Jack Altman

Lattice - Performance management for growing companies


Lattice takes the daunting beast of review writing and turns it into an easy, manageable process that won't scare off your managers and employees.

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Jack Altman
Hey ProductHunt! I'm Jack, one of the founders of Lattice. We built Lattice because we've been part of growing teams and we know how hard it can be to stay aligned. We think clear goals that connect throughout a company are critical to running a business. Maintaining goals in a spreadsheet isn't enough; we wanted to make a tool where they are connected, engaging, and can evolve over time. We've been in beta testing for a few months and getting some great responses from our customers, so now we're opening up the product to the public. We'd love for you to try it out with your team and send us all the feedback and feature requests you have! Our mission is to help companies run well and we're extremely excited to share this product. Let us know what you think! Jack
Julian Miller
@jaltma this is incredible. I haven't been able to sleep because I'm framing our first goals. Beautiful product with an exceptionally clear value prop.
João Antunes
@jaltma Jack: congrats! I thought of something similar, even without a big team, we have many stuff to work on and I thought of something that would connect the individual tasks to the major goal, so that we can know exactly how much attention we are giving to each project in the big picture. This ought to make for more informed decisions on which tasks to do next, and to stop neglecting some of the needed goals. We ought to try it out @jlft
Jack Altman
@julianmiller that's makes me so happy to hear! :) please let me know if you have any questions or issues as you use it
Jack Altman
@joantune @jlft definitely, connecting everything back to the bigger goal is our aim. hope you enjoy the product!
Alexis Ohanian
@jaltma I've been so pleased with Lattice so far -- both the product & the service you all have provided. You guys are cooking with bacon.
Jake Gibson
I spent a long time talking with Jack about the how and why of goal setting in companies and am a huge fan of what they have created here. I was deeply involved in setting up the OKR process at NerdWallet, and have advised numerous startups since then on how to think about their own goal setting, and I believe that Lattice is hands down the best technology solution to help with that. Congrats Jack and team!
Jack Altman
@iamjakestream thanks a ton Jake, we love having you involved!
Cecil Kleine
This is great, I was sold within 3 minutes of clicking around the site. Looking forward to dive in with the team. 👏👏👏👏
Jack Altman
@cecilkleine Awesome! Reach out any time if you need anything.
Jack Smith
This is a great space to be operating in, Lattice have built something cool and and I look forward to seeing how the product continues to evolve. The founder also has a cool name.
Jack Altman
@_jacksmith thank you! he really does have a great name.
Rabi Gupta
@jaltma This is really cool. I recently signed up and look forward to using it to keep the goals of my team aligned. This specially is more helpful for a distributed team like ours where 2 of the co-founders are in India and 2 in the US. Good luck with the launch.
doug williams
Hey y'all. Congrats. How big does a team need to be to get value out of Lattice?
Jack Altman
@dougw yo! thanks Doug. We've seen teams as small as 2-3 person use it consistently for themselves, but generally I think it's more valuable as the team gets larger, both because the goals become less likely to change week to week and because alignment tends to get harder the larger the team is. So no set number, but it's most useful when teams are looking for a system to stay aligned around longer terms goals.
I've been using Lattice together with my team for quite a while now and I gotta say it's a really great tool for organizing all kinds of goals in a clear & visually appealing way + awesome Slack integration. Keep it up @jaltma!
Jack Altman
@philipkuklis thanks philip! really appreciate it and awesome to hear that it's useful.
Kumar Thangudu
This looks cool. well done @jaltma . Excited to try this out. I think goal setting is always tough because it depends on the style of problem. This looks like a great start, I would definitely take a look at the semiconductor industry because they've done a lot of study and thinking around the best way to do this. Is the goal attacking a stochastic or discrete problem? What's the timeline of the problem/goal? How many dependencies are there in terms of people and technology? How many time zones do the dependencies traverse?
