule” Instagram posts that would send you a push notification with your photo and caption when it was time to post. Now, you don’t need to worry about notifications, and your scheduled Instagram post will just publish at the time you chose! No more interrupting busy work days just to post to Instagram. We’re using the new Instagram Graph API, so your account is 100% safe to auto publish with Later. Instagram does have a few restrictions for automatic publishing, which are: 💼Must be an Instagram business profile 🏙Only works for single photo posts, not videos or carousels 🗺No location or account tagging Later will send you a push notification (if you want) after we’ve published your post, so you can go in and tag anyone, add a location, etc. You can also easily edit the crop of the photo to fit Instagram’s portrait or landscape ratios when creating the post (no need for re-uploads)! We would love to hear your feedback, comment below or you can tweet me at @cindychenc
Pulkit Agrawal
@cindychenc Congrats Later team! Really excited for your launch and rooting for you and your users 🙌Let us know how adoption is ;-)
Nathen McVittie
I've been using Later for a while. Regardless of auto-scheduling, the tool's UI/UX is much easier to use than their competitor's, and support is fantastic. Definitely give them a try.
taylor loren ✨
@nathenmcvittie thank you so much!
Scott Bowler
Does this use the new Instagram API or are you using an emulator?
Matt Smith
@scotty_bowler we use the official Instagram Graph API so we're 100% safe, as @cindychenc mentioned it requires an Instagram business profile and has some limitations set by Instagram's API
Scott Bowler
@cindychenc @symana Cool! Out of interest, how did you become a partner? We're wanting to become one but aren't hitting Facebooks requirement of spending half a million dollars per month..
Cindy Chen
@symana @scotty_bowler Hey Scott, you'll simply have to convert your Instagram profile to a business profile (it's free)
Cindy Chen
@scotty_bowler we also recently wrote a blog post walking you through the steps to set up a business IG profile
Scott Bowler
@cindychenc Fantastic, thank you! I know what I'm doing this week...
Sandra Chung
Hooray! This is going to make our lives so much more awesome :D Bravo Later team!
Thiago de Carvalho
This is ace! Have been using Later for the past months and already had 2 instagram posts going live auto-published. I've already replaced all my social media tools with Later. Well done guys!
taylor loren ✨
@thiagoafram omg thats so awesome! thanks for sharing!
Shane Barker
Upvote, upvote, and upvote! Finally, Instagram made this an option and Later made it a reality! Great job everyone! @cindychenc @symana @taylrn
taylor loren ✨
@shane_barker aw thank you so much shane!!
Tudor Baidoc
It was about time for this function.
Matt Smith
@baidoct definitely! Glad to finally offer it.
Jasmine Law
Nice app, just wondering if the pixel of the image uploaded through Later will be the same as the original image?
taylor loren ✨
@lawly_popp later doesnt compress any images, however if you are trying to schedule a huge photo, instagram does compress larger files when they publish it. i would size your photos for optimal web size instead of uploading a 10gb+ photo :)
Jasmine Law
@taylrn The pixel was obviously lower when I uploaded photos via Later compare to directly through IG. So Later clearly has compressed images. My previous comment was a positive contribution that was trying to ask if the problem will be resolved as I like the app, I wouldn't stopped using it unless there is this problem. Let alone that the owner of the app does not only acknowledge the existence of the issue, you have to tell me to upload photos with lower pixel. How disappointing.
Sarah Boland
Stoked about this feature!!!
Jeff Osborn
Marketers everywhere rejoice!! Side note, high fives all around for landing 🙌
Olof Mathé
Dream come true....
Sabri Helal
Looks great! Clean website too!
Sagar Honakeri
Have been following later blog posts from quite a long time very useful and informative and this is solving a major problem 'Completely' unlike other tools available! Why isn't it available in India yet? When can I use it?
Matt Smith
@sagar868 it is available in India on iOS. For Android there is sooo many devices which requires a lot of engineering to provide an the experience we want to provide. I’ll talk to mobile team, we have made some progress so we can test it out again.
Sagar Honakeri
@symana Cool. I can understand the heck! Let me know once it's launched! Also I would love to be an influencer of Later in this region! It has a huge market here. Please tap on it!
stan curdis

I was satisfied at first but it started crashing :|


auto dm


lot of bugs

Krishna De
I tested this when you released the update and it works fine - other than I had difficulty with the spacing of words in the captions. Hoping they release the api to allow this for video posts
Robi Nuronen
Very good that is so simply.
François Biennat
Great, I'm going to try this on my personnal IG first. Thank you
Bryan Maniotakis
Nice! I used later for a while and loved it compared to the competition. Just a word of advice for those looking to use this - upgrading your account to a business account had some serious ramifications in terms of engagement compared to posting the same content at the same time as a personal account. Instagram really pushes their promoted posts once you convert, so before you tap that button, make sure you know what you're getting in for.
Philipp Zach

Over 1/2 year now I am having the same issues connecting FB & Insta Account. I reported this bug already months ago but nothing has changed. When contacting customer service they just send generic messages. I would not recommend this product to anyone.


scheduling sm posts


App full of bugs, terrible customer service

Marta Baena

It is so worth to give it a try, scheduling everything is saving me precious time as it is more efficient to schedule the week instead of breaking my routine to post. Great design!


Saves us a bunch of hours a day


Can´t see them

Bassam Infotech
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