Yasha Prikhodko

Leanflix - Find the best movies on Netflix, iTunes, Amazon & more


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Murat Mutlu
Where have you been all my life, great utility and design on this
Zack Kanter
@mutlu82 thanks :) Let us know if you have any feedback!
Zack Kanter
Hi all! Zack here - I'm one of the co-founders. We built Leanflix because we were spending more time looking for good movies than actually watching them. There are five of us on the team - two designers / front end devs, a Rails dev, a data scientist, and myself. We'd love to hear feedback and answer any questions that you have. Our goal is to build a reddit-like community for discovering and discussing movies and TV - we're experimenting a number of social features like site-wide live chat, commenting, and user profiles. One of the biggest things we did was develop a rating algorithm based off data from Rotten Tomatoes, IMDb, Metacritic, and a number of other sources - the UI sorts movies from best to worst, which makes it really easy to find a great movie to watch. Many of the popular rating systems are not intuitive. Let's look at IMDb, for example. Horrible Bosses 2 scored a 6.4/10 on IMDb - and it was pretty bad. Pulp Fiction scored an 8.9, and it was great. What you're seeing is a compressed range - awful movies don't actually score a 1, and great movies don't actually score a 10. Our rating algorithm takes this into account. The Leanflix score displays whole numbers from 1-10 - so you know that an "8" movie is actually good without having to think about the scale. On the back end, our score goes out to several decimal points so that the 'best to worst' sorting is very granular. For example: Interstellar has a Leanflix score of 9.09 and Lord of the Rings: Return of the King has a 9.02 - you'll see them both in the UI as a '9', but Interstellar appears first in the sort order. Lots more to say, but I don't want to bury you guys in info here. We're happy to answer any questions and implement changes/fixes/improvements! Zack
Mark Suster
Boy. If this doesn't describe every person's problem. Every time I want to watch a movie at 9pm my wife says, "No, because you'll spend an hour searching for something to watch and then it's too late to start a movie!" Already building my "watch list"
Zack Kanter
@msuster You should look into Netflix's new "Browse Endlessly Plan" http://www.theonion.com/video/ne...
Pooja Daswani
A movie buff's paradise, this looks really neat. Easy signup and clean design. Definitely worth recommending to peers!
Zack Kanter
@meghu thanks for sharing!
Ahmad Ktaech⚡️
I spent 30 minutes looking for something on Netflix yesterday. I gave up and did something else. This will be a huge help! Thanks :)
Zack Kanter
@ahmadktaech let us know what hidden gems you find!
Aaron McKeehan
@ahmadktaech Thats the story of my life right there. Usually its 30 minutes of looking, and then trailers for an hour.
Sara Clayton
Already a fan of this. I've always kept my list of movies to watch in Evernote, but now I've got a great and visually-appealing space to keep them.
Zack Kanter
@saraclay15 Awesome! Let us know if you have any feedback :)
Nicely done! Really digging the visual style here too! Small points of improvement: keep the selectbox open for selecting genres. And maybe decrease whitespace/margin at the filter section; so you get to see more options.
Zack Kanter
@eelcojellema Good catch on the selectbox - we'll get this implemented. Check back later today! We'll also take another look at the margins on the filter section.
Dave Haynes
Does this just search Netflix US or also Netflix UK? I find that a lot of the content in the US can't also be watched in the UK.
Zack Kanter
@haynes_dave this just searches Netflix/etc content in the US. We'd love to filter by country, but this is really pretty difficult to accomplish...especially with Netflix's closed API.
Jon Lee
Thank you for building this!
Zack Kanter
@jonlee108 Thanks for using it!
Jack Shalom
Added to the Best of 2015 collection!
Samir Shah
Really cool. Has a kayak like feel to it which I like.
Guy Hamilton
@sshah1983 Glad you like it! Lots of improvements planned so stay tuned!
adam tratt
Great start, Zack. I'd love to be able to filter by network... If that exists, I wasn't able to find it. Would be great to know specifically where (amazon, netflix, comcast, etc.) I can find these films and click through to watch them right from your site.
Zack Kanter
@adamtr Thanks, Adam. You can filter by network...it's directly to the left of the 'Sort' drop-down. You can toggle on/off any service. Lots of people are having a hard time finding this - we're working on a better way to call this out.
Dan Jenkins
Can you give us any information about how you're curating the data; knowing that this data isnt very open... also, is it only for US based netflix/amazon etc? EDIT, I now see the previous question.... which half answers mine
Zack Kanter
@dan_jenkins It's only for US-based content. As far as how we're getting the data...a bunch of different sources. Like you said - most of the data is not very open. This was a hard problem to solve :)
Jack Smith
Looks interesting. could be good if you gave information on what the leanflix score is/how it's calculated. I also found some bugs: if you set the leanflix score to 10/10 it just shows an endless spinning wheel, it's also then impossible to adjust the score downwards. same for year etc. I recorded a screencast for you demonstrating here: http://youtu.be/TEjpS1xpLWg
Zack Kanter
@_jacksmith Jack - thanks for taking the time to point these out. We're working on a fix as we speak and will update you when it's deployed!
David Prati
Very cool (I started creating a similar service 3 years ago http://goo.gl/ucpDYf). But if you want to choose only 1 genre, it's long to unselected every checkboxes of the genre menu ;)
Zack Kanter
@davidprati Very cool! We're working on a fix for the Genres drop-down. Should be live in a day or two!
Aaron McKeehan
Cool, I have been looking for something like this. I will give it a try on our next movie night :)
Piers Rollinson
I needed this last night. Looks great.
I'd love if this had a country filter! Please work in the UK!!!
Romain Eude
@lewii we are doing something that plays along the same line: uk only; mixing live + ondemand; mobile first: Utelly https://goo.gl/gjGxiS
Enrico Foschi
Great work @zackkanter. A bit laggy on an iPhone 6 / Chrome but still, I can afford a few lags thanks to all the time this tool will save me!
Zack Kanter
@enricofoschi thanks! the mobile functionality is still a work in progress :)
AJ Batac
Tried signing in using Twitter but got this error http://imgur.com/a/ZlTAz