Andreas Duess
This looks good, but I'm not sure I need to add yet another tool with such a specific usage. We currently use Slack channels, amongst other things, for goal setting. I.e, we have a Slack channel dedicated to adding x number of new clients in 2016. Anything that anybody thinks will get us closer to that goal, goes in there, so does feedback, successes, etc. if a project outgrows the "I am part of this goal" setting it will get moved out to either its own project channel or added to an existing project. For proper project management, resource allocation and time tracking we use Wrike, where we do the heavy lifting of keeping the company on track and our clients happy.
Jack Altman
@andreasduess that's a cool solution for goal setting with Slack channels. there are definitely lots of ways to manage goal setting with teams, we just built the tool we thought would be most helpful for us based on our experience.
Ray Gillenwater
You guys are solving a really important problem here. I've always scratched my head at why there's not a simple tool out there that helps me track my goals, makes them visible to anyone at the company that wants to see them, and helps me ensure alignment with the broader team/company goals. Top work!
Jack Altman
@raygwater thanks Ray!
Kunal Bhatia
Absolutely love the branding work you've done @jaltma! Any insights on how that evolved as you created Lattice?
Jack Altman
@kunalslab thanks Kunal! @erondu was a massive help.
Shahed Khan
Top Product
Congrats @jaltma! Stoked to see this go live. Really dig the well thought out onboarding experience and your "Inspire me!" feature. Giving teams ideas on what other goals they should be thinking about is really valuable. :)
Ameen Rashad
@jaltma I tried to sign up. after connecting with the google account for sign up it ended up in a blank page. When I checked the console it says.. Uncaught TypeError: navigator.serviceWorker.getRegistrations is not a functione.__esModule.default @ bootstrap.js:61t @ bootstrap 1e7d3e27e4199ca56614:68e @ index.js:1t @ bootstrap 1e7d3e27e4199ca56614:68(anonymous function) @ bundle.js:142t @ bootstrap 1e7d3e27e4199ca56614:68(anonymous function) @ bootstrap 1e7d3e27e4199ca56614:111(anonymous function) @ bootstrap 1e7d3e27e4199ca56614:111
Eric Koslow
@ameenrashad Hey Ammen! I'll take a look at that right now. *Edit*: Looks like there was any issue with some code I pushed last night. I think I've fixed the issue, please log in again you should be good now!
christopher lake
Congrats @jaltma!
Jack Altman
@chhhris Thanks Chris!
Riccardo Arvizzigno
Perfect execution :)
Jack Altman
@riccardoar thanks Riccardo!
Alexander Singh
This is a great product. The design is fantastic and usability is mostly spot on. One point on the UX - there doesn't seem to be a way to add multiple child-goals to a parent at the same time. I've found myself having to create a child-goal, then go back to the parent, then create another child-goal, then go back to the parent, etc. Do you have tags on your roadmap? I've wanted to tag several of the updates I've made to help clarify them for others members of my team.
Eric Koslow
@automaticyes We do have faster child goal creation on our roadmap for sure. As for tags not as much. How would you like tags to work?
Alexander Singh
@ekosz1 I can understand if tags are one organizing function too many. I found myself posting updates that included "ideas" and "questions" within a goal. Being able to tag them could help with organizing the thoughts and actions of myself and the members on my team. It could also be tied to an associated follow-up action. In this instance a question begets an answer, an idea begets feedback or a conversation. On a separate note, I tried to @mention a team member. I assume that's also on your roadmap?
Eric Koslow
Looks like our marketing site provider is having issues. Hope to be back up soon!
Eric Koslow
Looks like we're back!
Hadi Farnoud
It's a good looking tool and useful. the issue is it's one more tool you need to keep using. We have Sprintly for keeping our tasks organised. If we are going to use Lattice, it needs someone to keep track of changes on Sprintly and set tasks here too. It's duplicate of what task managers do with focus on goals. without integration, it's another tool to waste your time on.
Dario Hudon-Verrelli
Loving it so far and looking forward to my team adopting it.
Boris FELD
Looks like awesome, love how everything is transparent yet organized, we are too young to use it right now but we will definitely look after it in the future!